Chapter 142 The First Auction

ten days later.

As the news of Su's Auction House holding its first auction spread like wildfire, this tall building that had just risen from the ground in Yanjing directly became the focus of people's scrambling discussions.

The stone lion at the entrance of the auction house comes from the Crescent Hotel!
Treasures handed down may appear at the auction!
A piece of unbelievable news spread directly throughout the entire Yanhuang land, and even attracted many wealthy Hong Kong businessmen.


On the top floor of Su's Building, Han Shuna complimented: "Master Su has achieved such an achievement at a young age, and his future is limitless!"

After Han Shuna dealt with Uncle Ming's matter, she returned to Yanjing, intending to continue managing the antique shop.

However, seeing that Su Mo and others were doing well in their careers, Han Shuna was not the kind of woman who was willing to be ordinary, so she became ruthless and took all her belongings to join Su Mo.

Su Mo was at a time when he was short of soldiers and food, so naturally he would not refuse anyone who came.

In this way, Han Shuna became a member of the Sumo Group, and most of the rich Hong Kong businessmen in the building were also introduced by Han Shuna.

"Master Su..."

Da Jinya walked in and said, "It's time!"


Su Mo frowned, "Since the time is up, let's start the auction house..."


With that said, Su Mo greeted everyone, "Let's take a look at this grand occasion!"

Lao Hu, Fatty and others followed Su Mo to auction the boxes.

Not long after, the drums sounded, and the guests arrived. Rich people, big and small, were arranged in boxes on the first and second floors according to their social status.

It is worth noting that the Crescent Hotel is also here!

However, it was not the Baisui Mountain that Su Mo was familiar with, but an elegant and beautiful woman.

Su Mo figured out the identity of this woman -- this person should be the head of the Yin family, and she also has a daughter named Yin Xinyue!
"ladies and gentlemen…"

A beautiful auctioneer stood in the auction area: "Thank you for participating in the first auction of our Su's Auction House despite your busy schedule. You are also the first batch of customers of our Su's Auction House."

"In the future, there will be auctions, and we will definitely invite everyone to participate again. I hope you will give us your full support, and we hope that you can take pictures of your favorite items today and return with a rewarding experience!"

Su Mo, Fatty Hu, and others sat in a box on the third floor.

The fat man asked in a low voice: "Brother Zhou, where did you get this beauty, she looks really good!"

Su Mo: "..."

Is your focus here???
Today is the first opening of Laozi Auction House, okay?
Su Mo said angrily: "It was dug back from abroad, an overseas Chinese, what? Treat her to dinner later?"

"Or do you want me to wash him for nothing and send him to your room?"

Hearing Su Mo's words, the fat man smiled awkwardly.

Old Hu said with contempt on his face, "Fatty, when are you still thinking about these things? Today is the most important step in establishing the reputation of the auction house. You think everyone is as heartless as you!"

"Before Panjiayuan and Liulichang, Brother Su ate a lot of treasures at a low price based on his own vision. There are many people waiting to see our jokes!"

The fat man laughed and said: "Yes, yes, I was wrong, I was wrong, I just think, we have a treasure in our hands, what are we afraid of? And they are here for the treasure, not for our reputation..."

Su Mo glanced at the fat man, and patiently explained: "You are right, as long as we have enough good babies, then everything will be fine, as long as we have a good reputation."

"But what you said later was wrong. They came here for us. The purpose of the people here is nothing more than to see me, the boss behind it."

Su Mo was right. The guests who came this time, apart from some collectors who came here for fame, were colleagues like the Crescent Hotel.

Many of them are Hong Kong businessmen and tycoons!

Su Mo has been in the limelight during this time, whether it is the lighting of the sky lanterns at the Crescent Hotel, or this auction house that has exploded, such strength is not something that ordinary people can manage.

Secretly, I don't know how many people have harbored evil intentions towards Su Mo.

Fatty seemed to understand, " that's how it is..."

While everyone was chatting, the auction below had already reached the third treasure.

The beautiful auctioneer said: "Now here is our third lot, six gold coins from Jingjue Ancient City!"

"The ancient city of Jingjue is a mysterious country in the Western Regions. It was mysterious at the beginning, and it also died mysteriously. Therefore, there are almost no gold coins in the ancient city of Jingjue on the market, and it is very valuable for collection!"

"The low price is [-], and each price increase must not be less than [-]!"

"Start the auction now!"

A rich man from a Hong Kong businessman raised a sign and shouted: "11!"

"12 million!"

"14 million!"

Another buyer from Liaodong raised a placard and shouted: "20!"

"30 million!"

"40 million!"

The so-called antique auction house is actually not much different from the transactions on the street stalls. Rare things are more expensive, and the ancient city is exquisite. Many people have only heard of it, but they have never seen it.

Nowadays, there are ancient coins of exquisite ancient countries on the market, and everyone wants to be the first to eat crabs.

"60 million!"

The woman surnamed Yin at the Crescent Hotel suddenly raised a sign and shouted.


The collector in Liaodong gritted his teeth and shouted: "One million!"


As soon as the price came out, there was an uproar in the field!

100 million, these six ancient coins from Jingjue Ancient City have already been bid for 100 million.

Even Su Mo was shocked.

The beautiful auctioneer waited for three seconds, and when no one bid, he held up a small hammer and shouted: "One million times!"

"100 million twice!"

Just when the Liaodong collector showed a smile.

A voice came from the private room on the second floor: "120 million!"

Heard the price of 120 million.

Collector's Dumpling Floor Gray.Disappointed, he shook his head and sighed, and helplessly put the price tag in his hand on the table.

After waiting for three seconds, the beautiful auctioneer shouted: "Is there any more bids, is there any more bids?"

Wait for three seconds again: "120 million once!" "120 million twice!"


A woman from the Yin family at the Crescent Hotel raised a sign and shouted: "150 million!"

Now everyone is silent.

The beautiful auctioneer smiled and shouted on the stage: "150 million times!
"150 million twice!"

"150 million three times!"

"make a deal!"

The fat man looked confused, and said, "I'll go, Brother Su, one lot is worth 150 million, they are too rich!"

Lao Hu and Zhang Yingying were also taken aback.

After all, the three of them had seen the world, but the scene in front of them still shocked them.

Da Jinya was also amazed: "What is a rich man, this is a rich man!"

Shirley Yang tilted her head, looked at Su Mo, and asked, "Did you pack all the gold and silver in Jingjue Ancient City back then?"

Fatty and Old Hu were taken aback, yes, Su Mo knows how to transport five ghosts!
Thinking that the six gold coins of Jingjue Ancient City are so valuable, the gold coins that are like a mountain of gold can't make a fortune!

The fat man looked at Su Mo with bright eyes.

Su Mo smiled, "How could I bring them all back..."

Everyone's expressions gradually relaxed, and they were about to say something, but they heard Su Mo say again, "I only brought back one-third!"

The crowd took a breath.

(End of this chapter)

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