Chapter 161 Request from Master Zhang Dafo,
"Great Buddha Zhang, the head of the Nine Sects, the younger generation has a reputation for you that is like thunder!"

Su Mo calmly patted Master Zhang's flattery.

Unexpectedly, Master Zhang would not take this set at all, with a calm and calm face, he continued, "The last time you encircled and suppressed the Wang family stronghold, apart from antiques? Have you gained anything else?"

Other gains?

Although he heard the implication of Master Zhang, Su Mo pretended to be confused, "No, there is nothing but antiques..."


Master Zhang Dafo didn't say much, he stared at Su Mo, his eyes sharpened suddenly, "Su Mo, do you know why Mr. Kui asked you today?"

This time it really stumped Su Mo. Su Mo has been dealing with business matters for the past few years, and has rarely had contact with the Nine Gates and the Wang family.

Today, he was invited to Zhong Nanhai out of the blue. He racked his brains, but he still couldn't figure out what happened to Kui first?
Master Zhang Dafo said in a deep voice, "The leader has sent people to discuss with people from the country where the sun never sets. The return of Hong Kong Island is imminent. There are many antiques belonging to China on the island that are being secretly replaced by those crooked nuts using the technique of stealing the sky and changing the sun..."

"I heard that your Su's Auction House is very powerful in Hong Kong Island, so the leader wants to use you to protect the safety of these national treasures!"

Su Mo was stunned. He didn't expect his Su's Auction House to undertake such a task.


Su Mo hesitated for a long time, "Wouldn't it be better for Jiumen to do this matter? To protect antiques and identify the authenticity of national treasures, Jiumen should be able to do it too..."

Su Mo is obliged to serve the country, but Su Mo has always maintained a trace of vigilance towards Master Zhang.

Decades ago, when Master Zhang was in Changsha, everyone offered him as the leader of the Nine Sects. Master Zhang did not fail to live up to everyone's expectations. He led the Nine Sects to fight Little Dongying and defend the Great Wall.

However, in recent years, Master Zhang has repeatedly cleaned up the members of the Nine Gates, planning the largest official tomb robbery in history, resulting in countless deaths and injuries to the glorious Nine Gates, and a gap in talent.

Wu Laogou fled to Hangzhou, and Qi Tiezui, who was proficient in fortune-telling, feigned death to escape.

It is said that Xie Jiuye is the purse of Zhang Dafo, but since the 70s, Xie Jiuye and Zhang Dafo have been in harmony, which is a well-known thing in Taoism.

Master Zhang Dafo said, "The Nine Gates can't take action on this matter..."

Su Mo was puzzled, "Why?"


Master Zhang was silent for a moment, and explained, "So the person who secretly exchanged the national treasure on Hong Kong Island this time is a guy called "Jude Kao". Jiumen has a long history of grudges with him..."

"If people from the Nine Gates intervene in this matter, Jude Kao must be alert. At that time, I am in the open and the enemy is in the dark. The situation will only get worse..."

Jude test?
Good people don't live long, and disasters last for thousands of years. This old bastard is still making trouble after a long time.

Su Mo thought for a while, and said, "Okay, I, Su's Auction House, will take over this task!"

Seeing that Su Mo agreed, Master Zhang nodded and stared at Su Mo with a playful look in his eyes, "Young man, how about I guide you into the Nine Gates?"


Su Mo didn't even think about it, he just shook his head, "Great Buddha, forget it, I'm used to being lazy, so many rules of the Nine Schools don't suit me..."

Join Nine Gates?

Just kidding, the wealth that Su Mo now possesses far exceeds that of any family in the Nine Sects. The behemoth that was once seen by everyone is nothing more than that in Su Mo's eyes now.

Grand Buddha Zhang moved his thin lips slightly, and was about to say something, but Su Mo interrupted roughly, saying, "Great Buddha, since there is nothing wrong, then I will take my leave first!"

With that said, Su Mo left the banquet hall directly.

Grand Buddha Zhang clenched his fists, his face was a little angry.


Outside the house, several elders who watched Su Mo's fight came in again, and asked with a smile, "How is this young man? How is it compared to your nine disciples and grandchildren?"


Master Zhang Dafo sighed, "Kung Fu is good, has means, and is full of scheming, this son has the appearance of a hero!"

Everyone was shocked, they never expected Master Zhang to have such a high opinion of this young man.

Master Zhang Dafo said again, "After I die, there will be no one among the nine generals who can check him..."

Wu family, Xie family, Huo family, Chen family!
The figure of the second generation of the Nine Schools slowly flashed across Master Zhang's mind, but Master Zhang shook his head, his disciples and grandchildren were far worse than Su Mo.

Wu Sansheng, the eldest son of the Wu family, is number one, but he is still a little behind Su Mo.

"Later generations have their own blessings, let them go..."

Master Zhang Dafo let out a long sigh, turned around and left, leaving everyone with a sad back.


Su Mo left the banquet hall, and the officer with a square face quickly found Su Mo and brought him out of Zhongnanhai.

After leaving Zhongnanhai, Su Mo seemed like a world away, never expecting that he would be interviewed by the leader one day.

This can be boasted for a lifetime in the future!

Su Mo smiled, and instead of going back to Panjiayuan, he hailed a car and went to the headquarters of Su's Auction House.

Su's building is full of traffic. After years of investment by Su Mo at all costs, the surrounding hotels, KTV, and bars have covered dozens of miles nearby, becoming one of the busiest commercial streets in Yanjing.

Walking into the building, people called Lao Hu, Zhang Yingying, and others.


Su Mo truthfully told the things about Hong Kong Island, "You guys have worked hard, go to Hong Kong Island..."

"Hong Kong Island, Han Shuna is familiar with it, let her follow..."

"And Ah Xiang, her yin and yang eyes may help..."

"By the way, there are four fierce generals, they are responsible for protecting your safety!"

Han Shuna is equivalent to a tour guide, Ah Xiang has the ability to see through falsehoods, and Zhang Yingying and Lao Hu are the captains of Mojin. The four fierce generals have the blood of the four fierce beasts, and their skills are second only to Su Mo.

This team has already included [-]% of the elites in Su Mo's hands.

Su Mo said in a deep voice, "It's about national treasures, don't be careless, even if it's a grain of sand, let it stay on Hong Kong Island!"


Zhang Yingying, it was rare for Lao Hu to see Su Mo's tone so serious, he didn't dare to be careless, and nodded repeatedly.


Su Mo waved his hand, "Book your flight tickets earlier, we also have business in Hong Kong Island, they are available for you to do things cheaply..."

"Besides, I have already made some phone calls with Mr. Li Jiacheng. The Li family is a well-known family in Hong Kong Island. They are local snakes in Hong Kong Island. It will be much more convenient for you to have him backing you..."

Time flies, after eight years of development, the talents in Su Mo's hands have matured, and most of the time, he is sitting in Yanjing and coordinating various forces.

It's just a Jude test. Su Mo hasn't taken him seriously yet. In fact, Su Mo doesn't need to take action. Old Hu is mature and calm. With him around, Su Mo feels at ease during the trip to Hong Kong Island.


After coordinating and arranging everything, Su Mo returned to Panjiayuan.

As soon as he entered the room, it was another acquaintance from Jiumen who caught his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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