Journey to the Heavens from Wudang

Chapter 328 Pretend to be drunk!

Chapter 328 Pretend to be drunk!

The sword is romantic in the rivers and lakes, and the knife is full of blood in the battlefield.

This may be the true cognition in the heart of General Gu Jiantang.

After another three blows, General Gu stopped.

Zhang Yange stood in some embarrassment, but Gu Jiantang's knife did not hurt him.

Gu Jiantang could indeed make a few more blows, but if he really beat Zhang Yange with more than a dozen blows, where would he put his old face?
"Your Diamond Realm is indeed the strongest in the world." Gu Jiantang said sincerely, "Come on, let me see your saber!"

Zhang Yange felt that it would be no problem for him to suffer five or six knives again, but General Gu seemed not interested in cutting himself any more.

Zhang Yange drew out the Beiliang knife from his waist.

"Is this Xu Xiao's handle?" Gu Jiantang asked.

"Yes." Zhang Yange nodded.

"His knife is just an ordinary knife, not good for you! My Nanhua is more suitable for you." I don't know what kind of intention Gu Jiantang had for saying this.

"I use this knife very easily." Zhang Yange seemed not to understand.

Gu Jiantang stopped talking nonsense, "Come on! Show me your saber! Don't just talk big, but your saber skills are very ordinary!"

His voice just fell off.

Zhang Yange's sword spewed out.

Gu Jiantang was slightly surprised by the pitch-black blade glow.

"You have learned Li Chungang's two-sleeved green snake thoroughly, but a knife is different from a sword!"

"It's really different." After Zhang Yange finished speaking, he immediately drew his knife.

Zhang Yange's saber technique has always followed a simple and direct path.

From the first time he killed someone with a short knife, Zhang Yange felt that killing someone with a knife was really easy.

In Yitian World, apart from the Five Tigers Broken Door Knife, Zhang Yange didn't dabble in many other saber techniques.

In Fengyun World, it can be regarded as the real beginning of sword practice.

In the snow, he fused the saber techniques of the three worlds into one furnace, created the eight saber techniques, and Zhang Yange embarked on the smooth path of the saber art.

Later, Qi Lianhua taught him how to practice calligraphy, which raised Zhang Yange's saber technique to an extremely high level.

But he didn't use the saber very much. Facing Gu Jiantang today, Zhang Yange really wanted him to show him his saber skills.

Sweep the North Liang knife!
Zhang Yange's sword light seemed to cut open the world, Nanhua's sword swung across, Gu Jiantang was swept away by Zhang Yange, and directly pushed out a step.

Then chop!

Chopping and sweeping are the two most commonly used moves in knife techniques.

But Zhang Yange's two moves were like brush strokes.

His knife skills are simply art.

But the art of killing.

Gu Jiantang's hand fell with a knife, and a thunderbolt fell.

This blocked Zhang Yange's attack!

The sound gallops to shock the White Emperor, and the cold glow weeps ghosts and gods!
"You have condensed the world's sword skills into eight moves?" Gu Jiantang exclaimed.

"I always think it's easy to kill with a knife, and you don't need so many bells and whistles." Zhang Yange replied seriously.

"Hahaha, you also think it's fancy to use a sword?"

"I didn't say that." Zhang Yange said angrily.This guy always likes yin people, if Zhang Yange dares to talk about using swords in a flashy manner, then Li Jianshen will definitely come to trouble him.

Zhang Yange didn't speak anymore, the remaining six moves.

All in one go!
Zhang Yange threw out the saber without any scruples, making Gu Jiantang somewhat flustered.

The last eight strokes are exhausted.

The saber energy in a radius of more than ten miles has not dissipated for a long time.

The nearby buildings had all been chipped in half, the cuts smooth and neat.

"Stop fighting!" Gu Jiantang said angrily.

Zhang Yange, on the other hand, withdrew his sword with some unsatisfactory intentions. "I'm not going to fight anymore?"

"Aren't you just eight knives? I've read all of them, so what's the point!" Gu Jiantang put Nan Hua back into her sheath. "You really don't intend to take my Nanhua? Is Xu Xiao's knife just that good!"

Zhang Yange shook his head, "Brother Xu's gift of the knife will never be forgotten."

After Gu Jiantang understood this, he felt even more unhappy.

He waved his hand, "Leave quickly if you have nothing to do."

Zhang Yange looked at Gu Jiantang amusedly, this general who later sold Li Yang to Xu Fengnian for a bowl of dumplings, was too clever.

Such a person can accomplish things, but not great things!
Zhang Yange really turned around and was about to leave.

"Wait!" Gu Jiantang finally couldn't help but speak, he really cherishes his talents. "You came to Liangliao, if you just leave like this, others will inevitably say that I, Gu Jiantang, are petty!
Please have a drink before leaving, don't refuse!Just for the sake of being swordsmen. "

Seeing that he had said this, Zhang Yange did not refuse.

This villa was already destroyed, Gu Jiantang took Zhang Yange to another house.Anyway, these guys are really rich and prosperous, well-clothed and well-fed.

There are quite a few servants in this house, seeing Gu Jiantang coming, they prepared food and drinks in a short while.

The wine is rice wine!

But the color of this rice wine is translucent, like gold.

Zhang Yange only drank this kind of drink in Beiliang.

He can't taste good or bad when he drinks, drink!
Drinking more is a mood.

"Come and sit." Gu Jiantang pointed to the seat and said.

Zhang Yange naturally wouldn't be polite to him, the two of them chatted while eating.

"I saw the shadow of Qi Lianhua in your sword technique, is that old guy still alive?" Gu Jiantang asked after taking a sip of wine.

The rice wine entered his throat, but he still frowned.

He really didn't like this soft drink, so the servant who served him immediately changed Gu Jiantang to a strong drink.

"Knife burning! Take a sip to warm your body, this is the wine that men drink." Gu Jiantang said to Zhang Yange.

"Whether a man is a man or not is not judged by what kind of wine he drinks." Zhang Yange said after eating wild game.

Gu Jiantang really felt that he was not compatible with this guy.

"You haven't met Jiang Fuding?" Gu Jiantang calmed down and said.

"Yes." Zhang Yange replied after a pause.

"I wanted that guy to cause you some trouble, but he didn't even fart." Gu Jiantang scolded dissatisfied.

He put down his wine glass and glanced at Zhang Yange, and said helplessly, "But I also understand him, it's really hard for people to hate a guy like you."

Zhang Yange ate the food indifferently, and Gu Jiantang talked about the knife technique again.It was only after this Yan Ge came to his senses that the two of them chatted until the middle of the night.

Gu Jiantang was drunk, Zhang Yange settled down and turned around to leave.After Zhang Yange left, Gu Jiantang got up like a normal person.

He asked the housekeeper who was serving him, "Do you think this Yange shows that I'm pretending to be drunk?"

"I didn't even see it, and that Mr. Zhang probably didn't see it either." The housekeeper said.

"That's good, then Zhang Yange should remember me well." Gu Jiantang said with a big smile.

From the very beginning, Zhang Yange knew that Gu Jiantang was pretending to be drunk.

Because according to his drinking capacity, how could Gu Jiantang's battle-tested killer get drunk so easily.

But they sold it on purpose, so Zhang Yange took it.

The big deal is to save him some face next time.

 First more…

  Thanks to the book friend 20200318133623501 for the reward, very grateful!

  After buying the ticket, I really feel like returning home!
(End of this chapter)

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