But Zhang Yange didn't intend to listen to Sui Xiegu's nonsense.

With a stab of Zhuxian sword, the sword is a dragon and a snake!
Sui Xiegu frowned slightly, how could this sword technique have his own shadow.

He planned to use the famous sword Chunqiu in his hand to directly destroy the Dragon Snake Sword Qi, but Zhang Yange's vast sword Qi made Chunqiu bend like an arc.

Sui Xiegu shook the sword, and the cracking sound rang in his ears.

Zhang Yange was knocked back by the force of this counterattack.

Sword Two!And Tillian!

In Zhang Yange's hands, this sword is balanced between yin and yang, harmoniously blending together!
Sui Xiegu breathed out the sword energy on Chunqiu, and the sword energy on the sword was majestic and terrifying.

He collided with Zhang Yange's Sword Two with a flick of Spring and Autumn Sword Qi.

Zhang Yange retreated seven or eight steps, Sui Xiegu stood on the spot and asked, "Is this my apprentice's swordsmanship?"

"En." Zhang Yange nodded.

After he finished speaking, it was Jian San!Three catties!

But at this time, Zhang Yange's sword is more than three catties!
The sword energy on the sword weighs a thousand catties...

Sui Xiegu was only on the defensive, he really wanted to see how powerful his apprentice blacksmith's Jian Jiu was.

Seeing him take over Jian San, Zhang Yange was not polite.

Sword four to sword eight are completed together!
If it wasn't for Sui Xiegu being a land immortal, Zhang Yange's few sword strikes would have been enough for him to drink a pot.

"Young people nowadays don't respect the old at all." Sui Xiegu's hands trembled slightly.

"Sword Nine! Six thousand miles!"

When this sword was used by Zhang Yange of the Vajra Realm, it was always difficult to show the charm of this sword.

When Xu Fengnian killed Han Shengxuan, he used it once by chance.

But at the Zhixuan Realm, Zhang Yange can reproduce the charm of six thousand miles.

In order for Sui Xiegu to take a good look at this sword.

Zhang Yange instantly raised his sword intent to the extreme.

Sui Xiegu cursed and let out another breath of sword energy.

The sword energy is like a galaxy, heading straight for Sui Xiegu.

Sui Xiegu drew out his sword to resist, but was rushed three feet away by the sword energy.

The old man's legs drew two deep marks on the ground.

After Jian Jiu, Zhang Yange put away his sword and looked at him, if he hit Zhang Yange again, he would throw a punch.

Sui Xiegu chewed Chunqiu into bite-sized bites, "His talent is mediocre, and the old man only taught him a sword back then.

But I don't want the old man to miss it. "

"Old Huang's sword box contains six famous swords." Zhang Yange said. "Are you still fighting?"

"Stop fighting!" Sui Xiegu said angrily. "Young people nowadays don't have a good thing!"

Zhang Yange actually wanted to punch the old man twice.

Although Sui Xiegu was bluffing, he didn't even intend to kill.Saying that he was blocking the way to prevent him from going to the capital, it was more like measuring the level of Li Chungang's most proud junior.

"Do you drink rice wine?" Zhang Yange asked.

Sui Xiegu took the wine jar and ate the sword while drinking.

"You are not bad, Li Chungang is not blind." Sui Xiegu said with a smile, "Although Huang Sanjia didn't say anything, he is still very afraid of you when he speaks.

I was curious at the time, what kind of character it was.

It can make Li Chungang appreciate it, and make Huanglongshi jealous.

It's not bad to see it today. "

Sui Xiegu didn't intend to give Zhang Yange a sip of rice wine.

"You made the wooden sword of the knight-errant?" Sui Xiegu drank a big gulp of rice wine, and he had already finished the Chunqiu handle.

"En." Zhang Yange nodded.He sat not far from Sui Xiegu. "Wen Hua learned two swords?"

"That kid's talent is so-so, he's not as good as you." Sui Xiegu also felt a headache when he mentioned Wen Hua.

