Journey to the Heavens from Wudang

Chapter 295 Life and Death Are in My Hands

Chapter 295 Life and Death Are in My Hands

Zhang Yange didn't get angry when he saw the city lord laughing at him like he couldn't eat meat.

"Sorry, I asked a stupid question." Zhang Yange said.

Hearing this, the mayor froze for a moment.

The concubine smiled lightly...

Zhang Yange looked at them with raised eyebrows. For some reason, he felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

So Zhang Yange, who was planning to leave, sat down.

Seeing that Zhang Yange was not leaving, the city lord asked worriedly, "Is there anything else you want to know?"

Zhang Yange shook his head but still had no intention of leaving, which made the city lord even more worried.

The concubine didn't know whether she was attracted by Zhang Yange's appearance, or because she was naturally bold, so she stepped forward and poured Zhang Yange a cup of tea.

"Young master, please drink tea." The woman clasped her hands.

Seeing this scene, the city lord did not intend to stop him.Zhang Yange reached out to catch it, but he didn't intend to drink it.

"Don't you dare to drink, son?"

"Are you aggressive?" Zhang Yange asked back.

The woman giggled, and suddenly a dagger pierced Zhang Yange's heart like the wind.

She drew the knife very quickly, like a breeze.

But Zhang Yange's speed was faster, he stretched out his finger and flicked lightly on the short knife.

With a ding, the short knife broke directly.

City Lord Song obviously didn't expect her concubine to have this ability.

He was still dumbfounded, "Ruyi, you..."

Ruyi ignored him, and said to Zhang Yange with a charming smile, "There are always many meddling people in this world! They all end up with nothing good."

Zhang Yange didn't answer, and drew his sword directly.

He's like a kid who gets a new toy, and he just draws his sword whenever something happens recently.

The sword moves were light and crisp, and Ruyi didn't catch a single move, and the sword held her throat.

"Tell me, who are you?" Zhang Yange asked.

Ruyi smiled, then stepped forward and prepared to beg for death.Zhang Yange withdrew his sword, if he thought that seeking death would fail, he would not take the next step.

"The people here are living a good life. Apart from dying earlier, they have no dissatisfaction." Ruyi said with a smile, "Why do you insist on destroying it?"

"Are you willing to live only to be 40 years old?" Zhang Yange asked the city lord.

"Of course I don't want to." City Lord Song said subconsciously.

"Your grandfather is just a bandit, if it weren't for the guidance of the master, how could you have a good life today.

This is the borderline of recklessness, where human life is the least valuable.You can live to 40 years old safely, what else do you not want! "Ruyi immediately changed her face.

City Lord Song didn't expect that the little concubine who was always obedient to him suddenly changed her face.

"Where is your master?" Zhang Yange asked.

"Guess." Na Ruyi seemed about to swallow something after she finished speaking.

Zhang Yange slapped her stomach.

She spat out a grain of poison...

"I want you to live, but you can't die." Zhang Yange said lightly.

"When the master comes, he will kill you!" Ruyi said viciously.

"Then let him come." Zhang Yange swung his sword lightly.

The whole room was sliced ​​in half by the sword energy, and the cut was extremely smooth.

City Lord Song was so frightened that he trembled, Zhang Yange couldn't help but said, "Aren't you a descendant of the horse thief? You don't look like one at all."

"Hero, I have never been a horse thief." City Lord Song said with a bitter face.

Ruyi looked at the city lord mockingly, without the affection she had just now.

"Master! Naturally, he will come out when it is time to come out." Ruyi smiled.

She glanced at the crying city lord, "Your grandfather is better than you, I'm talking about all aspects."

She laughed as she spoke, "Your father is better than you."

City Lord Song looked at her in horror.

"Don't worry! I'm not your grandma, nor your mother. It's just that the master let me live longer." Ruyi laughed.

"Are you still human?" Zhang Yange asked.

"Yes! But how I wish I wasn't. If I could be the same as the master, that would be great!"

Zhang Yange didn't want to talk nonsense with her anymore.

After a while, Li Yufu suddenly said, "Mr. Zhang, one foot to the southwest of you!"

After talking about Zhang Yange, he mentioned Ruyi and left.

City Lord Song collapsed on the bed, how he wished that everything tonight was just a dream.

On the way, Ruyi wanted to report the news, but Zhang Yange directly lifted her chin.When they reached the location Li Yufu had mentioned, there was only one child there.

He sat cross-legged and was making tea.

Although he looks like a child, his behavior doesn't look like a child at all. On the contrary, he looks like a child, which makes people daunting.

"Sit." He pointed to the futon in front of Zhang Yange.

From the beginning to the end, he didn't look at Ruyi, but Ruyi knelt down on the ground and trembled.

Not out of fear, but out of excitement.

Zhang Yange threw Ruyi aside, and then sat opposite him.

"How to call it?" The child asked first.

"Zhang Yange."

"My name is Hu Baoheng!"

Is there anything to be proud of in this name?
Li Yufu also came to Zhang Yange's side.

The child glanced at Li Yufu, "What do you want?"

"Cut off your connection with the sky." Li Yufu said in a deep voice.

"Do you know what it looked like a hundred years ago?" the child asked.

"Back then there were horse bandits here, how could it be as prosperous as it is now?" He was about to pour a cup of tea for Zhang Yange, but in the end he drank it by himself.

"Please go back, both of you, I don't want to kill anyone today."

"But they died before reaching forty," Zhang Yange said.

"Without this city, they wouldn't even be able to survive forty. The world is not benevolent and treats everything as a straw dog, so the two of you should stop meddling in your own business," Hu Baoheng said.

Li Yufu planned to attack directly.

Hu Baoheng stretched out a hand, and suddenly there was a breeze.

Immediately bound Li Yu's axe, "This little Taoist priest has too much temper, too impatient."

Zhang Yange drew his long sword out of its sheath, he was too lazy to reason with this guy.

These days, people always have a condescending face. In their eyes, the life and death of ordinary people is really not very important to them.

Why can Ruyi live so long.

Why is this Banished Immortal still looking like a child.

Zhang Yange didn't need to ask, he could figure it out with his toes.

"My sword has never been named." Zhang Yange said, "After I kill you today, it will be called Zhuxian Sword."

"Arrogance!" the Banished Immortal roared. "Li Chungang also received my advice back then."

"If Senior Li knows, you are such a thing. I will definitely kill you." After Zhang Yange finished speaking, he sent the long sword forward.

The sword energy is like a dragon...

Hu Baoheng formed a seal with one hand, and there was a strong wind.

This is no ordinary wind!
 First more…

  Thanks to the readers 20191124150133611015796 for the hundred rewards, very grateful.

  My mind was on the child yesterday, and I was very dissatisfied with what I wrote.

  There are two updates today...

  sorry, sorry...

(End of this chapter)

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