1993 Glamour at a Glance

Chapter 245 Travel Around the World Once

Chapter 245 Travel Around the World Once

Since we dealt with each other here last night and had an appointment with Zhou Xingchi in the morning, Song Yang simply contacted him and asked him to come here for a chat.

Chen Yun, the "happy ghost", suddenly opened her eyes wide: "Xingzai's new movie? Can you recommend Huiya as the leading actress?"

Song Yang said with emotion: "It's her who really loves you."

Zhou Huiya smiled and touched Chen Yun with her shoulder.

"Mr. Zhou's last movie hit the market, are you still so optimistic about him?" Song Yang asked Chen Yun with a smile.

"Of course, Xingzi is a genius! Of course, isn't it because you also want to pay? I believe in your vision, Yangzi!"

"...You are getting more and more outrageous." Song Yang heard her deliberately read like a pretty boy, fully appreciating her social skills.

When Zhou Xingchi arrived, Tong Xuemei was naturally very happy, feeling quite radiant.

But Zhou Xingchi himself felt a little socially fearful in private, and seeing Zhou Huiya here, he felt something was wrong.

Are the rumors true?

This early in the morning, the two of them were together, so it was hard not to let people have some other associations.

During dinner last night, seeing that Guan Zhilin was very enthusiastic about him, Zhou Xingchi was a little worried for a moment that Song Yang's statement that he only invested money and did not interfere with the creation was a lie.

Halfway through the chat, Chen Yun really asked, "Master Xing, do you think Hui Ya can play the leading role?"

In front of the people is Master Xing, behind is Xingzi, Song Yang was speechless.

"...this." Zhou Xingchi habitually spoke very slowly, with a bit of a puzzled face on his face, "This role...is going to be exaggerated and ugly...Miss Zhou seems...not suitable. "

"That's it..." Chen Yun was disappointed.

Song Yang said with a smile: "Mr. Zhou, I have already heard the idea clearly. You don't need to read the script, I am a fan of Mr. Zhou's movies. Mr. Zhou decides how to create. In fact, with Mr. Zhou's reputation, he didn't have to worry about production costs. The problem."

Zhou Xingchi forced a smile.

Isn't it because "A Chinese Journey to the West" lost money?This battle made Zhou Xingchi fall to the bottom.It used to be a gold-lettered signboard, but now he dragged down even his partner friends, so Zhou Xingchi needed to think of other ways.

If the new film wants to make a comeback, the production cost should not be too low.

"Thank you Song Sheng for your love." Zhou Xingchi was a little embarrassed, "Speaking of which, Song Sheng and Mr. Li bought our CD copyright last year, and they have already supported us, and now they are willing to continue to support us..."

Naturally, it is impossible for Sanyou Culture to let go of the treasure "A Chinese Journey to the West", but Li Ru purchased that matter according to the cooperation practice that had been negotiated, and it does not seem to be a special support for Zhou Xingchi.

After all, he was indeed a gold-lettered signboard in the Xiangdao film industry before, and the price paid by Sanyou Culture for the CD-ROM copyright of this movie was not low.

"Chen Yun said that Mr. Zhou is a genius, and I agree with that." Song Yang said with a smile, "What is the budget for the new play, and how much do you want me to pay? Mr. Zhou directly mentioned it."

"...Can it be credited soon?" Zhou Xingchi asked this first, "If the filming starts now, it can be released at the end of the year. In fact, I have been preparing for a long time. If the budget is not enough, I am going to save it first The filming will start within a month. If the budget is large, I am not going to give up some scenes.”

Song Yang knew that this drama could really turn around, like "God of Cookery".

So he said with great emotion: "Although it takes time to establish a company in Xiangdao, if Mr. Zhou needs the funds, they will arrive today."

This surprised Zhou Xingchi, he quickly thanked him first, and then said: "I want to shoot a scene in Zhenbao Seafood Square, and if the budget is sufficient, I also want to find a bigger temple to shoot the scene of the fake Shaolin Temple. I have to go to the mainland to shoot scenes. According to my ideal idea, there is a shortfall of 500 million. I want to give enough for my friend's salary."

This is the moment when Zhou Xingchi was worried about the 500 million production cost.

There is no doubt that he has already found all the actors now.Many of them should have believed in him and acted with very low pay.

If you don't have this money, then try to save as much as possible for shooting.

Song Yang is now looking forward to it. Could it be that with the 500 million yuan, the "God of Cookery" filmed this time will be even more different?

Zhou Xingchi is very persistent in this turnaround, and the extra 500 million only accounted for 50% of his budget.

That is to say, even though "A Chinese Journey to the West" lost so badly last year, Zhou Xingchi has already saved 500 million yuan, which is enough to shoot.

After Song Yang had a preliminary talk with him, he made an appointment directly in the afternoon and arranged for someone to go to Xinghui Films to sign the contract.

Although the company still needs to be established, let Shi Youming sign the contract first, and then transfer the contract.

When Zhou Xingchi left, Chen Yun pouted, "Even if I don't play a role, there is still a theme song. Yangzi, please take care of Huiya."

"...This drama is very important to him, let him do it according to his own ideas." Song Yang said helplessly, "Why are you in a hurry? Will I ignore Huiya?"

