Chapter 116
Ah Xiang trembled: "They...they have big rats on them!"


Hearing Ah Xiang's words, Uncle Ming froze for a moment.

The others were also full of confusion and bewilderment.

But Lama Tiebang looked at Axiang in surprise, and asked, "Girl... your eyes are instinctive eyes? Can you see the evil things on them?"

Ash nodded timidly.

Lama Tiebang sighed, "The instinctive eye is the purest eye, and you can see many things that ordinary people cannot see, but it seems that this eye is on you, and you don't know whether it is a blessing or a curse..."

Others didn't understand Lama Tiebang's implication, but Su Mo could hear Lama's thoughts.

If you can't see something, you won't be afraid of it.

It's not necessarily a good thing if you can see something sneaky, but you don't have the skills to be there.

Just like Ah Xiang who has no power to restrain a chicken, but if she has Maoshan skills, she may become a character like Lin Zhenying.

At this time, the seriously injured poacher on the ground had already started to vomit purple foam from white foam at the mouth.

After a while, the person stopped breathing!
After seeing this scene, Lama Tiebang quickly said, "Help me break the other jaw..."

When Lao Hu and Wangdui heard this, they immediately stepped forward to help open the angry poacher's mouth.

After the mouth was opened.The lama quickly took out two Tibetan medicines and water for the man to swallow.

The man was in a trance.Barely ate half of it.
This Tibetan medicine has special curative effect.

After the less injured poacher ate it, he immediately spit out a lot of black water!
Spit up!

Although the poacher who survived by luck is still suffering from a stomach ache, he has slowly regained consciousness!
Seeing the black water on the ground, Lama Tiebang couldn't help asking the man, "What did you eat?"

The man on the ground was very weak, and said weakly: "I don't know what it is, it looks like a big black bobcat. It is not much smaller than a goat, and it looks very ugly. It is not afraid of people!"

"At first. We mistook it for a leopard, so we brothers shot the big black lynx to death."

"Afterwards, we were really hungry, and we didn't care whether the lynx was delicious. So we peeled and boiled the lynx, and boiled half of it..."

"Lynx's meat is very fibrous. It seems that it can't be cooked. In the end, we were both very hungry, so we ate it half-baked..."

As he spoke, the man lay on the ground, crying loudly, "Master, although we two brothers have evil thoughts and want to poach to make money, but we haven't caught anything except this lynx..."

"Please be merciful, master pharmacist, you must save our brothers, we will definitely reform our mistakes in the future, please..."


The man on the ground was talking, and there were bursts of severe pain in his abdomen. The pain was so painful that he kept rolling on the ground.

Old Hu frowned, and said: "I remember hearing a Tibetan legend in Kunlun Mountains. That huge black lynx is not a cat. It is the evil spirit of a person who has just died!"

The fat man asked in surprise, "Is it so mysterious?"

Lao Hu shook his head. Although he used to be a revolutionary fighter, there are too many weird things in this world that cannot be explained by science alone.

After following Su Mo into various ancient tombs, Lao Hu became more convinced of this.

Looking at the man on the ground, Lao Hu looked at Lama Tiebang, "Is this man still alive?"

The lama clasped his hands together, "They probably ate snow mountain musk deer. That kind of animal is edible, but they ate it too early..."

"Tibetans never eat animals that are slaughtered that day, because the souls of those animals have not completely separated from their bodies. Once they eat them, it will be difficult!"

"As a pharmacist lama, I have learned some secret recipes. As for whether it will work or not, it depends on their good fortune!"

Just as I was talking, the Tibetans who went to the lake to find rotten fish scales came back one after another.
Lama Tiezhen signaled Tibetans to surround the sick with fish scales.Then I found another piece of sparrow wood to repel rats and burned it into charcoal, mixed with rotten and smelly fish scales.Eat it up for the poacher.

After this series of weird moves.

The poacher began to vomit again, more violently than before. He vomited for half an hour, as if he had vomited everything in his stomach.

Finally, the lama gave him Tibetan medicine to stop vomiting until all he vomited was clear water.

Looking at the filth he vomited out, the lama breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "This man's life is saved, but he can no longer eat meat in this life!"

Su Mo looked at this scene in amazement, seeing that the black energy on the man's body had completely dissipated, Su Mo was a little surprised, "The hiding place is really weird!"

Whether it was the black lynx that was devoured by poachers, or the iron rod lama's method of saving people, these were methods that Su Mo had never heard of.

When he first came to Tibet, this Tibet gave Su Mo a big blow!

"Cough cough..."

Su Mo coughed lightly, then gave Lao Hu a wink.

Lao Hu nodded calmly, understood, and immediately said to Lama Tiebang, "Lama Tiebang... Bah, let's call you by your name... Ake!"

Old Hu said to Tiebang Lama Ake, "I came to Tibet this time to explore the ancient tomb of the evil god of the Demon Kingdom..."

"Can you find a singer and guide for our expedition who is familiar with the history of the Demon Kingdom and neighboring countries!"

Uncle Ming and the others did not expect Lao Hu to say the purpose of their trip in this way.

Iron Bar Lama Ake pondered for a moment, and said: "Excavating an ancient tomb is a disastrous thing, but digging an ancient tomb in the Demon Kingdom is different. There are ghosts from the underworld sealed in the tomb of the Demon Kingdom. Since you are willing to go, this is A deed of immeasurable merit!"

Uncle Ming and the others did not expect this answer again, but they were extremely disdainful of Ake's thoughts.

They are not here to cast down demons, they only want the treasure in the tomb!
Ake went on to say: "The singers who are familiar with the stories of Tibetan stories are all God-given, and we don't recognize the way of father-son, master-disciple!"

"They all suddenly became able to sing poems with millions of words after suffering from a serious illness or after a night's sleep, and thus became the exclusive singers of Tibet!"

The fat man was shocked again, "Is it so mysterious? You don't even need to study?"

Sydney Yang was also very surprised.After all, this is beyond the scope of science that ordinary people can understand.

Old Hu asked: "Ake, do you know where there are poets?

Ake smiled slightly: "No need to look for it, I was a man bestowed by heaven before I became a monk..."

Ake was very forthright, and immediately recommended himself and asked to join the team.

Old Hu looked worried, "Ake, our journey here is dangerous, and we have to climb to the top of the snow-capped mountain. You are over 60 years old, and your body is not as good as before..."

Ake shook his head, his attitude was very firm, "Destroy the tomb of the demon king, this is what I should do as an iron lama..."

Here, Su Mo said with a smile; "Old Hu, it's okay, since the master has the heart to eliminate demons, let him go, I will keep him safe and sound!"

(End of this chapter)

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