Zhang Yange shook his head with a smile, "I just want to visit Bai Lin."

Naturally, he wouldn't tell these guys that he wanted to go to Bailin Center to have a look, otherwise he would be treated as a lunatic by them.

Because in their view, Zhang Yange and they are both in the realm of physical bodies.

"The Bailin in this season is the most beautiful, especially after it has snowed! The whole forest is completely white." Liu Ye said with a smile.

He was the most enthusiastic among this group of people. Hearing that Zhang Yange had never been to Bai Lin, he invited him.He said it was good to have someone to take care of him on the way, but in fact he still wanted to take care of Zhang Yange.

In the evening Liu Ye hunted a few snow deer, the meat of which was very tasty.Zhang Yange felt that he should do something, so he asked for the job of peeling and roasting the meat.

"Mr. Zhang, you are very good at barbecue."

In less than a stick of incense, the surrounding area is full of meaty fragrance.

"The main reason is that you brought enough spices." Zhang Yange said and sprinkled another handful of spices.

"These things can be seen everywhere in Bailin." Liu Ye said with a smile. "These things are valuable to ordinary people, but they are of little use to us.

What are useful to us are those elixir herbs. "

After a while, everyone was eating venison, and after a while, it began to snow.

"Mr. Zhang, have you brought your leather jacket?"

"I'm not afraid of the cold." Zhang Yange said with a smile.

Liu Ye was still a little worried, Zhang Yange said with a smile, "I'm really fine."

The snow fell more and more, and everyone hid in the tent.

A martial artist with a fifth-layer physical body can basically avoid cold and heat.

But the snowstorm in Bai Lin was extremely terrifying.

A martial artist in the physical state is powerless to stop them without wearing a leather jacket.

The snow is getting bigger and bigger, and the night is getting deeper and deeper.

All wrapped in leather jackets, sitting by the campfire.

Zhang Yange closed his eyes and rested his mind. One of them asked, "Yezi, your grandfather is a Taoist priest. You don't need to meet a Taoist priest to be so enthusiastic."

They didn't care whether Zhang Yange was really asleep or not.

Liu Ye glared at them. He was an orphan adopted by his grandfather.The old man who adopted him was a Taoist priest, and his abilities were taught by the old Taoist priest.

Now the old Taoist is seriously ill and needs a limonium to heal him. He entered Bailin this time to find the limonium.

Liu Ye didn't bother to say anything to them, for some reason he felt that being next to Zhang Yange didn't seem so cold.

Zhang Yange bid farewell to them the next day.

Liu Ye carefully explained to him the taboos in Bai Linzhong.

"By the way, what kind of blood-blood herb are you looking for? If I find it, I'll pick it for you." Zhang Yange said with a smile.

"Mr. Zhang, the blood-blood herb is worth a lot! It's worth at least five high-grade spirit stones!" The man who mocked Liu Ye last night said again.

"Good intentions should always be rewarded." Zhang Yange looked at him and said.

The man wanted to mock at first, but after seeing Zhang Yange's eyes, he was too frightened to speak.

When he was stared at by Zhang Yange at that moment, he felt as if he saw the gods in the temple!

Liu Ye described the appearance of Limonium to Zhang Yange.

"I'm waiting for Limonium to save my grandfather. If you find me, I only have three..."

"That's all for later, what if I can't find it?" Zhang Yange said with a smile.

Liu Ye showed a smile on his face, "If Mr. Zhang gets lost, don't rush to walk in the direction of the sun."

Zhang Yange nodded amusedly, patted Liu Ye and turned to leave.

When Zhang Yange left, the young man who was too frightened to speak said, "Yezi, that person is a liar at first glance! Why are you talking nonsense with him!"

Liu Ye was too lazy to argue with him.

"Qin Lin, what are you looking for this time?" It was the oldest man who asked.

"Of course it's Bone Grass!" Qin Lin was the guy who kept mocking Zhang Yange.

"Bone Grass?" The rest of the people were surprised.

The bone grass is very valuable, and it is the main medicine for refining the broken body pill. The broken body pill can increase the chance of entering the mysterious realm of supernatural powers.

The value of this elixir is very high!
"Just try your luck." Qin Lin said with a smile.

He is now at the sixth level of the physical body, and there is still some distance from the mysterious realm of supernatural powers.

But there is nothing wrong with preparing early.

They were chatting when Zhang Yange came from not far away.

He was holding a Limonium in his hand, and the root of the herb still had fresh soil, so he knew it had just been picked.

"It's my first time collecting herbs, so I don't have much experience." Zhang Yange smiled and handed the herb to Liu Ye.

He took it with both hands, and said in surprise, "You have preserved all the effects of the medicine!"

"That's good." Zhang Yange said with a smile.

"The spirit stone is not on me..." Liu Ye said anxiously.

"It's okay, when I go to the city again, just treat me to a meal of roasted venison." Zhang Yange said with a smile.

"How can that work?"

"There's nothing wrong with it." Zhang Yange put the herbs in Liu Ye's hands, and walked away!

He did it on purpose for those guys to see, in case they have bad thoughts about that herb, they should have some scruples.

Now everyone understands that they have eyes but don't know Mount Tai, and they should admire Liu Ye's good luck.

"Are you still going into the mountain with us?" Qin Lin asked.

"Not going." Liu Ye smiled.

He anxiously took the herbal medicine back to treat his grandfather.

So they also parted ways, Liu Ye did not go back the same way but copied the way.

As a result, he didn't take two steps before he saw a strong bone plant.

He picked off the herb by himself, the strong bone grass is not very useful for him to keep, he is only the fifth body of the body now.

So he wanted to sell the herbal medicine and exchange it for some blood-enriching pills for his grandfather.

Then Qin Lin's family happened to own a pharmacy, and he wanted to sell this herb to Qin Lin, so he was doing him a favor.

The value of this bone grass is not low, but it can't reach the point of killing people and stealing medicine, and he has also done business with Qin Lin before.

"Wait!" Liu Ye caught up with them panting.

"What's the matter?" Qin Lin asked in a bad tone.

After Liu Ye left, Qin Lin spoke ill of him along the way.

Everyone was afraid of the power of Qin Lin's family, so they could only agree with it casually.

"I found the bone grass, Qin Lin will sell it to you." Liu Ye said with a smile.

As soon as he finished speaking, Qin Lin's five fingers formed claws and grabbed Liu Ye's throat.

Jealousy has completely robbed him of his sanity!
"That herb should be mine!" Qin Lin roared.

Liu Ye withdrew his feet and dodged the claw.

But Qin Lin is rushing to kill people at this moment, and his tricks are terrible!

The rest of the people were too frightened to move. They all pointed to the Qin family pharmacy for living. Although they didn't like Qin Lin's actions in their hearts, they didn't dare to speak out to stop them!

Liu Ye was no match for Qin Lin, Qin Lin captured Liu Ye directly within twenty moves.

"How can you beggar be so lucky!"

Qin Lin raised his fingers into a knife, and stabbed Liu Ye's throat.

Suddenly Liu Ye emitted a dazzling light!

Qin Lin screamed and flew out.

First more…

Tomorrow the third shift will be resumed!

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