Chapter 144;

"6000 million!"

Listening to the noise downstairs, the fat man murmured to himself, "I never dared to think about so much money..."

"6000 million, how many meals of hot-boiled mutton can I eat!"

Although everyone was speechless to Fatty's words, the 6000 million quotation in the audience really surprised them.

Su Mo was also quite happy with the sky-high price of 6000 million, "I have prepared three finale treasures this time, and the emerald is only the first one, and the next one should not be lower than this price!"

With that said, the waiter below brought up the second finale item.

The beautiful auctioneer carefully uncovered the red cloth, and introduced: "This is the jade Ruyi presented to Ming Chengzu by the king of Joseon..."

"This piece of jade Ruyi is carved from a piece of precious white jade. It is nearly half a meter long. The color is white and green. It is carved in the shape of a porous fungus..."

"The inscription on the top of the handle has two big characters of "imperial system"; the inscription on the lower part is, the four characters of "Sun, Moon, Mountain and River"!"

"The auction starts now, with a low price of 1000 million, and each increase must not be less than 50!"

Ming Chengzu!
King of Korea!

Doesn't it mean that this piece of jade Ruyi is not only a treasure in itself, but the historical background behind it is even more profound.

This treasure can be regarded as a family heirloom!
Someone was thinking quickly, and made a direct bid: 500 million! "

"550 million!"

"600 million!"

There are no rich people here who are fools, and the king of North Korea dedicated it to Ming Chengzu. How can this be an ordinary thing!
This Su's Auction House can actually get this kind of treasure, it seems that the boss behind it is absolutely extraordinary!

While everyone was quoting quickly, they were a little more curious about the owner of this auction house.

"5000 million!"

"Fifty three million!"

"Fifty three million!"


In the end, Mingcheng Zuyu Ruyi was bought by a rich merchant in the second private room on the second floor at a sky-high price of 8000 million!
Old Hu was surprised: "Brother Su, do you still have Ming Chengzu Zhu Di's baby?"

Su Mo said with a smile: "I spent 3000 yuan to collect this from a peddler at Liulichang. The peddler thought it was an ordinary jade ruyi, so he didn't take it seriously at all..."

The fat man opened his mouth wide in shock: "Oh my God, if this person finds out now, he won't be so pissed off, 3000 yuan will give away 8000 million Yuruyi!
Old Hu said: "Too prodigal!"

Da Jinya said: "It's like this with antiques. If you leave the sale and buy it, you will suffer a loss. Who told him not to have this vision. Master Su, this is a big leak. The change of hands is a sky-high price!"

Su Mo said with a smile: "Low-key, low-key, this time, the next finale item is not easy, this time, the reputation of Su's Auction House can be regarded as a blow!"

Shirley Yang was very curious: "What is the next antique? Could it be your Akasaka Sword?"

Both the top-quality gems and the emperor's items came out. At this moment, even Xue Liyang became curious about the third finale.

Su Mo shook his head, "How is it possible, I am using the Scarlet Firmament Sword, how could it be auctioned..."

Xueli Yang asked, "What the hell is that?"

Su Mo smiled mysteriously, "You just look at it..."

Everyone looked curiously towards the first floor.

I saw the waiter carefully pushing the next finale item around.

The beautiful auctioneer also carefully uncovered the red cloth, and everyone looked at it curiously and expectantly
It's ancient jade!
The beautiful auctioneer introduced: "Dear guests, this is the third finale item of our Tang and Song Auction House, and it is also the last item of this auction..."

"She is He Shibi!"


Hearing what the auctioneer said, everyone couldn't sit still.

This title is really too big, many wealthy people on the second floor of the metropolis stood up and looked at the first floor with an almost exaggerated attitude.

Heshibi, since Emperor Qin engraved the words "Shou Shou Yong Chang" on it and became the Jade Seal of the Kingdom, it has been deeply tied to the feudal dynasty in 2000.

All the people who owned him in history were the overlords who disturbed the history of China!
"Really are…"

A Hong Kong businessman on the second floor said tremblingly, "Is it really that piece of He's Bi that disappeared?"

The auctioneer smiled slightly and said: "Heshibi has been handed down for thousands of years. During the Three Kingdoms period, the princes also fought for this jade seal. Later Tang Li Congke burned himself holding the jade seal when his country was in ruins. So far, the whereabouts of this treasure is unknown. ..."

The merchants were suspicious, "This piece is..."

The beautiful auctioneer explained: "After Zhu Yuanzhang overthrew the Yuan Dynasty and established the Ming Dynasty, everyone said that the country is more upright than the Ming Dynasty, but what everyone doesn't know is that Ming Taizu also secretly sent Jin Yiwei to search for Heshibi among the people, but they found nothing. In the end, Shen Wansan, a great businessman, imitated this piece of Heshibi and dedicated it to Zhu Yuanzhang!"

"This event has never been recorded in the official history, but it is recorded in detail in the biography of the unofficial history!"

"And the precious jade in front of us is the Heshibi imitated by Shen Wansan!"


After hearing the auctioneer's words, everyone immediately felt relieved.

Think about it too, if it is really He's Bi, a fool will blatantly auction it here!
Thinking of this, many wealthy people wiped off their cold sweat and thought to themselves, if it is really He's Bi, they are here to compete for the auction at this moment, that is the greatest insult to He's Bi!
After all... that is Chuan Guo Yuxi!
Ordinary people hold it in their hands, even if they collect it, if their fate is not good, then they will lose their life!

A national treasure handed down from generation to generation, how can mortals hold it!
"But even though it's an imitation, it can also be related to Ming Taizu..."

At this time, everyone's minds became active.

The beautiful auctioneer raised her voice, "The starting price is 1000 million, and each increase must not be less than 50!"

A wealthy businessman on the second floor couldn't wait to call out a high price.

The first bid was directly 2000 million, and the rich people on the first floor immediately lost their interest in competing. They all knew that the auction of this imitation He's Bi was definitely a sky-high price, and ordinary rich people like them could not participate.

"Twenty-five million!"

"3000 million!"

"5000 million!"

"Fifty three million!"

In just half a minute, the price skyrocketed to 5000 million. Everyone was shocked, but they also knew that this was definitely not the final transaction price!
"6000 million!"

"Sixty-five million!"

Hearing the price calls one after another, Da Jinya looked at Su Mo in surprise: "Master Su, you actually have an imitation He's Bi?"

In the land of Huaxia, if anyone has never heard of Heshibi, firstly, the history is not good, and secondly, he is definitely a coward!

Ordered by the sky, you will live forever!
I swear, which teenager has never had such a second-school dream!

Shirley Yang also looked at Su Mo in amazement: "For Su's Auction House, you are really willing!"

Although it is an imitation, everyone knows that this piece of ancient jade is a national treasure, there is no doubt about it!
Su Mo gritted his teeth and said, "I also feel a little distressed, but I don't want the child to be caught by a wolf. In order to become the largest antique dealer in China, it's all worth it!"


ps: There are indeed imitations of Heshibi, but it has nothing to do with Shen Wansan and Ming Taizu, so you don’t need to delve into it.
(End of this chapter)

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