Chapter 114 Unraveling the Chainsaw, Jude Exam Part [-]
"I really owe you nine doors, to wipe your butts every day..."

Su Mo was so angry, he was planning to go to Tibet in two days to undo the red-eye curse for Lao Hu and the others, but unexpectedly, people from the Nine Gates approached him again.

Forget about the little doll of the Xie family, but now the young master of the Xie family, Xie Lianhuan, has escaped to him.


Su Mo cursed secretly, "The trip to Tibet has to be speeded up, if you don't leave, Master Xie Jiu may come in a few days..."

"Team Su..."

Seeing that Lianhuan's complexion was getting darker and darker, Xueli Yang exclaimed, "Come and see, what's going on?"

Su Mo lowered his head, frowned, and said, "This guy smells fishy, ​​he should have been to the beach before, as for his injury..."

Su Mo opened his golden pupils, and found a cloud of black air lingering around Xie Lianhuan, wriggling constantly, like a mass of evil spirits.

Su Mo said: "This guy must have come into contact with something unclean..."

As he spoke, Su Mo bit his finger.


A drop of blood fell on Jie Lianhuan's head, and in an instant, the black gradually faded away.

"Ah~ woo woo!"

Vaguely, Su Mo seemed to hear an evil scream in the air, and then it disappeared completely.

"All right!"

Su Mo nodded in satisfaction, "Just ask a doctor to show him..."

Although I don't know what the hell Xie Lianhuan has provoked, Qinglong is an auspicious beast that suppresses the world, so it's easy to deal with such tiny little ghosts.

Su Mo turned around and looked at the dozen or so people in the corner. With a gloomy face, he walked slowly to the unconscious Hongmao, picked up the water glass on the table and poured it down.


Red Hair slowly opened his eyes.

The fat man raised the gun and pointed it at the red hair's head.

The red hair turned pale with fright!

Su Mo pulled a stool and looked down at the red hair with cold eyes, "Whatever I ask...just say what you say..."

Su Mo pointed to the three corpses on the ground, "Don't play tricks on me!"

Looking at the three corpses on the ground, Hongmao turned pale and nodded repeatedly.

Su Mo looked at Hong Mao, "The Wang family?"

Wang family?

The red-haired big nose is full of doubts.

Su Mo was taken aback, "Aren't you the Wang family?"

The redhead shook his head.

Su Mo's face was uncertain, "Who is your boss?"

Seeing Su Mo's gloomy face, Hongmao thought that he was trying to silence him, so he said quickly, "My boss is Jude Kao, and he asked us to catch Lianhuan..."

I don't know if it's because of nervousness or for some other reason, Hongmao's originally crappy Huaxia language is much smoother now.

Jude test?
Su Mo looked at the red hair, then at the dozen or so people in the corner, and instantly understood that these people belonged to Jude Kao International Salvage Company.

"Jude Kao dared to extend his hand to Huaxia, he really wanted to die!"

Su Mo punched Hongmao with a fist, Hongmao's eyes went dark, and he passed out again.

Not long after, Zhang Rishan drove people from Crescent Hotel into Su's shop.

Seeing the corpse on the ground, Zhang Rishan winked at his subordinates.

A group of people from the Crescent Hotel nodded and moved quickly. Some people mopped the floor, some cleaned up the corpses, and they cooperated closely, like a precision machine running at high speed.


Su Mo sighed, "You have so many enemies in the Nine Sects, and now there is another Jude Kao in the entangled Wang family..."

Su Mo pretended to pat his chest, "Jude will trouble me in the future... What should I do, I am a commoner, how have I ever seen such a battle..."

Su Mo had an undecided expression, as if he had been taken aback.


Zhang Rishan raised his eyebrows, "The three people who died on the ground were all killed by one shot, and the technique is quite skilled..."

"Boy, I'm afraid you have other lives in your hands!"

"A person like you will be afraid of Jude Kao who is far away in the ocean?"

