Chapter 324
"It is said that Mr. Xiao Zhang has the three skills of sword, sword and boxing, and he is the most chivalrous when walking in the rivers and lakes." An old man compared his holding a paper fan to a sword.

Everyone in the hall applauded.

Zhang Yange listened and laughed while eating noodles.

The old man's story has nothing to do with him except for the four characters of Mr. Zhang that are related to him.

What is it to defeat the eight bandits with one sword, fight against the eight evil spirits with two fists, and shock Liaodong with three swords...

Zhang Yange had never done any of these things.

And the old man Zhang Yange used to be probably didn't know, even if he knew, he probably wouldn't dare to say it, because if he said it, his family might be in trouble.

Zhang Yange was eating noodles when a person sat down opposite.

Zhang Yange looked up and said, "Aren't you domineering in Beimang? Why did you come to Liyang?"

Luoyang looked up and down.

"You are stronger than last time we met."

"How long has it been? If there is no change in me, it can only mean that I have regressed." Zhang Yange ate the remaining noodles in a few mouthfuls.

"Do you know that Tuoba Bodhisattva put down his words and wanted to kill you?" Luoyang poured himself a cup of tea.

Zhang Yange put down the bowl and picked up a teacup.

Luo Yang glared at him, and finally poured him a glass too.

"Why is he bothering me when he has nothing to do?" Zhang Yange asked puzzled.

Luo Yang pointed to the sky, Zhang Yange didn't say anything more.In the original book, Tuoba Bodhisattva received the celestial physique gifted by heaven and man, and fought against Xu Fengnian!
"I see." Zhang Yange said indifferently, "I've been really busy recently."

"I know that Tuoba Bodhisattva has an ascending divine weapon that is about to be born. This guy seems to have been instructed by the heavenly beings. I originally planned to destroy it for him, but now it seems that it is not easy." And metaphor.

There is indeed this passage in the original book, but now that Tuoba Bodhisattva has received the guidance of the immortal, if it has been guarding it all the time, Luoyang is really not easy to destroy.

Since Tuoba Bodhisattva is willing to be a dog for heaven and man, he must be beaten!Even if he can't beat him now, it would be a good choice to destroy his Ascension Weapon.

"How?" Looking at Zhang Yange's appearance, Luo Yang knew that he had made a choice.

Zhang Yange said, "Fuck him!"

"After you have fought Gu Jiantang, come directly to Beimang to find me." Luo Yang stood up after speaking.

"Are you not afraid that I will lose to Gu Jiantang?" Zhang Yange couldn't help asking.

"Gu Jiantang's sword skills are very powerful, but that person is too smart! A swordsman who is too smart will dull his sword." After saying this, she left immediately.

Before leaving, he threw a handful of silver at the old storyteller.

The old man thought it was Zhang Yange who gave it to him, but when he saw that he was also a knife and a sword, he felt that he was another ranger who imitated Mr. Xiao Zhang.

In the past, a ranger with a sword could roam the rivers and lakes.

Ever since Zhang Yange became famous, a ranger must not only have a sword, but also a knife when traveling!

After Zhang Yange paid some money, he also left.

Taking a look at the money Luoyang threw, I felt that this bitch was really a prodigal.

Fortunately, Xu Fengnian is rich enough for her to lose, but I don't know if he can bear it physically.

After entering Liaodong, what was in front of us was another scene.

The folk customs here are tough, and Xu Xiao's ancestors were from Liaodong.

Gu Jiantang originally wanted to weigh Xu Feng well when he came to Liaodong to worship his ancestors, but in the end he left this opportunity to Zhang Yange.

"Bastard!" a man in official uniform yelled.

Seeing that his official uniform was covered with mud stains, Zhang Yange stopped curiously.

"Hurry up and rescue him." He said to several yamen servants.

But the four yamen servants seemed very hesitant.

"My lord, this sacrifice to the river god has been going on for decades, and the quicksand villagers are so tough, it's useless for us to go."

"Fart! Then watch a woman die in the river! Although this county has been in office for less than a month, but from now on under my rule, no such prostitution is allowed!" The county magistrate angrily yelled at them.

The four yamen servants bowed their heads and remained silent.

After the second-ranked county magistrate took office, instead of paying homage to the famous families in the county, he took the four of them on a walk through the county from beginning to end.

Along the way, the county magistrate ate and lived with them in casual clothes, so they didn't dare to be too extravagant, and suffered too much along the way.

Today he heard that Liusha village would use young girls to sacrifice to the river god, so he changed into an official uniform to save people.

But after he took office, he never visited the Tong family in Liusha Village, so they probably wouldn't give him face.

Zhang Yange felt that saving people was the most important thing, so he used his body skills and headed towards the river.

This quicksand river looks very steep.

The river is full of waves.

At this time, there were many people around the river, Master Tong looked at the girl tied to the carrier expressionlessly.

Originally, he planned to let this girl be his concubine, but the girl's family disagreed.

It was their blessing to be his concubine, and since they didn't care about blessings, they could only let them know who had the final say in Liusha Town.

The girl became the sacrifice of this sacrifice.

Every year to offer sacrifices to Lord River God, their Tong family has always had the final say on which sacrifice to use.

Master Tong clapped his hands, and many witches appeared.

They danced with ghost masks on, and everyone looked at them reverently.

The girl's parents were also among them.

"Save my daughter." The woman said to her husband.

"It can't be saved, it's her life!" the husband said in despair.

Because the husband really saw the river god
There really is a god in this river!
The girl was tied to a high platform, and Zhang Yange stood not far away.

Now that he has arrived, the girl will not die.

But he wanted to figure it out and settle it once and for all.

After a while, the county magistrate also arrived panting.

"My official is the county magistrate of Qinghe."

Hearing the county magistrate came, the sorceress paused, and Master Tong said coldly, "If the sacrifice is stopped, the river god will be angry, who will take care of you!"

The woman knelt down and cried, "Master Qingtian, save my daughter."

"Put her down!" the magistrate shouted loudly.

But his roar could not wake the devout ones.

Amidst the magistrate's roar and the women's cries!
The people pushed the high platform with the woman tied up into the river.

Zhang Yange was like a swimming dragon, and directly rescued the girl.

He stood on the raging river and looked at those people coldly.

Master Tong said coldly, "You have angered the River God..."

"I'm much stronger than your river god!" Zhang Yange stretched out his hand and grabbed it.

Master Tong was in his hands.

"Help me send a message to your river god, tell him to roll up and die!" Zhang Yange said and threw Master Tong into the river.

The county magistrate enjoyed watching it, and the Tong family didn't dare to do anything to Zhang Yange after seeing this.

As for Zhang Yange's two slaps just now, Lord River God probably wouldn't know.

"Didn't I say that! This kind of obscenity is forbidden under my rule!" At this time the county magistrate spoke, and everyone knelt down and listened.

 First more…

  It's a bit late today, I haven't been back to my hometown for four years, and I plan to go back this year!
(End of this chapter)

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