That kid was really shameless to the extreme, in the beginning he really did everything he could to teach him more swordsmanship.

I don't know what was going on afterwards, I was in a good mood and wanted to teach him another sword, but that guy was unwilling to learn again.

When Wen Hua was mentioned, Zhang Yange couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

Every time I can think of his critical attack on Xuanyuan Qingfeng.

"That kid always mentions you, and Huang Sanjia also said that Li Chungang valued you very much, so I wanted to take this opportunity to come and have a look." Sui Xiegu poured the last bit of rice wine into his stomach.

"Senior did not complete the agreement with Huang Sanjia..." Zhang Yange asked with a frown.

"Your boy is more conscientious than that Wen Hua. The old man is only here to meet you, so he didn't ask for Huang Sanjia's reward at all." Sui Xiegu laughed.

Zhang Yange smiled at him when he heard this.

"You are very pleasing to the eye, but you have learned Li Chungang's two-sleeved green snake, and I will not teach you my swordsmanship."

Zhang Yange nodded calmly, as if he didn't feel sorry at all.

"You kid, don't you feel that you have missed an opportunity?" Sui Xiegu was dissatisfied with Zhang Yange's attitude.

"I think." Zhang Yange said this more as if to appease the old man.

Sui Xiegu was about to leave angrily, Zhang Yange suddenly asked, "Senior, what kind of person is Huang Sanjia?"

"Zhi Duo is similar to a demon!" Sui Xiegu said seriously, "He even guessed that you would ask such a question.

Seeing that you are pleasing to the eye, I will give you a piece of advice, it is best not to go to Tai'an City.I just realized now that Sanjia Huang asked me to stop you, even just to let me tell you this sentence. "

"Thank you, senior." Zhang Yange clasped his fists seriously.

"You don't really want to go to the capital, do you?"

"I have a reason to go." Zhang Yange said seriously.

"What are you going to do?" Sui Xiegu looked at the murderous Zhang Yange, "You're not going to kill Huang Longshi, are you?"

He looked into Zhang Yange's calm eyes, "Crazy! You know that Huang Sanjia, Xu Xiao, and Han Shengxuan are also known as the Three Great Devils of the Spring and Autumn Period.

The human cat seems to have died in your hands...

Boy, but what is scary about Huang Longshi is not his strength, but his brain! "

"Thank you senior for your concern."

"I care what you do." Sui Xiegu got up and patted his butt. "If you want to die, go!"

Sui Xiegu suddenly realized, "Is it because of Wen Hua?"

Zhang Yange finally said, "As long as he doesn't use my friend to test another friend, we won't bother him."

"That bastard Wen Hua is dead, and there will be fewer disasters if he dies." Sui Xiegu said from the bottom of his heart.

Zhang Yange...

After leaving these words, Sui Xiegu turned and left, leaving only Zhang Yange and an empty jar.

Seeing that it was completely dark, Zhang Yange lit a bonfire.There were a few pieces of dried meat roasted, dry food, and pickles that Chen Yu had pickled for him.

After making do with one night at the foot of Mount Qingcheng, Zhang Yange set out on his way the next day.

Zhang Yange basically didn't stop along the way, and he slowed down when he approached Tai'an City.

Xu Fengnian had someone tell Zhang Yange that Wen Hua had already arrived in the capital, and the first thing he wanted to challenge was Baijiang Mountain in Dongyue Jianchi.

Zhang Yange heard Song Nianqing mention this junior, Wen Hua was [-]% not Bai Jiangshan's opponent.

It should be said that before he fully comprehended the intent of the two swords, he could only be overwhelmed.

When the time comes, Xu Fengnian will ask Bai Jiangshan to speak to Wen Hua, so as not to attract Huang Sanjia's attention.

In fact, Huang Sanjia's plan is very simple, let the poor boy Wen Hua have what he dreamed of, and then force him to make a choice.

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Thanks to the book friend 20221225120813306 for the reward, very grateful!

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