Chapter 619

Hua Tian never thought that Fang Qingxue would dare to provoke him.

"Since the deputy head said so, I'd rather be respectful than obedient!" Hua Tiandu said coldly.

Hua Tiandu punched Fang Qingxue!
This punch turned into his majestic will, the spirit of pursuing longevity, separated the void, and blasted towards Fang Qingxue!
Hua Tian licked his lips and shouted, the power in his body was rolling like a landslide and tsunami, and the phenomena of heaven and earth on his body also returned to his mind, and began to condense continuously, coordinating with the power of the physical body, crashing away out.

Just one punch is worth more than ten million punches.

Behind Fang Qingxue, the image of Lei Di appeared.

Lei Di stared at him indifferently, as if overlooking all living beings.

His punch directly sank into the sea!
"Senior Brother Hua's mana is indeed very strong, but it's only strong in the Mystical Ability Secret Realm." Fang Qingxue said.

From the beginning to the end, she didn't make a single move, but it did a lot of harm to Hua Tiandu.

why is that!
Fang Qingxue left the man behind and left from Tiandu Peak.

"Why!" Hua Tiandu's mana began to run wild.

Immediately, demons arose!

Feng Baiyu glanced at Tiandu Peak, and arrived at Zhang Yange's place in an instant.

"Mr. Zhang, go and have a look!"

Zhang Yange gave him a helpless look, but still headed to Tiandu Peak.

If Fang Qingxue makes a move, give him a punch!
Huatian can accept it!

But Fang Qingxue just showed the Thunder Emperor's face, and he lost!This made Hua Tian, ​​the proud son of heaven, completely unacceptable.

At this time, Hua Tiandu's spies were trembling all over, and he felt Hua Tiandu's mana riot.Looking at Hua Tiandu with red eyes, he felt that his life was in danger at any moment.

Fortunately, Zhang Yange appeared at this moment.

"Mr. Zhang, help!"

"Go to the execution platform and receive the punishment!" Zhang Yange said.

Meeting Fang Qingxue on the way, she told the story.

After Zhang Yange figured it out, he went up to Tiandu Peak.

"Yes!" The disciple turned around without hesitation and left.

Zhang Yange looked at Hua Tiandu!
"Zhang Yange! Why, I should have been the proud son of heaven! I, Hua Tiandu, received the Pan Wu inheritance from birth! My talent is unmatched since I was a child!

It is only a matter of time before I become a fairy!
Why Fang Qingxue can walk in front of me now, she asked me to ask you!

You tell me why! "

Hua Tiandu's eyes were red, Zhang Yange said, "How do I know this kind of thing? Maybe her talent is better than yours."

Hua Tiandu's mana was even more violent.

Zhang Yange then said, "It's not that I didn't tell you, it's just that I didn't figure it out."

"Roar!" Hua Tian roared.

This guy is indeed a character, and he is going to break the mirror.

I saw that above Hua Tiandu's head, the gate of the fairy world was emerging all the time, and there was even a hint of immortal energy leaking out of it.

And his natal heaven and earth dharma has escaped, condensing, infinitely condensing, unexpectedly forming a baby-sized, countless twisted forces, wriggling beside the baby.

Huatian has a fairy-level elixir called Shengsheng Zuohua Pill.

The Shengsheng Haohua Pill was in the baby's palm, spinning continuously, trying to fly out, but it was of no avail.

"It's time! After hundreds of years of cultivating the Tao, just wait for this moment today, the giant of the ages, the secret realm of longevity. It reaches heaven and earth!

When I achieve the secret realm of longevity, I will go find Fang Qingxue again! "

After speaking, Hua Tian stood up and punched the looming gate of the fairy world above his head.

The gate of the fairy world is hidden in the depths of an unknown amount of time and space. Even if you use the great teleportation technique, it will not be able to move there for millions of years.

However, the human spirit and mind can feel the portal of this fairyland.


In a row, he punched hundreds of thousands of punches!

Unparalleled spirit, another shock, 20, 30, [-] shocks.Finally, the phantom of the gate of the fairy world above his head was blasted open a gap that could not be seen at all.

Whoa whoa whoa!

This tiny gap was blasted open at once, and the endless avenues of profound and mysterious laws, the vitality of the fairy world, descended.All fell into Hua Tiandu's sea of ​​consciousness.

The nine seas of consciousness in Huatiandu are completely changing.

The law of infinity is combined with his consciousness.At this moment, his spirit, temperament, source, body, soul, life, and even his luck in the dark are all increasing, and his whole body has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Hua Tiandu's savings are very strong. Although it is not as good as Shang Qingxue, Yan Shuiyi, and Fang Han, when he opened the gate of the fairy world, he still obtained a large amount of Dao Law.

The Law of the Great Dao, when the vitality of the immortal world descended, Huatian has undergone fundamental changes. The truth that was not understood in the previous practice of Taoism, and some of the Taoist techniques that were unclear, all understood.Some Taoism techniques that could not be practiced before can also be practiced.

In his sea of ​​consciousness, something clicked and clicked, as if it was disintegrating.

That was the sound of Shengsheng Haohua Pill, the elixir disintegrating.

At this moment, Hua Tian has stepped into the secret realm of longevity and has the ability to refine elixir.

He began to refine this elixir, and by virtue of his own Dao Law, he stepped into the second level of the secret realm of longevity, the realm of immortality.

However, after his whole body flickered, his vitality swelled and finally stopped.At the first level of the Longevity Secret Realm, the peak of the Longevity Realm stayed.

Hua Tian didn't expect that he still hadn't entered the second layer of immortal body in the secret realm of longevity.

The second level of the secret realm of longevity, the immortal body, is the most critical step. After you complete it, you will not die!

It is the foundation of the avenue!

"If it wasn't for Fang Qingxue, I should be able to achieve immortality." Hua Tiandu muttered to himself.

Zhang Yange looked at the gate of the fairy world that was slowly dissipating.

Hua Tian shook his clothes, and in his brows, there was the feeling of an eternal giant, dominating the world and looking at the world.

After becoming an eternal giant, he looked at Zhang Yange.

"Mr. Zhang, I want to fight with you!" Hua Tiandu said.

Even if he wins over Fang Qingxue, he won't be able to get rid of his demons, but if he wins against Zhang Yange!
He Huatian can repair his state of mind completely.

Thus entering the body of immortality in one fell swoop!
The corners of Zhang Yange's mouth turned upwards, Hua Tian has become a secret realm of longevity, now Feng Baiyu is worried.

Zhang Yange nodded, "OK!"

"My master doesn't have a big heart, and sometimes he does things very petty. But he treats me very well! If you killed him, I should ask you for an explanation!" Hua Tiandu said.

"If you said these things that day, I would definitely give you a high opinion." Zhang Yange said, "But now...forget it, let's make a move!
Let me experience the general source technique!
Just don't think of me as an elder now. "

 First more…

  Insomnia again last night!

(End of this chapter)

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