People are in Panjiayuan, and they fool Lao Hu to rob the tomb at the beginning

Chapter 158 Wang's reaction, understanding cause and effect

Chapter 158 Wang's reaction, understanding cause and effect

Su Mo said in a deep voice, "This person should be the last Guanshan Taibao. I had dealt with him when I was in Gulan County. He is black-bellied and good at scheming!"

"During this time, go and monitor him. If you find anything unusual about this person... just ask Ada to send someone to kill him!"

The opponent is Guanshan Taibao. Zhang Yingzheng is well aware of the pros and cons, and he dare not be careless. He nodded slightly, "Okay, I will do it right away!"

Hearing this, Su Mo nodded in satisfaction. Lao Hu had been a soldier and had been influenced by positive energy. If Lao Hu was asked to do such a thing, Lao Hu would never agree.

But Zhang Yingzheng is different, Zhang Yingzheng is the authentic Mojin Xiaowei, and when his great-grandfather Zhang Sanlianzi became the Mojin Xiaowei, Mojin Xiaowei was left with a pile of mess.

There are three Mojin talismans on a Zhang San chain, which shows how desperate Captain Mojin has become.


Su Moyu patted Zhang Yingying's shoulder earnestly, "Sleep well, this matter should not be publicized, and it must be done secretly..."

"it is good!"

Zhang Yingying accepted the order gladly, turned around and left immediately.


Back in his room, Su Mo saw that Yingzi was already asleep, and did not disturb Yingzi. After a brief wash, he fell asleep.

But what Su Mo didn't know was that while he was sleeping soundly, the boss of the Wang family had exploded.

"Brother, the Yuan Tomb stronghold can't be reached, the phone can't get through..."

"Brother, we sent people to the Yuan Tomb stronghold to check. There was no one there, but there were signs of fighting inside!"

"Brother, the Yuan Tomb stronghold must have been stolen!"

In the luxurious private room, the lights are bright, and a huge long table is placed in the center of the room. More than a dozen Wang family principals are sitting around the long table. The atmosphere is dignified like an elders meeting in a fantasy movie.

"How is it possible... The yuan zongzi we transformed is invulnerable, who is its opponent? Could it be that Master Zhang personally took it away?"

"Impossible...Even if Master Zhang led the team himself, he must have used the team of the Nine Sects, but...we haven't received any news at all..."


Everyone was silent, the Wang family's infiltration of the Nine Gates was already a well-known thing, and they had long been tacitly aware of it.

"It shouldn't be the Nine Gates..."

The Wang family has fought with the Zhang family for hundreds of years, and there are also many smart people. Many people deduced, "It should be other forces who took action..."


Everyone was puzzled, in this city of Yanjing, apart from the official army and the Nine Gates, who could quietly destroy a stronghold of their Wang family with hundreds of people.

What's more, there is a large rice dumpling that they carefully remodeled in that Yuan tomb!
Who has that much energy?

Who has such skills?

The crowd was horrified.

Their Wang family broke up the Zhang family in the Northeast, and they survived in name only, but now they are disgraced by an unknown force!
Thinking of this, every head of the Wang family felt a mass of anger in his heart.

"Everyone keep a low profile during this time..."

On the first seat, sat a man in a black robe wearing a mask, and he was the current head of the Wang family, "The destruction of the Yuan Tomb stronghold is not necessarily a bad thing..."

"Yuan Zongzi was killed, which shows that Guanshan Taibao's method doesn't work at all, or it doesn't suit our Wang family!"

"Abandon this method, and increase investment in research on black-haired snake pheromones!"


Everyone looked serious and nodded.

Black-haired snakes and pheromones have always been the focus of the Wang family's research, and within 30 years, they will surely have a major breakthrough.


The leader of the Wang family seemed to have remembered something, and asked again, "How is Wu Laogou's little grandson doing now?"

Wu Xie?

A head of the Wang family hurriedly replied, "Wu Xie is still a child now..."


The leader of the Wang family laughed, "Wu Laogou thinks his grandson can live innocently, but he doesn't know that Wu Xie's fate was doomed when he was born, and he will never be able to escape the fate of being a "medicine man" for the rest of his life! "

"Wu Xie has lived in the shadow of my Wang family all her life!"

"Strictly monitor Wu Xie!"



solution home.

It's bloody tonight!
Hundreds of corpses were secretly handled by Xie Jiuye's confidantes, and then quickly destroyed!
Its means are enough to deceive the world!
However, after this incident, Xie Jiuye, who was already in poor health, was directly admitted to the emergency room this time.


Yenching Museum.

Professor Sun dialed Xue Liyang's phone number, exchanged pleasantries, and inadvertently heard that Xue Liyang had broken the red eye curse, and a gleam of surprise flashed in Professor Sun's eyes.

"Good good..."

Professor Sun was overjoyed, "It seems to be God's will, God's will cannot be violated!"

"Sydney, I'm a bit inconvenient right now, let's talk later..."

Professor Sun hung up the phone and took out a yellowed photo in the drawer.

Above is the only photo of him and his elder brother Feng Xuewen.

"Big brother..."

Professor Sun said tremblingly, "You are right, only Captain Mo Jin can help me!"

"This generation of Captain Mojin can relieve the curse of red spots that has plagued the mountain-moving Taoists for thousands of years. Their strength is far above mine!"

"Now I just need to make up a lie and let Hu Bayi and the others get in!"

At this time, Professor Sun was in a state of nervousness, and became inexplicably mad. He picked up the mountainside viewing card on the table and ran out quickly.

But as soon as I left the gate of the museum, a truck drove towards me.


Professor Sun couldn't dodge in time, and hit the truck head-on, his body flew upside down for tens of meters, and blood flowed all over the ground.

"Fuck, this old gentleman doesn't usually look at the road..."

"Hurry up, hurry up, call the hospital..."

"Hey, hello, Jingdu Hospital, we had a car accident here, come quickly..."

A loud alarm bell rang, and Professor Sun was sent to the hospital.

Zhang Yingzheng, who was observing in the crowd, drove a big car and followed the ambulance into the Kyoto People's Hospital.


Soon after, Pan Jiayuan.

Jingle Bell!
The urgent phone rang.

Yingzi picked up the phone, then looked at Su Mo who was watching the cross talk, and said, "Brother Su, it's Zhang Yingying's call..."


Su Mo frowned, a little surprised, and smiled, "The speed is pretty fast!"


Yingzi didn't quite understand what Su Mo was talking about, and asked in confusion, "What? The speed is quite fast? What do you mean?"

Yingzi was confused.

Su Mo smiled, but did not explain, stood up and took the phone from Yingzi, lowered his voice, and said, "How is the matter going?"

On the other end of the phone, Zhang Yingying's voice was still inaudible, "It's not dead, but it's turned into a vegetable. Do you want to kill the grass?"

This is not dead, what a fate!

Su Mo was somewhat surprised, but when he heard that Professor Sun had also turned into a vegetable, he thought about it, and immediately said, "Let him live, he has become a vegetable, what are we worried about?"

"it is good!"

Zhang Yingxuan nodded and quickly hung up the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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