Chapter 573 Battle!

After receiving the news of Nanny Huang's death, Yellow Crane Tower hurried back to the mansion.

He told his grandfather the news he had received, and Huang Dazhong murmured to himself after hearing it, "Although Nanny Huang is surnamed Huang, she is actually a member of the Danding Sword Sect.

That guy killed Huang Momo at this time, I really don't know if he is crazy, or too crazy?

How are the preparations for the Immortal Killing Formation going? "

"We set the place in Kucheng!" Huang Xiaoshen said.

"Sun Moon Sword Sect shouldn't have any extra problems." Huang Dazhong said. "Red Fire Immortal is too scheming, if we tell him about this, maybe he will tell Zhang Yange and sell him a favor!
Wait until we kill Zhang Yange! "

"Yes!" Huang Xiaoshen bowed and saluted.

Bitter City!

It got its name because of the harsh climate.

The people in Kucheng are indeed living a very hard life, and the land is barren.The Ming Dynasty directly exempted the people here from taxes, but the Huang family did not!
The people here can only keep enough rations for food and clothing, and the rest must be handed over to the Huang family!
Now they have to sacrifice their lives. As for whether they are willing or not, it doesn't matter to the Huang family at all.

The Eternal Immortal Killing Formation was arranged by the ancestor of the Huang family himself, and now it is complete as long as Zhang Yange is led to the city of bitterness.

As for the way to lure Zhang Yange away, it was very simple.

After Zhang Yange beheaded Nanny Huang in the street, the disciples of the Danding Sword Sect naturally refused to accept it.

They are here to attend the birthday banquet of the ancestors of the Huang family, if they ignore this matter, it will naturally damage the reputation of their Danding Sword Sect.

When they learned that these disciples were going to challenge Zhang Yange, the Danding Sword Sect directly sent someone to take them back.

An elder of the Danding Sword Sect also told Zhang Yange that the Danding Sword Sect did not want to fight against Zhang Yange.

"The guys from the Danding Sword Sect, did they lose their courage in alchemy?" Huang Xiaoshen asked with hatred.

Huang Xiaoxian wanted to speak, but the Danding Sword Sect bowed their heads, could their Huang family also bow their heads.

"Just right! Danding Jianzong bowed his head. If we kill Zhang Yange, it will just boost our Huang family's prestige!" Huang Dazhong laughed. "Furthermore, once the Immortal Killing Formation is set up, the ants there won't be able to survive even if they don't mobilize it."

"Then I'll go and invite Zhang Yange to Kucheng." Yellow Crane Tower said, "It's reasonable for me to fight him!"

"Okay!" Huang Dazhong nodded.

The members of the Danding Sword Sect left without attending the birthday of the ancestor of the Huang family. Apart from the Yellow Crane Tower imprisoning their wives, another reason was that the Huang family wanted to instigate these disciples to trouble Zhang Yange.

Elder Sandan looked at the unconvinced disciples behind him, and reprimanded, "You alchemy masters are so stupid that you have no brains, and you were almost used as swordsmen by the Huang family, and you all still don't understand!"

"We know that the Huang family really has bad intentions," said one of the disciples. "But that Zhang Yange killed Huang Momo after all..."

"Then Nanny Huang followed Song Yu and married into the Huang family, so she is now part of the Huang family." Elder Sandan said. "What's more, the Huang family has imprisoned Song Yu this time, and the law enforcement elders may want to have an explanation with the Huang family.

When the time comes, there will be plenty of troubles, so don't add to the troubles.

Hey, these mundane things are not as simple as alchemy. "

"You go to the small alchemy world to make alchemy for 50 years, and come back when you have exhausted your temper." Elder Sandan said to them.

Xiaodanjie is a cave opened by Danding Jianzong.

"Yes!" The disciples dared not refuse.

This time the royal family came to Song Sui. He is Song Chong's younger brother, a five-level supernatural monk. It can be seen that the royal family is very respectful to the Huang family.

