Chapter 173 Let's talk again about the Great Buddha Zhang

Hey Shao opened his mouth wide, "Wu Xie, have you seen that, they can fly, they can fly..."

Although everyone was speechless to Hey Shao all the way, but at this time, no one said much, even Wu Sanxing sincerely praised, "What a handsome lightness skill!"

Wu Sanxing looked at Su Mo while talking.

So far, Su Mo hasn't fought yet!
Even the four fierce generals trained by Su Mo have such skills. How shocking is the famous Master Su's skills?


The four murderers fell into the water, jumped up lightly, and came to the side of the female ghost in white with their strength

The four generals were full of evil spirits.

The corpse turtle retreated in all directions in fear like a headless fly.

After a while, the shore was completely cleared, leaving only a "lonely" female ghost in white.

Feeling the evil spirit from the four fierce beasts, the female ghost in white dared not move.

Taotie stepped forward and kicked the female ghost in white to the ground.


The female ghost in white was also angry, her white clothes fluttered in the wind, and the black hair on her head fluttered like an octopus.

The five fingers gleamed with black light, like a sharp blade, they rushed straight to the four fierce generals.

The four fierce beasts did not dare to be careless, and drew out their sabers one after another.

Chaos said, "Work faster, don't let Mr. Su lose face in front of Mr. Wu!"

Wu Sansheng respected Su Mo quite a bit, and now the four of them joined forces to make a move. If there was any joke, it would no longer be a slap in the face of Su Mo!
The four nodded and swung their knives at the same time to force the female ghost in white back.


The female ghost in white let out a snarl, roared furiously, and rushed towards the four without fear of death, with the intention of dying together.

Chaos said again: "Surround her!"

"it is good!"

The four generals were synchronized and surrounded the female ghost in white with ghostly speed.

Black hair fluttered, revealing a face without facial features.

Look at that pale face.

The four of them had goosebumps all over their bodies.

Su Mo opened his golden pupils and was watching the battle. Seeing the face of the female ghost, Su Mo murmured suspiciously, "This ghost actually has a body..."


Su Mo sneered, "I'm blocking the way here, most likely I want to absorb the yang energy of living people and escape..."

Su Mo shouted to the four evil generals from across the air: "Send her on her way!"

If the ghost of this female ghost gets out of trouble, it will be a big trouble, and it will be even more difficult to deal with than the Queen of Essence without a body.

Letting her leave this place will definitely be a disaster for the people here in the future.


The four fierce generals cut their fingers, and the blood of the fierce beasts fell on the swords.

Invisibly, there are four fierce beasts roaring and roaring around.

Zhang Qiling was so shocked that he was dumbfounded.

He looked at these four people in disbelief...

what is this?
Chaos, Qiongqi, Wuwu and Taotie, the four fierce beasts, these bloodlines are by no means weaker than their own!
Zhang Qiling was stunned.

Wu Xie looked at Zhang Qiling's appearance, and said, "Boyyouping, what's wrong with you?"

Zhang Qiling shook his head, didn't say much, but focused on the four fierce generals on the opposite bank.

here.The four fierce generals wielded their knives, raised the knives and dropped them, quickly dismembering the corpse of the female ghost in white.

The white-clothed female ghost who was already injured just now expended a lot of strength in a desperate fight. As a result, the ghost became weaker and weaker.

After the body was damaged, the ghosts trapped in the body were naturally also injured. The saber was not an ordinary weapon, but a murder weapon stained with the blood of the four fierce beasts.

The ferocious power in the blood of the four ferocious beasts wreak havoc in the body, destroying everything in the body.


The female ghost in white, whose soul was seriously injured, let out a wail and disappeared into the world.

Su Mo opened his sky eye on the boat and looked at it, and found that the female ghost was indeed gone, nodded, and said, "Dead!"

The four ferocious beasts listened to the order, put away their sabers, and then used lightness kung fu to touch the water and leap back to the wooden boat.

It fell gently, and the wooden boat did not shake in any way.

Although the skills of the four fierce generals are not as good as Zhang Qiling's, they are similar. If the four join forces, even Zhang Qiling is no match for them.


Everyone was stunned, including Wu Sansheng.

Before they encountered big rice dumplings or dirty things, most of the time they would avoid them if they could, and slip away if they could. This was the first time he had seen such a tough fight like Su Mo.

"Let's go..."

Su Mo reminded: "Let's go, the exit should be not far ahead!"

Everyone suddenly realized and rowed again and again.

Today is really eye-opening...

Pan Zi looked at the four fierce generals, Su Mo, Zhang Qiling and the others with admiration, and said, "I admire, Master Su, I can see that you are not mortals!"

Wu Sansheng also said: "Master Su, with these four brothers escorting you, you can come and go freely in the tomb that day!"

Su Mo shook his head, "It's not enough to come and go freely, there are too many strange things in this world, especially under the tomb, anything may appear!"

Wu Sansheng nodded approvingly.


Everyone rowed the boat out of the corpse hole.

At this moment, Zhang Qiling passed out due to excessive blood loss.

Wu Xie seemed to be very curious about Zhang Qiling, and asked his third uncle: "Third uncle, what is the origin of this little brother? Why is he so powerful?"

Although the white-clothed female ghost was killed by the four fierce beasts just now, Wu Xie has not forgotten the power and prestige of the younger brother who sprinkled blood beads to force the corpse turtle and the white-clothed female ghost back.

Wu Sansheng said: "He was introduced by a friend of mine. My friend is very prestigious in the world. The person he introduced is unmistakable!"

Su Mo smiled and said, "Is that person you mentioned Chen Pi Asi?"

Wu Sansheng was astonished, "How do you know?"

Su Mo said: "Ever since I saw Brother Zhang in the tomb for the first time, I have checked his background..."

"The Great Buddha Zhang left in 01. I didn't expect this Chen Pi Ah Si to be alive!"

As he said that, Su Mo shook his head again. Chen Pi'asi's methods are vicious, and coupled with the fact that he committed crimes when he was young and committed all kinds of evil, this life is doomed to a difficult end.

When mentioning Master Zhang, Wu Sanxing thought of a past event, and said with a smile: "Master Su, there used to be rumors in the Tao - Master Zhang is not dead, Master Su will not come out..."

Su Mo interrupted, "It's just a joke. When the old leader was still alive, I had a lot of dealings with Master Zhang..."

Wu Sansheng raised his eyes slightly, and his expression gradually became serious, "Master Su, since you have dealt with Lord Buddha, what do you think of him?"

Su Mo thought for a while, and said frankly, "As a senior in the Dao Dou world, I respect Master Zhang Dafo very much, but if you want me to work with him, I'm will be difficult!"

"Master Zhang is too deep in his heart, I don't like dealing with such people!"

Su Mo's words reached Wu Sansheng's heart.To be honest, among these second generations of the Nine Schools, no one likes Master Zhang Dafo. The incident of Gutong Jing's inversion caused the Nine Gates to suffer heavy losses, and they have not yet recovered.

Su Mo looked straight into Wu Sansheng's eyes, "I heard that Master Zhang was inquiring about the "Zhang family" in his later years?"


ps: There is another chapter in the evening.

(End of this chapter)

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