Zhang Rishan looked at Su Mo with a strange face.

Old Clapper, full of calculations!
Su Mo first complained in his heart, and then laughed, "Adjutant, we are all law-abiding citizens..."


The fat man on the side also nodded repeatedly, "We are all good citizens..."

Zhang Rishan rolled his eyes, "Alright, I'll take these people away..."

After speaking, Zhang Rishan turned around and was about to leave.


With sharp eyes and quick hands, Su Mo pointed at Xie Lianhuan, "Adjutant... this is the young master of the Xie family..."

Zhang Rishan interrupted, "What is the young master of the Xie family? I didn't see it. Xie Lianhuan has been missing for many days!"


Su Mo was stunned for a moment, "Aren't you going to take him away? Didn't I tell you that in a few days... er no, we're going to Tibet the day after tomorrow, yes, we're leaving the day after tomorrow!"

"At that time, you will never see me!"

Su Mo is also afraid of the endless grievances and grievances of the nine families. Yanjing is definitely not a place to stay for a long time.

Zhang Rishan patted Su Mo on the shoulder, and said earnestly: "Xie Lianhuan has disappeared, and only the missing Xie Lianhuan is the safest...I thank you for Xie Jiuye!"

After speaking, Zhang Rishan quickened his pace and left.

Watching Zhang Rishan walk away, Su Mo said: "Hey, you old bastard is making fun of me, right..."

At this time, Su Mo came out, Zhang Rishan obviously didn't want to get involved in this matter, and now Xie Lianhuan is a hot potato.

It was a coincidence that I got involved again.

"Staff Yang..."

Su Mo glanced at the unconscious Xie Lianhuan, and said helplessly, "Ask a doctor to show him, don't let him die here..."

Xie Lianhuan, the missing person, has to go missing, but if he died in his own shop, it would not be a good thing.

Xueli Yang nodded, "Okay..."

Su Mo shook his head and walked upstairs.

What happened today made Su Mo more determined to leave Yanjing earlier. Jude Kao, who was far away across the ocean, Su Mo was not afraid of this person.

It was the Wang family that Su Mo was afraid of. If he didn't leave, the Wang family would notice him sooner or later.

In this way, while Su Mo's team was organizing preparations for going to Tibet, they also had to find someone to serve Jie Lianhuan, and they were extremely busy.

But fortunately, the next night, Xie Lianhuan woke up and was out of danger for the time being.

"woke up?"

Looking at Xie Lianhuan, who was not a few years younger than him, Su Mo was all smiles.

Xie Lianhuan looked around, and then at Xie Yuchen in Yingzi's arms, feeling confused, "I ate the corpse turtle pill by mistake...I'm still alive..."

Su Mo was a little surprised, "The Corpse Turtle Pill is not an elixir of immortality. If you take this Corpse Pill, you will become a forbidden woman in the future..."

Xie Lianhuan looked at Su Mo, his pupils shrank, "Are you that Master Su from Panjiayuan?"


Su Mo nodded and said with a smile, "Thank you, Xie Jia, for saving us from the trip to Yunnan and the Crescent Hotel!"

Su Mo is not the kind of person who doesn't know what's good and what's wrong. He has stopped troubles for the Xie family many times, and this is to repay the Xie family's kindness before.

"Master Xie, both Jude Kao and the Wang family may be looking for you..."

Su Mo said again: "You can rest at my place to heal your wounds..."

As he said that, a thought came to Su Mo's mind, and he said immediately, "Master Xie, why don't you follow me to the hiding place, the Wang family will never find you there..."

No matter how long the Wang family's hands are, it is impossible to reach the uninhabited Tibetan area. Besides, even if the Wang family chases them to the Tibetan area, what awaits them will be demons and ghosts from the demon kingdom and the red-eyed curse.

Think about it, if the Wang family, which has fought against the Zhang family for hundreds of years, is wiped out because of the red eye curse...

Don't be too cool!
(End of this chapter)

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