Journey to the Heavens from Wudang

Chapter 321 Change 1 Batch!

Chapter 321 Change batch!
Yuan Tingshan!
This man with eyes like a hyena!

His knife has always been fast, now even faster than before.

Killing Xu Fengnian at this time would not bring him any benefit, and would even cause a lot of trouble, but he had a reason to kill Xu Fengnian.

Back then, he had assassinated Xu Zhihu, but he survived Hong Xixiang's hand by a strange coincidence.

But he knew that Xu Fengnian would kill him sooner or later, since he knew that one day, he would kill Xu Fengnian first!

It would be very troublesome to kill Xu Fengnian now, but Xu Xiao might not live long, wait for Xu Xiao to die!
At that time, the royal family of Liyang would probably remember their favor as an adult.

So his knife is very decisive!
Suddenly, he didn't know where the knife came from, and it collided with Yuan Tingshan's knife.

The friction between the two knives produced dazzling sparks.

Wen Hua, who was about to block Xu Fengnian with his body, breathed a sigh of relief.

"How can a Liu Hao master make you two like this." Zhang Yange threw Yuan Benxi's head to Xu Fengnian.

"This old thief is dead!" Xu Fengnian crushed Yuan Benxi's head.

Zhang Yange shook his head helplessly.

According to Yuan Tingshan's temperament, he should run away when he sees Zhang Yange, but this time he has no intention of leaving, and Zhang Yange will not let him run away no matter what!
After surviving from Hong Xixiang last time, Yuan Tingshan's saber technique has made great strides forward.

Yuan Tingshan, who has taken refuge in Gu Jiantang today, has a sword and a backer, so he has nothing to fear!

Yuan Tingshan turned to hold the saber in both hands, his eyes were red, he shouted angrily, and slashed at Zhang Yange!

Yuan Tingshan slashed down with a knife, and it was as wonderful as it could be!
Zhang Yange casually swiped the Beiliang saber!
The ground at the foot of Yuan Ting Mountain was cracked, flying stones splashed everywhere, and the sound pierced the eardrums. The mad dog swallowed the blood in its mouth, and struck Zhang Yange again!

At this time, Zhang Yange's saber technique has already reached another level after Qi Lianhua's regularization.

It seems that each knife is ordinary, but only Yuan Tingshan understands the horror of each knife.

Zhang Yange slashed out!

The move of breaking Yuan Tingshan directly blasted him into the thick palace wall.

At this time, Yuan Tingshan was dying.

Zhang Yange stretched out the North Liang knife!

"Keep people under the sword!" Gu Jiantang's voice came together with a sword light.

Zhang Yan's knife flashed, and Yuan Tingshan's head fell directly to the ground.He used the golden light on his body to directly catch Gu Jiantang's sword light.

"Gu Jiantang?" Zhang Yange shook off the blood on the knife.

Gu Jiantang's murderous aura is chilling!
"Gu Shangshu, tell me what is the crime of assassinating the vassal king?" Xu Fengnian looked a lot better now.

He recovered faster than Wen Hua.

"I'm afraid Mr. Zhang knows better about this kind of thing." Gu Jiantang said sarcastically.

He glanced at Master Liu Hao's body, and there was a bloody head.

In the end, they still picked up Yuan Tingshan's body and recovered his body.

Xu Fengnian glared at Gu Jiantang, "Don't interrupt, assassinating a vassal king is a serious crime against the nine clans!"

Gu Jiantang also lazily talked nonsense with Xu Fengnian, and said to Zhang Yange, "I, Gu Jiantang, won't let this matter go like this!"

"I have a knife and a sword! Wait for Gu Shangshu!" Zhang Yange patted the sword.

After Zhang Yange finished speaking, he picked up Wen Hua, while Xu Fengnian leaned on the knife.

Xu Fengnian glanced at Jiang Ni, and left with the two of them.

Gu Jiantang didn't pay any attention to the three of them, but looked up at Cao Changqing and Yujian woman above Zhengnan City.

