Chapter 133 Bottomless Black Hole Part [-]

The cry of the yak became clearer, as if it was close at hand.


Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and even shuddered a few times.

Su Mo stood up and said to the crowd, "Fatty Hu and I will go and have a look, you stay..."

While speaking, Su Mo waved to Lao Hu and the others.

The three of them directly picked up their weapons, held up their flashlights and groped into the depths of the bridal chamber.

When the three of them walked to the edge of the stone gate, they felt something was wrong.

The stone gate was greasy, and there was a bloody handprint, as if someone's hands were covered with blood, and when they left, they hurriedly took the stone gate with them.

Su Mo touched it with his hand and found that the blood seemed to be still fresh.

Now Fatty and Old Hu became more nervous.

Su Mo held the Akasaka Sword and pushed the Shimen open.Go in first.

Old Hu and Fatty raised their guns and followed.

The three wandered around, but found that there was still no sign of anyone inside.

I saw blood all over the surrounding walls, and the stone tables and wooden stakes in the middle were also bright red.

On it were piles of freshly consumed beef, and some bloody raw hides were still steaming, as if they had just been peeled off from a raw body.

The fat man wondered, "I'll go. Is this a slaughterhouse?
Su Mo nodded and said directly, "Yes, this is the slaughterhouse in the city!"

Suddenly the three of them noticed something on their heads.

He suddenly looked up and saw a bull's head two or three times the size of an ordinary bull, hanging upside down.

There is no skin on the head of the bull, the eyes are wide open, and the blood is dripping.

The two nostrils are still breathing, and most of the raw tongue is sticking out.As if alive.


The bull head uttered a heavy groan to Su Mo, Lao Hu and Fatty.

"I go!"

The fat man was startled, and he raised his gun and wanted to shoot, but it was Su Mo who quickly stopped the fat man.

Old Hu felt that this hair was very weird, but he didn't want to hurt himself and others, so he said to the fat man, "Let's see what's going on with this hair first?"

Su Mo said directly: "The buffalo was skinned while it was alive. Then it was castrated. We have seen this kind of behavior in the murals of the Temple of Reincarnation."

"This is not surprising. As an ancient inheritance, it symbolizes releasing the soul first, so that the body can be eaten with confidence!"

Lao Hu also said: "It is very common in the biological world that the body and the head are separated, and the signs of life have not disappeared within a few seconds or even minutes. for a while!"

"In ancient times, there were condemned prisoners who were beheaded when their heads fell to the ground. If someone called the condemned prisoner's name, his head would still react. This was because the nerves had not completely died, but it was only a matter of a moment. !"

As he said that, Old Hu Huan looked around and said in a deep voice, "It seems that the time of this session has stopped at a certain moment, and time has stood still forever!"

"Wang Wang Wang!"


Outside the house, the screams of Xiao Cun Nail and A Xiang were heard.

Su Mo didn't dare to be careless, and ran out quickly.

Hearing the sound, he walked into the main hall behind the stone gate, and there were lights on the stone pillars.There are hundreds of human skins hanging all over the wall.

There are also some large sacrificial vessels in the temple, and there are some statues of naked women in the deepest part.

Su Mo asked, "What's going on?"

Xue Liyang endured his nausea, looked at the human skin on the wall, and exclaimed: "This is a picture scroll about the records in Eluohai City!"

"The information recorded on these human skins is too important. Although I can't fully understand some of the symbols. But in the long rap poem that combines the world's enemy-controlling orb army to fight the king, it is combined with the part of the Demon Kingdom War!"

"Definitely solves most of the problems we face!"

At this moment, everyone was surprisingly quiet, and they looked at Xue Liyang in amazement.

Shirley Yang analyzed the scrolls on the human skins, and gradually sorted out clues one after another.

"As the main city of the Demon Kingdom, Eluohai City has a political system completely different from other countries. During the heyday of the Demon Kingdom, the ruling area covered the surrounding Kunlun Mountains!"

"There is no king in the past, and they are directly ruled by the main god they enshrine, the "Snake God's Remains". All major decisions are made by the priests of the country through divination after offering sacrifices to the Snake God's bones!"

"In that ancient era, divination was a very serious and important event, and it couldn't be held lightly. It had to be held every few years, or even more than ten years!"

"There is no king in the Demon Kingdom, which is why there is no royal palace in the city, but only temples. The so-called royal family members are wizards who have the right to speak, but they also serve the bones of the snake god!"

"In the values ​​​​of the Demon Kingdom, the bone of the snake god is the highest god!"

"The ghost mother that is often mentioned in the legends of the Demon Kingdom is the most described in the picture scroll. The religion of the Demon Kingdom believes that each generation of ghost mothers is reincarnated. You can never show your true face, and you must always cover your face!"

"Because their eyes possess shocking power!"

"Under the ghost mother, there are several chief priests who master some sorcery, similar to the original form..."

"The sudden weakening of the Demon Kingdom. It is likely due to the devastating disaster in Eluohai City, but there is no record of this incident on these human skins."


Xue Liyang stared at the last few human skin scrolls, and suddenly became dumb, her face was pale, as if she had seen a ghost.

"Sydney Yang?"

"Staff Yang?"

"what happened?"

Everyone shouted in confusion.

Xue Liyang ran to A Xiang's side, lifted A Xiang's hair, her pupils dilated, and she froze in place all of a sudden!
Xue Liyang turned to face Lao Hu, Su Mo and the others laughed bitterly, "This is not Haicheng of evil spirits at all, this is a bottomless ghost cave!"

After hearing this, Lao Hu turned pale with shock.

Bottomless ghost hole? ?
How can it be!
Lao Hu looked around, his face full of disbelief, "How could this be a bottomless ghost cave?"

Xue Liyang looked lonely, "Go and see the backs of Uncle Ming and the first day of junior high school!"

Is it?

At this moment, Lao Hu believed and accepted what Shirley Yang said.

The evil sea city frozen in time and the bottomless ghost cave full of curses.They are all existences beyond common sense.

Lao Hu quickly ran to Uncle Ming's side and took off the collar on the back of Uncle Ming's neck.

Sure enough, I saw a shallow circular red mark on the back of his neck, like a circle of red rash oozing from the inside out...

It's just that it's still very vague, if you don't look at it intentionally, it's hard to find it.

Then, Lao Hu looked at the backs of Chuyi and Zhang Yingban.

Exactly the same as Uncle Ming's.

Seeing it with his own eyes, Lao Hu was still shocked, "This is the imprint of being cursed by the bottomless ghost cave. Although it is only in the early stage, it is not very obvious, but within a month or two, it will gradually become obvious!"

"A mark that looks like a swirl and an eyeball is born. People who are cursed by this curse are the same as us. They are around 40 years old."

"The hemoglobin in the blood will gradually decrease, and the blood in the blood vessels will gradually turn into yellow mud, tormenting people alive into evil spirits in hell!"

Old Hu's face was ugly, "But Uncle Ming, the first day of the junior high school, senior brother and the others have been with us for more than a month. It is impossible to go to the black desert of Taklamah in Xinjiang alone!"


"This is actually a ghost cave!"


(End of this chapter)

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