Journey to the Heavens from Wudang

Chapter 635 Big Brother Expert!

The woman's eyes were calm, "Song Shu, in fact, I have always admired your youthful spirit, but people always have to grow up."

"I promise you, I won't go to Ning Yu!
It's because I have already lost the qualification to become a martial artist, I don't want her to have a bad life! "Song Shu said with firm eyes.

Zhang Yange finished the noodles, "Your noodles will be lumpy if you don't eat them."

Song Shu turned around and went back to eat noodles.

The woman took a look at Zhang Yange, and she was about to turn around and leave.

"Well, I want to ask, how does he qualify?" Zhang Yange raised his head and asked.

The woman realized that she could not tell the depth of Zhang Yange at all.

"Even if he becomes a martial artist, he won't be able to be with Ning Yu, unless his general is a lower rank!" When the woman spoke to Zhang Yange, she somewhat suppressed the arrogance in her words.

"What level are the gods of those guys who troubled you today!"

"The god generals of the Jin family have no growth value, they are just Huang Jie!" the woman said first.

Zhang Yange probably understands that the gods are arranged according to the heaven and earth.Those guys' yellow-ranked generals are also at the third or fourth level of supernatural power.

"Does Miss Ningyu know that you are looking for him? What does she think?" Zhang Yange looked at the woman and asked. "I want to hear the truth!"

As soon as Zhang Yange finished speaking, a god general appeared behind the woman. The god general was five or six feet tall, with a pair of huge wings growing behind him.

Ning Yue didn't expect Zhang Yange to make her general appear with just a look.

Only when the warriors are in danger, the generals will take the initiative to appear.

Song Shu wanted to speak, but Zhang Yange reached out to stop him.

"Ning Yu doesn't know." Ning Yue felt tremendous pressure.

Zhang Yange turned to look at Song Shu, "We ruined your chance, so it's impossible to be a god general for you.

But I can give you power stronger than a general! "

Song Shu looked at Zhang Yange in disbelief.

Renhuangbi knew Zhang Yange's plan from the moment he wanted to follow Song Shu.

The god behind Ning Yue told her through consciousness that the old man was very strong and told her to be careful.

"What about that man?"

"Him? I can't see it. It feels no different from you." The general said through divine thoughts.

"Song Shu, Ning Yu is leaving tomorrow.

She is going to Imperial College, you and her..."

"Ning Yue! Shut up!" A girl's voice sounded outside the door. "I guess you're coming to him!

Song Shu, don't believe anything she says!
I don't care if you are a genius, or what I like you! "

A girl ran in through the door.

Ning Yu didn't seem to expect that there were other people in the room, so she was obviously taken aback.

"Ning Yu! Come home with me!" Ning Yue said coldly.

Zhang Yange got up and said, "Are you hers?"

"I'm her sister!"

"I'm an adult, and I'm qualified to make decisions." Ning Yu said seriously. "Song Shu can't become a martial artist, I don't mind!

I know it's a joy to be with him!very happy!
Ning Yue, I know you are doing it for my own good.But can you stop meddling in my life? "

Renhuangbi completely turned off the projector.

The plot here is no better than any superhero.

"Yu'er, your sister is actually doing it for your own good!" Song Shu said, "If you and I are allowed to live in this kind of place in the future, I will never agree to it!

Yu'er, please give me a while.

When I become a martial artist, I will go to the imperial capital to marry you! "

"You can't become a martial artist, you have to marry me!" Ning Yu said.

Song Shu looked at her with a wry smile.

Even with Zhang Yange's promise, Song Shu still didn't have much confidence.

What he said to Ning Yu was more because he wanted to give her some time to dilute this relationship!
His luck is really bad!

not good at all!

This has been the case since he was a child, his father died in the invasion of alien beasts when he was a child.

His father was a martial artist who died in battle against alien beasts.

The league did give a large pension, but he used it to treat his mother.

But in the end the money ran out and my mother died.

He and Ning Yu were childhood sweethearts, but after Ning Yu's father's military general was promoted to the lower ranks, there was an invisible gap between him and her.

Today, under the persecution of Jin Jin and others, he desperately communicated with the God Realm and summoned his own god general!

But in the end, the god general did not come, but Zhang Yange did.

He's actually a little numb!

He was worried that he would not be able to give Ning Yu happiness in the future. When he thought about Ning Yu and himself living in this kind of place, he didn't dare to think about it anymore!
In this world, if you don't become a warrior, you can only live like an ant.

"It seems that you still don't believe me." Zhang Yange stood up and said.

Alarms go off throughout the apartment.

"Ning Yu! Get out of here with me!" Ning Yue said hastily.

"Let's go! The alien beast is coming!" Song Shu said to Ning Yu.

Not far away a building collapsed.

Zhang Yange said to Song Shu, "Let's go, let you see my skills."

It was only then that Song Shu remembered that he still didn't know what Zhang Yange's name was.

"Brother Gaoren, the level of the alien beast this time is at least Xuan level." Song Shu said looking at the level of the alarm.

Ning Yue pulled Ning Yue away, and they couldn't leave if they didn't leave.

"You go!" Song Shu said to Ning Yu.

"It's okay, let's go and have a look together." Ren Huangbi stood up. "Yan Ge, how is your injury?"

"It shouldn't be a problem to kill that strange beast." Zhang Yange laughed.

With a light tap of Renhuang's pen, Ning Yue's general disappeared.

Ning Yue looked at him in horror, Ren Huangbi smiled and said, "I'll let you go back after the play."

Song Shu said, "Brother Gao Ren, if you can really kill that strange beast, hurry up, the people living in those buildings are ordinary people."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Yange took him to the head of the strange beast.

Renhuangbi followed behind with the Ning sisters.

Ning Yu's talent is very average, and she hasn't even honed her physical body to the extreme.

This is a bit like the world of immortality.

It is necessary to hone the physical body to the extreme in order to communicate with the gods and summon your own generals!

But after communicating with the masters, their strength will not increase, but the masters can be promoted.

Zhang Yange said to Song Shu, "Look at it."

As he spoke, he came to the front of the strange beast, and Ren Huangbi said at this time, "Yan Ge, don't capsize in the gutter!"

This strange beast has eyes all over its body and a mouth like a hook.

The body is more than ten feet long!
Zhang Yange came in front of it and put his hand on the strange beast.

In an instant!

The strange beast was shaken into particles.

This is the big collapse technique!

"This kid recovered really fast, and now he has [-]% to [-]% of his strength." Renhuangbi couldn't help laughing.

"This, isn't this his full strength?" Ning Yue asked in surprise.

Ning Yu looked happy.

"Senior, is this expert brother really going to accept Song Shu as his apprentice?"

She imitated Song Shu and called Zhang Yange Gao Ren's elder brother.

"I'm afraid it's impossible to take him as an apprentice, but it's still possible to teach him a few tricks." Ren Huangbi smiled.

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