Chapter 176; Zhang Qiling kneeling?Let me kneel too?
Pan Zi came to the stone platform and shined his flashlight on the inside of the cauldron, "Third Master, there is something!"

Everyone walked over.

It was discovered that there was actually a headless corpse in the cauldron, but after so many years, the clothes of the headless corpse were already in tatters.

Su Mo explained to everyone, "The owner of this tomb cut off the head to sacrifice to heaven, but put the body here to sacrifice to humans. This corpse should be a prisoner of war, and slaves are not allowed to wear jewelry!"

After speaking, Su Mo stopped paying attention to this place and moved his eyes to other directions.

I saw Zhang Qiling walking towards the sarcophagus in the tomb, with an extremely nervous expression, and then said some strange notes to the coffin.

"Kaka, Kuka, Kuku, Kaon, Kaka, Kuka Kaku..."

This strange scene attracted everyone's attention.

Wu Xie asked Wu Sansheng, "Third Uncle, what happened to Poker Bottle?"

Wu Sansheng shook his head straight, with a confused look on his face.

Brother Zhang can make the female ghost in white kneel down?He is so skilled, why is he worshiping him now?

Chaos came to Su Mo's side and asked in a low voice, "Master Su, this is..."


Su Mo hesitated, "Corpse language, this is the first time I've seen it..."

Can you really talk?

Is a big zongzi better than a ghost?

Chaos was full of doubts, no wonder Su Mo asked them to watch and listen more, so there are so many ways along the way!
Corpse language, can talk to corpses!
I really learned a lot today!

The lid of the sarcophagus suddenly moved.

Countless black mist leaked from the sarcophagus.The lid of the sarcophagus seems to be about to be opened.

Wu Sanxing, Wu Xie and Pan Zi were shocked instantly, and they couldn't help but backed away a few steps in fright.


Suddenly, the coffin lid flew upwards.

Zhang Qiling's face trembled, and he immediately knelt down on the ground with his forehead on the ground!
After Zhang Qiling knelt down, the coffin lid spun a few times in the air before it fell on the coffin again.

Wu Sansheng was also very frightened, he quickly pulled Wu Xie down to his knees, and together with his younger brother, they put their foreheads on the ground.

When Pan Zi saw that Wu Laosan was kneeling down, he also straightened up and knelt down without thinking.

Su Mo looked at this scene in surprise.

The cautious Qiongqi was about to kneel down, but when he saw Su Mo standing where he was, he immediately straightened up.

Anyway, the sky is falling, and there is a tall one holding it up!
But having said that, Qiongqi still took a step towards Su Mo secretly, if something unexpected happens, at least Master Su can help him.

There was a sound similar to the little brother's in the coffin.

Zhang Qiling looked back at Su Mo, feeling helpless, and the speed of communication with the coffin became faster and faster, as if he was discussing and begging for mercy.

During this period, the lid of the coffin kept beating.

Ordinary people will definitely be scared to death when they see this scene in the tomb!
The one in the coffin lid seemed to be getting more and more impatient.

Zhang Qiling looked at Su Mo and said, "The things inside are terrifying. If they come out, we will be in danger. Just kneel down!"


Su Mo sneered, "You want me to kneel? Pickled meat is worth my kneeling!"


Su Mo pulled out the Scarlet Heaven Sword behind him, and flung it out in the air. The long sword shot towards the sarcophagus with the sound of breaking through the air.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Qiling suddenly changed color.


First black mist sprayed out, then the sarcophagus exploded, the coffin lid flew out, and fell to the ground with a "boom".

For a moment, black mist filled the air, obscuring everyone's sight.

Su Mo looked up, his eyes were deep, and he saw a well-preserved corpse floating in the air in his sight.

It stepped on the black mist, its muscles were like horned dragons, and its veins were protruding, as if it contained terrifying power. A pair of eyes shone with a dark and strange light, with indescribable domineering.

The black mist dissipated, and everyone was dumbfounded seeing this scene in the sky.

Nima, can you still fly?

This corpse is about to become a corpse fairy!

Su Mo withdrew the Scarlet Firmament Sword, and said in a deep voice, "Third Master, you stand back..."



"I want to see who is the murderer today!"


The four of them pulled out their sabers, leaped with lightness kung fu, and smashed Huashan Mountain towards the big rice dumpling with all their strength.

The big zongzi didn't dodge, didn't dodge, didn't move a muscle, and let the four sabers cut on his head.

"Bang bang bang!" After a few sounds, the body of the big rice dumpling didn't even shake, but all the swords of the four fierce generals fell to the ground.

The arms of the four were numb, among them, the palms of Tao Tie and Qiong Qi were even bleeding.

At this time, the big zongzi suddenly took a step forward and fell to the ground in an instant. The four of them were startled and quickly retreated to the side.

But it was too late, at this moment, a thigh kicked directly towards Chaos from the air.

This kick directly landed on Chaos's face and sent him flying.
A blood mark was left on Chaos' face, and bright red blood dripped from the corner of his mouth...

Chaos fell to the ground, clutching his stomach, twitching constantly, his face in pain.

The four fierce generals who were invincible yesterday are not the one-man enemy of this rice dumpling today!
Wu Sanxing was dumbfounded.

Da Zongzi still wanted to take advantage of the victory to pursue the other three people. Suddenly, Da Zongzi frowned, and saw a young man quietly appearing on its side, and at the same time raised his fist to strike at his head.

The casserole-sized fist roared in!

Da Zongzi didn't dare to be careless, and hastily raised his claws, and forcibly held the young man's fist, but the young man's fist was so strong that Da Zongzi was knocked back a few steps.


Seeing that his move was successful, Su Mo did not attack immediately, but sighed secretly in his heart, no wonder none of the four fierce beasts were its opponents, their strength was terrifying.

"Let's all back down..."

Su Mo said to Chaos and the others, "This zongzi has grown into a spirit, you are no match for it!"

Chaos and the others knew that this was not the time to be brave, so they nodded and retreated at the same time.


With a crisp sound, Su Mo pulled out the Scarlet Sky Sword and pointed at the big rice dumpling, "Come on, I'll play with you..."

Seemingly aware of the provocation in Su Mo's eyes, the big zongzi was furious, "Roar!"

The sound was so deafening that it almost burst everyone's eardrums.

The big zongzi raised his hands, and an incomparably powerful aura erupted from his body.


A series of screams echoed everywhere, and it was unknown who made these screams.


A huge black fist smashed towards Su Mo with a terrifying aura.

"Go away!"

Su Mo let out a low cry, and the long sword in his hand drew an arc, facing the huge black fist.


There was a shocking explosion, and the fist was smashed by Su Mo's long sword. Immediately afterwards, the big rice dumpling was split by Su Mo and flew out, falling more than ten meters away, with a burst of dust flying up.

Seeing this scene, Wu Sansheng's eyes flashed with surprise, and he said to himself, "Heavenly officials bless you, there are no taboos, no wonder Master Su doesn't kneel!"

"Hiss... what a terrifying skill!"

Wu Xie opened his mouth wide.

Pan Zi was also shocked, "To be able to confront Zongzi head-to-head, there really are such fierce people in the world!"

Chaos rubbed his chest, "Master Su's skill has reached such a level!"

Everyone gasped and said with emotion.

(End of this chapter)

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