Chapter 150

The Queen Jingjue looks like Xueli Yang, but she looks more charming than Xueli Yang, "Boy, you can't kill me..."


Su Mo was stunned for a moment, then looked around, and suddenly realized, "It turned out to be an illusion!"

Hearing this, King Xian's expression changed, and he reprimanded, "Boy, what are you talking about?"

King Xian slashed at Su Mo with a knife, and the crystal knife wheel burst out with cold electricity and cold light, which was extremely frightening.

Su Mo put down the Scarlet Firmament Sword, closed his eyes, and let the King Xian's saber fall on him without avoiding it.


The blood of the Qinglong spurted out, and in an instant, a vague dragon chant resounded through the sky, shaking the nine heavens!
Queen Jingjue, King Xian, and the High Priest of the Demon Kingdom twisted their faces, and their bodies disappeared in an instant.

The surrounding environment is also like a flower in a mirror and a moon in water.

All illusions start to disappear!
When Su Mo returned to reality, he looked around, only to find that Yingzi, Xiaocunnail, Ying Caihong and others had all fallen into the illusion to varying degrees.

Yingzi's little face was as pale as paper.

And Ying Rainbow danced and danced, as if he had lost his mind.

"It's really evil..."

Su Mo jumped up, came to the petal stone plate, and pulled out the Chixiao sword in his hand with a "crack".


The stone plate engraved with Bana flowers shattered, and the people around them also woke up from the environment at the same moment.

"The other shore flower..."

Seeing the Bianhua shattered, Ying Rainbow was shocked, and yelled madly, "You ruined the Bianhua, you ruined my hope of living, I...I want you to die!"

As she said that, Ying Caihong raised her pistol, and to everyone's surprise, she aimed at Yingzi beside her.


Gunshots sounded.

"court death!"

Su Mo's eyes flickered fiercely, and he flew forward, not giving Ying Rainbow a chance to fire a second shot, and punched Ying Caihong on the cliff with one punch.


Seeing this scene, Yoko's complexion changed, she bared her teeth and claws, she was already out of control, and wanted to fight Su Mo desperately.

"act recklessly!"

Su Mo snorted coldly, threw out the Scarlet Firmament Sword, and flew out in the air.

This time, Su Mo showed no mercy and forcibly nailed the little girl to the ground.


After finishing all this, Su Mo quickly walked to Yingzi's side, "Sister...are you okay..."

Yingzi's face was pale, and she looked like she was still in shock. She touched her waist and took out a bullet casing the size of a grain of rice, "Almost, almost..."

If Su Mo hadn't taken off the inner armor to himself in advance, Yingzi would hardly have dared to think about the consequences of this shot.


Yingzi kissed Su Mo's cheek fiercely, her eyes were full of love,


Su Mo heaved a sigh of relief on the spot, and laughed loudly, "Sister, if you survive a catastrophe, you will be blessed!"


The stone pillars of the underground palace collapsed, the mountain cracked, and the entire tomb of the goddess began to shake.

Su Mo put the small nail on his shoulder, drew out his weapon, and hugged Yingzi by the waist, saying, "I can't stay here anymore!"

As he said that, Su Mo used the stepping snow Wuhen light kung fu to avoid the stone pillars, and at the same time began to look for the birth door of the tomb.

【Ding! 】

The system sounded, [Congratulations to the host for completing the selection task, rewarding the blood of the four beasts x4]

[The blood essence of the four ferocious beasts: After taking it, you can get the second-generation blood of Qiongqi, Taotie, Wuwu, and Chaos respectively (note, it is only valid for those under the age of ten)]

The blood essence of the ferocious beast was wrapped in four blue porcelains, and Su Mo didn't take a closer look at it. After all, this is not the time to worry about it.

Su Mo's figure moved at high speed in the air, even holding Yingzi, his figure was extremely agile. "windy…"

If there is wind, it means that this place can lead to the outside!

Su Mo knew there was something going on, so he accelerated his speed again and headed towards the vent.



After an unknown amount of time, Su Mo broke through the ground with Yingzi. At this time, the sun had just risen, and the winter grassland looked very desolate.

Su Mo couldn't help shivering with the cold wind blowing.


There was a smile on the corner of Su Mo's mouth, "The little tomb of the goddess actually took my sister's life, I will send someone to level this place when I go back..."

This is more touching than those earthy love stories!

Hearing Su Mo's words, Yingzi's face was full of happiness.

However, seeing the haggard look on Su Mo's face, Yingzi felt a little distressed, and said, "Thanks for your hard work..."

Others don't know about Su Mo's skill, how could Yingzi not know about it.

If he hadn't dragged Su Mo back, let alone a small tomb of a Khitan princess, even an ancient tomb ten times more dangerous than this place, Su Mo, who is a general in Faqiu Zhonglang, could easily break through it !
Su Mo pulled up such a large team by himself, relying on an antique shop in Panjiayuan, and established his own auction house, museum, and antique street.

Others only saw Su Mo's net worth of over [-] million yuan, but Yingzi knew that Su Mo's every fortune was made with his life.

Yingzi reached out and touched Su Mo's side face, "Thank you..."


Su Mo curled his lips, "Sister, you underestimate me too much. When we get back to the kang, even if we toss about for another hour, I won't take a breath..."


Yingzi blushed, "Rogue! Shameless!"


Su Mo laughed loudly.

"Su Mo!"


Not far away, more than a dozen galloping horses stepped on Niuxinshan residents dressed as hunters, and the leader was the son of the old party secretary.

Seeing these people, Su Mo felt relieved, "Go home!"


Yingzi nodded heavily, "Go home!"


The death of Ying Rainbow represents the destruction of the global spiritual society and cult organizations.

On the ground, there are still some cults that have not been buried in the grave, but with the exposure of the Goddess Tomb incident, the local government dispatched police forces to eradicate this cult organization in the first place.

Niuxinshan ushered in the long-lost peace again!

Su Mo invisibly once again resolved the crisis for Niu Xinshan, and the villagers in the village are all grateful for this.

After the Goddess' Tomb incident, Su Mo continued to socialize. The villagers were very simple and didn't have many evil intentions. Su Mo liked to stay with these people very much.

The turmoil at the tomb of the goddess did not subside until the last few days of the Chinese New Year.

The villagers looked at buying new year's goods, and visiting relatives and friends. Su Mo also wrapped a red envelope for Yingzi's parents, and specially bought some ancient jade from the system space that can drive away dampness and evil spirits, as well as medicines with a century-old age. Ginseng for good health.

After that, Su Mo was rarely at leisure.

It's just that the last few days of the Chinese New Year are approaching, but Yingzi has suffered.


On New Year's Eve, the flavor of the New Year is very strong. Just at three or four o'clock, the firecrackers outside the house were all fired, and the crackling sounded non-stop.


The two who were making out stopped immediately when they heard the sound, Yingzi raised his head and looked at Su Mo, "Have you set off firecrackers?"

Su Mo leaned down and speeded up, "It's dawn, sister, let's hurry up..."


After another ten minutes, with the sound of firecrackers outside the house, Su Mo finally fell on the bed reluctantly.

Yingzi lay sideways beside Su Mo, and took a long breath of relief.
"Sister, Happy New Year!"

(End of this chapter)

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