Regarding the matter of Western Chu going to Beijing to observe the ceremony, the center of the imperial court had already expected it, and Wu Jian from Jianzhong also came out of the mountain because of this.The eighteen gates on the central axis are dominated by Wu Jian, the great master of swordsmanship, and there are no less than six or seven top masters who have lived in the deep pool of the capital for a long time.

Some time ago, Gu Jiantang recommended himself to guard a gate for the imperial court to stop that Cao Qingyi, but was rejected by Zhao Dun.

It can be said that Cao Changqing's appearance was no surprise to Gu Jiantang and his group. As long as Xichu still wants to restore the country, today is undoubtedly the best opportunity to show up.

However, Gu Jiantang, as a general who has been in charge of the Ministry of War for nearly 20 years, is not optimistic about the restoration of the Western Chu Kingdom at all, and may even become a wonderful entry point for Zhang Julu to vent the undercurrent.

The purple bearded and blue-eyed son governed Liyang and rectified the government. The resistance he encountered was unimaginable from the outside world. He seemed to be relying on His Majesty's trust, and his momentum was like a rainbow, but what happened inside, and when did he rebound violently? Even Gu Jiantang didn't dare imagine.

Isn't this watching ceremony a kind of tacit understanding that is not humane?

Cao Changqing was conceited in the methods of Confucian saints. If Tai'an City dared to tear up their face and really insisted on keeping Cao Changqing and Jiang Ni behind, then Cao Changqing would certainly dare to fight to the death.

Letting the subjugated princess leave with the sword, and using Cao Changqing's saintly life in exchange for the capital to be crowned king became a tragedy in which hundreds of officials were killed and injured.

If the emperor really wanted to keep Cao Changqing from entering Tai'an City, he could have allowed Gu Jiantang Pei Nanhua, Chen Zhibao to bring plum wine, the ancestor of Jianzhong and Liu Haoshi to divide the towns into Sifang City Gate, each with their elite forces. Cao Changqing, you only need to hold off for half a stick of incense, and the other three can bring people to intercept the siege immediately.

But to Gu Jiantang's surprise, the emperor, Zhang Julu, and the tongue-breaking counselor who had never been out of Tai'an City all his life, did not have such a conservative layout, and Cao Changqing still made a big move to the top of the city, proclaiming to the world that Western Chu will restore the country!

What Gu Jiantang didn't know was that the bloody head on the ground belonged to Yuan Benxi, the tongue-breaking counselor.

Emperor Liyang took a step forward and said loudly, "I hope that in my lifetime, I can play chess with Mr. Cao peacefully in this palace city of Tai'an."

Cao Changqing smiled and said nothing.

Jiang Ni Yujian left the city ten feet away, causing the civil servants and generals in the square to tremble again.She twitched the corners of her mouth, and the Great Liang sparrow disappeared into the sky.

Cao Changqing then turned around and plundered away.

The emperor asked the internal officer to take the seal of Song Tanglu on the stage, and said softly, "Xu Fengnian, the eldest son of Northern Liang, is allowed to retire from the court. When he leaves the city, he does not need to report to the court."

At this time, Xu Fengnian and the others had already gone far away.

"Killing Yuan Benxi, Yan Geyou is really too powerful!" Xu Fengnian laughed.

Now that Cao Changqing announced the restoration of Western Chu, the pressure on Beiliang would be much less.

As long as Xu Fengnian doesn't rebel with him, Zhao Dun will turn a blind eye to whatever he does now.

These three people made such a big commotion in Tai'an City that they even rested in the city for a day.

The three of them went to Goulan together. This was the first time for Zhang Yange to see these female Bodhisattvas who save all living beings.

Xu Fengnian is a veteran of this brothel, but Zhang Yange and Wen Hua really find everything new.

"Take it away if you like it, brother pays for it!" Xu Fengnian laughed loudly.

After a while Li Baishi came in with two other women.

"Change the batch!" Zhang Yange and Wen Hua said in unison.

Li Baishi...

 Second more…

(End of this chapter)

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