Chapter 641

But the three Supreme Elders of the Sun Moon Sword Sect moved first!
Their sword energy wove into a big net, covering the sun of the sky.Because just for a moment, they felt the imminent movement of the immortal artifact.

At this time, Renhuangbi naturally noticed something was wrong.

"You can always surprise people!" Human Emperor's pen showed its original shape directly, "I took a piece of your fairy artifact, and today I will help you get rid of the two longevity eight layers."

"That's troublesome senior." Zhang Yange said.

With his current strength, he is naturally sure to deal with all these guys.But Ren Huangbi took the initiative to invite Ying, and Zhang Yange had no reason to stop it.

"Human Emperor's Pen!" The leading woman was naturally facing a formidable enemy.

This person Huangbi's status in Xuanhuang Great World is too high, and his strength is too strong!

Let them not have any courage to underestimate.

With a light stroke of the Renhuang pen, the sword net woven by the three of them was directly broken.

But at this time, the immortal artifact had no intention of looking for Zhang Yange anymore, it was hanging in the sky!

The sky is so lively now!
Two days!January!
Zhang Yange looked at Taoist Hongri and said, "You shouldn't have let Situ Lang die."

"It's too late to say this now. To be honest, I really regret going to ambush you with Taihuangtian now." Hong Ri sighed sincerely.

But it doesn't make much sense to say that now.

Because at this time it is already an endless situation.

Zhang Yange said, "If Situ Lang is still alive, I'll just kill you! Get back the Dragon Ball and leave."

"That's why! Even if Situ Lang is alive, I won't let him go without a fight, and the Sun Moon Sword Sect will not let you take this fairy artifact!" Hong Ri said coldly.

"What nonsense are you talking about!" The woman drew her sword first.

A monk of the Sun Moon Sword Sect has been obsessed with swords all his life!

Of course it can be kendo, sword intent, swordsmanship, swordsmanship!
However, if one wants to occupy a place in the Sun Moon Sword Sect, one must have a very high talent in the sword.

At this time, the woman who drew the sword was the Supreme Elder of the Sun Moon Sword Sect, named Longquan!

She was originally born in a small country, and it is said that on the day she was born, the swords of the entire small country and neighboring countries were shining brightly.

Countless swords screamed joyously all night!
She entered the Sun Moon Sword Sect when she was ten years old.

A century of supernatural powers!Millennium longevity!

At this time, she has already reached the ninth level of longevity in only 3000 years, and she is the No. 1 combat power of the entire Sun Moon Sword Sect.

Although she has nine levels of longevity, she can kill ten levels of longevity!

Because of her existence, the Sun Moon Sword Sect's position in the Ten Sects of Immortal Dao has always been stable.

She swung a sword at Zhang Yange.

This sword only occupies one fast word!
But it was getting to the extreme, her sword suddenly disappeared!

Zhang Yange's eyes widened suddenly, that sword actually surpassed the concept of time.

What she wants to kill is not her current self!

It's my past self!
Zhang Yange stomped lightly, and Red Japan wanted to stop him.As soon as Zhang Yange sent out his hand, he flew seven or eight feet away!

Zhang Yange came in front of Longquan.

When the woman opened her mouth, there was a river of sword energy!
Zhang Yange didn't dare to delay at all, his past self couldn't stop that sword.

So Zhang Yange planned to deal with her first.

As long as she was dealt with, her sword would naturally also be dealt with.

But Zhang Yange, who was going to follow the plan, suddenly stopped.

"Now that my past has happened, how can you change!
If you change the past, the me there will not be me anymore! "After Zhang Yange said this, he was no longer impatient.

He stretched out his sword intent, since he found his own sword.

This is the first time I have used my sword with all my strength!
The day of the fairy weapon in the sky became a little irritable.

It spun rapidly, and finally turned into a long sword.

The long sword, no matter the hilt or the blade, was as red as blood!

"No!" Hong Sun naturally saw that the celestial artifact was heading towards Zhang Yange.

If Zhang Yange was really allowed to get this sword, then he would really lose his wife and lose his army.

Longquan frowned slightly, his sword should have paid off!
Suddenly she spit out a mouthful of blood!

I don't know who actually destroyed his own sword.

Zhang Yange's sword intent was like a waterfall flying straight down!

Collided with her long river of sword energy!
Although Longquan was injured, she didn't believe that Zhang Yange's sword intent could break her sword energy!
But that's how it is with so many things in the world!
You thought you were safe at first, but in the end you lost it!

The sword intent scattered her sword energy!
Longquan vomited blood continuously.

Hong Ri tried his best to stop the fairy weapon.

At this moment, Zhang Yange said, "Stop making trouble, if you don't come back, I'm leaving!"

A sword cry caused the entire Xuanhuang Great World to connect with each other.

Linglong took a look from thousands of miles away, the corners of her mouth raised.

She thinks she has a good eye.

Feng Baiyu naturally also found out, and he said to Feng Yaoguang, "You practice hard for me! Zhang Yange now has two celestial artifacts, and he is even inferior to being a father!"

Feng Yaoguang still looked at him indifferently.

The relationship between this father and daughter is really bad.

Everyone in the Taiyi Sect naturally discovered it too.

Tai Huangtian looked at the Immortal Wind Calamity in the Eternal Sacred Furnace, as well as Hua Tiandu and Yan Shuitian.

During Zhang Yange's stay in the Great World, a small episode happened!At the end of the fight, Hua Tian and Yan Shuitian left first.

As a result, he met Fang Laomo on the road.

Seeing Old Demon Fang, Hua Tian naturally thought about the new and old grudges together!

He felt that he couldn't beat Zhang Yange, and he couldn't beat you old devil!So he asked Yan Shuitian to watch the battle, and he fought Fang Han himself.

Well, there's not much to lose either...

Fang Han snatched the key to his panwu treasure house.

If it wasn't for Yan Shuitian's rescue, Hua Tian would probably be swallowed alive by Fang Laomo!

Literally swallowed it raw!

Yan Shuitian was extremely disappointed with Hua Tian, ​​she felt that if she was allowed to marry Hua Tiandu, then she would kill him first, so as not to embarrass herself.

The value of Hua Tiandu, who lost the key to Panwu's treasure house, has been greatly reduced.

However, the Calamity Heavenly Monarch issued a decree to let the Wind Disaster Immortal bring Hua Tiandu back to the Immortal Realm.

At this time, the Eternal Sacred Furnace was about to leave with them.

"Friend Eternal, if you leave! What should we do when Zhang Yange calls?" Taihuntian asked with a wry smile.

His head is the least prestigious among the ten heads of Immortal Dao.

"Who dares to disobey the decree of the Heavenly Monarch?" The Eternal Divine Stove actually panicked a lot.

Well now, I don't have to stay to face Zhang Yange's unreasonable fist.

But when he left, he took Yan Shuitian with him!
This woman is the reincarnation of the water god and deserves her protection.

"Let's go! Let's go!" Immortal Wind Calamity didn't dare to come out of the furnace of Eternal God, because at this time the Xuanhuang Great World was hating him.

The instigator of all this was Zhang Yange.

Immortal Wind Calamity was very sure that it wasn't Renhuang's pen but Zhang Yange's stroke when he used the pen as a sword.When he returns to the Immortal Realm, he will definitely advise the Calamity Heavenly Monarch to capture and kill Zhang Yange at all costs!

(End of this chapter)

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