Chapter 135 The richest reward in history

【Ding! 】

Just when everyone was jumping for joy, a system voice sounded in Su Mo's ear.

[Congratulations to the host for finding the real evil Luo Haicheng, the curse of the red spot is about to be lifted, and the god-level selection system is activated! 】

[Option 10, do not participate in the affairs of Hu Bayi, Wang Kaixuan, and Xue Liyang, just ignore it, and your intelligence will be permanently +[-]! 】

[Option 10: Follow Hu Bayi, Wang Kaixuan, and Xue Liyang into Evil Falling Sea City, participate in the development of the main storyline, and gain permanent +[-] agility! 】

[Option [-]: The system provides a route to lift the curse for Hu Bayi, Wang Kaixuan, and Xue Liyang, and the host can get generous rewards, including a bottle of longevity pill! 】

【Yan Shou Pill: Each pill can increase life expectancy by 30 years. During the period of taking it, the body function of the user will stop declining and stop aging! 】

Longevity Dan?
Hearing the sound of the system, Su Mo's heart twitched violently.

Increase life expectancy by 30 years, this is a real life-changing thing!


Su Mo secretly said, "I choose three!"


A large number of memories flooded into his mind, Su Mo's eyes turned cold, and his aura changed, as if he had become an insurmountable mountain.

"Old Hu..."

Su Mo took out the golden compass and said solemnly, "Next, leave it to me!"

It may also be the reason why the power of the red eye curse ended, so this time the system's rewards were unprecedented, which made Su Mo, who has always sought stability, also determined to fight.

Lao Hu was a little surprised by Su Mo's reaction, but seeing Su Mo's non-negotiable attitude, Lao Hu nodded and replied: "Okay!"

Su Mo took the golden compass and determined the final position according to the system's prompt.


Su Mo jumped into the water first, followed by Xiao Cunding, Lao Hu, and Zhang Yingying.

Uncle Ming and Han Shuna looked at each other, they still haven't figured out what's going on, Su Mo acted vigorously, as if he was a different person.

"Let's go..."

Uncle Ming touched the back of his head, sighed, and pulled Axiang and Han Shuna into the water together.


After an unknown amount of time, Uncle Ming poked his head out of the water.

Lao Hu and Zhang Yingying supported Axiang and Han Shuna to climb up.

After Uncle Ming went ashore, he found that not only was there no one around the lonely island in the lake, but there were no traces of any caves on the ground.

The terrain of this island is also very strange, it is half the size of a football field, with a bulge in the middle that buckles down like a horn.

Uncle Ming raised his eyebrows and said, "This is an extinct underground volcano with a crater above it. How did we get in here?" "

At the same time, a red salamander drilled out from the top of the cone-shaped mountain, sticking out its long tongue.

It also retains ancient features from the post-glacial period, with rows of sharp teeth.

Lao Hu, Fatty, and Zhang Yingying immediately raised their guns and shot.

"Da da da da da da da da!"

"Da da da da da da da da!"

There was a burst of random shots, and the salamander was hit by bullets and flinched again and again.

Lao Hu saw that although the salamander retreated again and again, the bullets were stuck in the surface skin and did not enter the salamander's body at all.

While changing magazines, Lao Hu shouted, "No, light weapons are not lethal to it!"

Su Mo pulled out the Akasaka Sword from his back, "Stop. I'll kill it!"

Lao Hu, Fatty and Zhang Yingzhen stopped shooting immediately after hearing Su Mo's order.

Uncle Ming hid behind Lao Hu in fear.

Su Mo held the Akasaka Sword and quickly ran towards the Salamander

As the afterimage flashed by, Su Mo arrived near the salamander in a moment, and then jumped into the air.


Before the Salamander could react, Su Mo's Akasaka Sword had already been inserted into the Salamander's head.

This sword directly nailed the Salamander to the ground.

The salamander shook its body violently a few times before losing its life.

Seeing that the salamander was dead, Su Mo pulled out the Scarlet Firmament Sword and shook off the remaining blood on the sword, then inserted his backhand precisely behind his back.


Su Mo said in a deep voice, "Don't stop, keep going!"

With that said, Su Mo took out the golden compass again.


Everyone was speechless. They knew that Su Mo was very powerful, but they didn't expect Su Mo to be so strong.

The salamander, which can't be killed by bullets, is not Su Mo's enemy with a sword!

There was a strange sound, and black snakes got to the ground from nowhere.

"Seeing the Ahan poisonous snake!"

The fat man seemed to have a bad memory, and his body trembled a little, " did I see these things..."

Su Mo lowered his head and found that these poisonous snakes were exactly the same as those seen in Jingjue Ancient City.

"court death!"

Su Mo snorted coldly, and with a "swish", his body disappeared in place.

Immediately afterwards, Su Mo was so fast that even Lao Hu could only see an afterimage. It was as if he had used a split body technique, and his figure appeared in all directions at the same time.

Those blacks that were still showing off their might directly turned into minced meat.


Everyone's pupils dilated, and they were shocked again.

"Old Hu..."

Fatty came to Hu Bayi calmly, and said, "Do you feel something is wrong? I remember... Brother Su can scare them away..."



Su Mo would die if he touched these black snakes. After a while, they died all over the ground, but Su Mo still didn't intend to stop.

Lao Hu nodded, "This group of poisonous snakes... probably angered Brother Su!"


Su Mo raised his fist and hammered it heavily on the ground. As the last few black streaks turned into blood foam, Su Mo looked around, "Any other moves... just come on!"

Su Mo knew that although this system-planned route was considered a shortcut, longevity pills, such heaven-defying treasures, were not so easy to obtain.


After Su Mo's voice fell, the ground cracked, and a golden-armored giant nearly three meters in size walked out.

Xue Liyang exclaimed, "His clothes...this is the invincible general of the Demon Kingdom!"

Lao Hu raised his head and subconsciously said, "Niuxinshan's Jin Guo generals are nothing compared to him!"


Su Mo sneered, "It's just a big zongzi!"

Su Mo pulled out his long sword, leaped forward, and struck the head of the golden-armored giant with his sword.


With a crisp sound, the Scarlet Firmament Sword landed on the giant general's helmet without moving.


The golden-armored giant howled, with foul-smelling black air coming out of his mouth, and his fist the size of a sandbag came straight to Su Mo.

Su Mo's toes touched the ground, and he flew upside down. There was a series of friction sounds. Su Mo smashed through more than a dozen stone walls, and finally stopped in front of a big stone.


The giant general's attack fell through the air and hit the ground, making a violent tremor.

Su Mo turned over and stood up, wiping the blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth.

The strength of this giant is extremely strong physically, and when he challenged him just now, he was no match for him at all.

Fortunately, Su Mo made preparations in advance, otherwise, he would definitely be beaten to death by him now.

"Brother Su..."

Seeing this scene, the fat man was taken aback, and hurried over, "Are you all right?"

Su Mo shook his head, and thought to himself, "This is the richest reward ever, it really isn't so easy to get!"

(End of this chapter)

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