"I'm sorry..." Zhou Huiya pulled Chen Yun's sleeve with a helpless look, "Ah Yun is sometimes a little too much."

"You know how to care about Huiya?" Chen Yun had already started blinking, "How do you manage?"

Song Yang looked at Zhou Huiya who was still calm, smiled and said, "Huiya, you're fine today, take me for a stroll around Xiangdao?"

Zhou Huiya was taken aback, then nodded immediately: "Okay."

Song Yang pointed to Chen Yun again: "Don't bring this long-winded one."

"...bullying people!" Chen Yun said so, but she was obviously very surprised.

Could it be that……


It's not that Zhou Huiya and Song Yang have never stayed alone together.

But before, it was all because of the album, because of the creation.

But at this time, there was no purpose, Zhou Huiya just needed to take Song Yang for a stroll.

The question is, where to shop?
With Zhou Huiya's popularity, any public event would attract onlookers.

So in fact, it was just sitting on a small yacht arranged by Shi Youming, going out to sea and wandering around those places with fewer people living there.

Song Yang was fishing, and Zhou Huiya was sitting aside wearing a sun hat.

With Song Yang's level of never fishing before, how can sea fishing be rewarding?

In fact, it is just chatting.

"You said, now you accompany me to fish, chat and relax, it's actually quite complicated, right?"

Zhou Huiya was shocked when she heard the topic changed from life to here, and then said: "Since we are friends, there is nothing complicated. Ah Yun is in a hurry, but I have already figured it out. Now I am not short of money, I have an extra album One less album doesn't make much difference. Besides..."

She paused, raised her head and laughed: "We all need to relax, don't we?"

Song Yang looked at the corner of her raised mouth.

Although it is said that everyone needs to relax, but she is quite relaxed at the moment, not like the last time I saw her.

"Song Yang." Zhou Huiya got used to the new address, "In the beginning, how did you find me for the endorsement of the VCD player?"

"Beautiful." Song Yang said as a matter of course, "Good image and good temperament."

"There are many beautiful female stars." Zhou Huiya smiled frankly, "I just mentioned it later, and helped me write so many songs."

"The topic is ambiguous." Song Yang also smiled frankly, "At that time, she was still by my side, what answer do you want for asking these questions?"

Zhou Huiya pursed her lips and shook her head: "I don't want any answer. I just think that the process of getting to know you is quite wonderful. There are so many female singers, and you wrote so many songs just for the sake of it. Hi."

"That's more than that, there is also Yang Ying."

"She only has one song. Then those two songs... It feels like you didn't really write them for her. In fact, in terms of skills, she can sing those two songs better than me."

"This is a very novel angle." Song Yang nodded and sighed, "You guessed it right. When I wrote it, I wanted you to sing it."

"Those two...were you writing them when you missed her?" Zhou Huiya hesitated for a moment and asked clearly.

Song Yang didn't answer.

Because when I just thought of Shen Qingxue, I thought of these two songs.

At that time, it was something I did in very complicated emotions when I was not reconciled and had another purpose.

"...I'm sorry." Seeing that he didn't speak, Zhou Huiya apologized softly.

"It's all over." Song Yang laughed again and turned to look at her.

The two looked at each other without turning their heads.

Song Yang is younger than her, but her psychological age is very old.

Zhou Huiya already has a successful career and a reputation, and her heart has also been tempered by love.

In fact, Song Yang invited her to travel, how could Zhou Huiya not think too much about it.

She just wasn't sure what it meant.

Now, Song Yang is looking at her with different eyes from before.

A somewhat mature smile appeared on Zhou Huiya's face: "No matter what the reason is, I am very grateful that I met you, so that I could be the first person to sing those songs. And... thank you for what you said when I was drunk last time .”

"We want to be alone together more."

"Ah?" Zhou Huiya was a little flustered.

"I found out that I'm actually a pretty passive person emotionally." Song Yang grinned, "If I don't see a rabbit, I don't scatter the eagle, and I don't like women who throw themselves into my arms for other purposes. Change it."

"...Why did you say this suddenly?" She felt that maybe the sun was too strong, so her face was a little hot.

"So this time I took the initiative." Song Yang didn't say anything, but there was still a smile in his eyes.

Zhou Huiya's heart beat faster, but she didn't know what to say.

"You took me around Xiangdao, how about I take you around other places?" Song Yang looked at the blue sea and sky, "Speaking of which, although I don't need money, I haven't traveled well yet. Before When I come to Xiangdao, I also do business by the way. Hey, I don’t know how to fish, I won’t fish anymore. Where do you want to go?”

Zhou Huiya was stunned: "Now?"

"Yeah, I'm going to set off when my heart is moved." Song Yang said seriously, "From now until the end of the year, there is nothing that must be done to me. How about traveling around the world with me?"

Zhou Huiya looked at him blankly.

This is indeed a definite invitation.

An invitation to really come into his life.

Song Yang's eyes were clear, and he looked at her expectantly.

Zhou Huiya was in a daze for a moment, then smiled and said, "Okay."

 Make up for yesterday's two updates
(End of this chapter)

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