"What Huang Xiaoyong... No, he is called Yellow Crane Tower now, and he wants to challenge Zhang Yange? That Zhang Yange is the one who killed the Heaven-Hating Patriarch." Song Sui couldn't help but say.

"If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!" A man dressed as a scribe said.

"Then let the Huang family kick that iron plate." Song Sui said amusedly, "I really want to see the Huang family's head bleeding."

"The ancestor of the Huang family probably has at least the fourth level of longevity. If Zhang Yange can kill the ancestor of Hentian, he might not be the opponent of the ancestor of the Huang family?" The scribe thought for a while and said.

"Fourth level? Brother suspects that the old immortal is already at the fifth level of longevity." Song Sui said with a sigh. "If you really reach the Fifth Level of Longevity, that Xiongzhou might not be able to satisfy the appetite of the Huang family."

Hearing this, the scribe also had a sad face.

"But I always think that Zhang Yange will give us a surprise." Song Sui said with a smile, "I have always looked down on those juniors in my family, who made the world a mess.

But I'm too lazy to take care of it, and of course I don't have the ability to take care of it, and my eldest brother's mind is all about cultivation.

As a result, Song Ba was killed by Zhang Yange, and now you look at it, the weather in my Ming Dynasty is much clearer. "

The scribe laughed dryly.

Song Sui went on to say, "If that Zhang Yange can make the Huang family calm down a bit, I'll buy him a drink then!"

After Zhang Yange got the gauntlet, he read it carefully.

It was the first time he had received such a thing.

"This Yellow Crane Tower has a bit of courage." Huang Qing said after reading the war letter.

It was written in the war book that because Zhang Yange killed his two sons, he wanted to avenge his sons, so he made an agreement with Zhang Yange to fight in Bitter City.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple." Zhang Yange thought for a while and said, "If he wanted revenge, he should have come here long ago. I killed one of their immortal secret realms. This guy's strength seems to be in the magical secret realm.

Didn't he die on purpose?You also saw his two sons, do you think this Yellow Crane Tower will be a loving father? "

"That's right." Huang Qing's experience in the world is still too little. "Then shall we still go?"

"Of course." Zhang Yange nodded.

So Zhang Yange arrived in Kucheng at the appointed time.

Seeing those people in the city, Zhang Yange frowned slightly.The people here are all dressed in rags, it is not an exaggeration to say that they are beggars.

"Fight here?" Zhang Yange asked.

At this time, the Yellow Crane Tower has arrived.

He saw Zhang Yange with his own eyes, and saw the man who made him lose his position as the head of the fifth family.

He thought he would hate Zhang Yange very much, but after seeing Zhang Yange, he was overwhelmed by Zhang Yange's demeanor, but he quickly dispelled this feeling.

"Hit here!"

Zhang Yange curled his lips, these guys obviously didn't treat the people below as adults!

"Alright." Zhang Yange raised his eyebrows.

With a wave of his hand, he sent Huang Qing into the White Tiger Picture.

Fat Tiger said to Zhang Yange in the white tiger picture, "Master, I think something is wrong here! Someone must have set up a big formation, but I didn't see what kind of formation."

"It's the Eternal Killing Immortal Formation! Master!" Jin Long said.

Jinlong has been relying on the white tiger picture, and the two spirits get along well.

"How do you know?" Fat Tiger couldn't help asking.

"I heard the old ancestor Hentian said it." Jin Long said hastily.

The white tiger picture is the Taoist weapon before the Lord of the Sun and Moon ascended. This formation was created in the past hundred years, so Fat Tiger has never seen it before.

 First more…

  The first two updates in the past few days.My grandma has been in poor health for the past few days. Last night my dad called and asked me to go back. Although he didn't say it clearly, he wanted me to see my grandma for the last time.

  I didn't sleep all night last night, and I have to go back early tomorrow morning.

  heart is messed up...

(End of this chapter)

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