Chapter 181

"The one lying below is definitely the body of King Lu Shang!"

Fatty Wang seemed to see fame and fortune, honor was beckoning to him, and he became more and more excited, "Speaking of this King Lu Shang, this old girl is quite wicked. It's down, live in by yourself, and you will be unlucky to meet your fat grandpa!"

"Today, grandpa is here to do justice for the heavens, to let you know that your fat grandpa is amazing."

"Hey, Master Su, brothers, you stay up there first, I'll go down and have a look, and test the water for you..."

As he spoke, he grabbed a vine at the entrance of the cave and slowly climbed down.

Wu Xie shouted: "Hey, fat man, be careful!"

While climbing, the fat man said, "Don't worry, wait for me on the top, wait for my signal before coming down!"


Su Mo was speechless, how could he not know what Wang Yueban was thinking at this time, what was he trying to test the waters, this guy clearly monopolizes the treasure below.


A light from below fell on Fatty Wang's face.


Fatty Wang's heart skipped a beat, he was startled, and with a "thump", he fell heavily to the ground.

And at this moment, Wu Sansheng, who had been missing for nearly an hour, appeared beside Fatty.

Seeing his third uncle, Wu Xie was overjoyed, "Third uncle, third uncle!"

Wu Sansheng raised his head and looked at Wu Xie above, knowingly asked the question, and opened his mouth first: "Wu Xie, you little bastard, where did you go? It made me worry to death!"

Wu Xie said, "Pan Zi and I are fine!"

It seems that this guy has succeeded!

Su Mo looked meaningfully at Wu Sansheng below.

The fat man sat up and said cursingly, "Why are you flicking around with a lamp? I thought I had encountered a ghost!"

Su Mo greeted everyone, "Go, go down!"

As he said that, Su Mo jumped up and jumped down, followed by the four evil generals.

Pan Zi looked at a dozen meters below and swallowed. He didn't have the handsome lightness skills of Su Moren, if he just jumped down like this, he might be smashed into meatloaf.

"have to!"

Pan Zi and Wu Xie looked at each other, "Let's obediently go down the tree trunk..."

The two tremblingly grabbed the vines and slowly slid down.

Su Mo landed, walked quickly to the male corpse, found the thousand-year-old unicorn and the bronze sword from the belt of the male corpse, and put them away directly.

This handle should be the weapon of King Lu Shang in the past. It is made of special materials. Although thousands of years have passed, it still has a cold light. Its power may not be inferior to Qiling's ancient black gold sword.

Su Mo picked up the saber and looked at it for a while, then said "OK", and finally raised it violently, chopping off the head of the male corpse.


Everyone stayed where they were, and didn't react for a while.

Wu Sansheng asked: "Master Su,"

Su Mo explained: "This man is a blue-eyed fox corpse. The eyes of a blue-eyed fox corpse can't see, and you will be hit by an illusion. I'm afraid you will be tricked!"

Wu Sansheng came in front of the male corpse and said in surprise, "It turned out to be a blue-eyed fox. This thing is very evil. When encountering it, it is an ominous sign..."

The male corpse handed over his head. Seeing that the baby was also taken away by Su Mo, the fat man didn't dare to say anything, so he turned his attention to the female corpse beside him.

"This female corpse is lifelike, and there should be a treasure in her mouth that can keep the corpse from decaying!"

The fat man suddenly became interested. You must know that treasures that can keep the corpse from decaying are priceless treasures in the world. His eyes rolled around, and he stretched out his hand to pick out the treasure from the female corpse's mouth.

"do not move…"

Wu Sansheng yelled loudly, "There are organs!"

The fat man was shuddered again by Wu Sansheng, and immediately froze in place.

Wu Sansheng came to the side of the female corpse, and said: There is a ballista in the body of the female corpse, as long as someone takes out something in the mouth or anus, the ballista will be triggered, such a short distance, if you shoot it, you will definitely die ! "

Saying that, Wu Sansheng touched the throat of the female corpse,

Ballista triggered!
call out!
Three iron needles shot out from the neck of the female corpse and nailed it directly to the Hydra cypress, and the contents of the female corpse's mouth also spit out from her mouth.

Su Mo gripped the saber tightly and stared at the trees with fiery eyes. He was relieved to see that the Hydra cypress hadn't been awakened.

The thing spit out from the female corpse's mouth seemed to be a copper key inlaid with beads.

Su Mo reached out and took out the ancient box from the arms of the headless man's corpse, "The silver-edged top in the eightfold treasure letter!"

Pan Zi was thoughtful, "Is it a ghost seal inside?"

Hearing the word Guixi, everyone's eyes lit up, even Aning on Qiongqi's back slightly opened his eyes.

The fat man said excitedly, "The key should be used to open this box, hurry up, try it quickly..."

Su Mo smiled, and then handed the treasure box to Wu Xie. The contents inside were useless to him, but they would affect everyone's fate in the future.

Wu Xie picked up the copper key and reached out to open it.

"Cough cough..."

Wu Sansheng coughed lightly, and shook his head secretly at Wu Xie.

Fatty Wang said anxiously, "Hurry up, what are you doing?"

Wu Xie wasn't stupid either. He turned his eyes and started to say to Fatty Wang: "You are stupid, there is a crossbow in the female corpse just now. If we open this box and encounter some mechanism, we will die." !"

With that said, Wu Xie put the box into his bag: "Let's go back and study it slowly!"


Seeing that the baby was put away by Wu Xie just like that, the fat man was stunned for a moment, he hesitated to speak, but he still didn't hold back a word for a while.

Alone and lonely, what can he do at this time?Even if the baby is opened, it will not fall into my own hands.

【Ding! 】

The system sounded, [Congratulations to the host for coming to the main altar of the Qixing King Lu's tomb, triggering the god-level selection system...]

[Option 5: Give up exploring the iron-faced coffin, and leave with everyone, reward agility and permanent +[-]! 】

[Option 5: Don't bother, follow the original plot, and reward intelligence with permanent +[-]! 】

[Option [-]: Take the initiative to dig out the iron-faced coffin, explore the mystery of longevity, reward eternal youth, and not look old (the same type of blood of the Zhang family)]


Stay young forever, look not old, just like Zhang Qiling?
Su Mo looked at Zhang Qiling subconsciously. According to the calculation of the years, Zhang Qiling should be more than 100 years old now, but his face is flushed, and he doesn't look like he is more than 100 years old.

Not only Zhang Qiling, but also Zhang Rishan, as the Zhenggen of the Zhang family, years have never left any traces on their faces.

Su Mo already had a judgment in his mind, and he stepped to the side of the sacrificial bed, pressing his palm vigorously.


The cave made a deafening sound, like an earthquake.


A particularly large iron stone fell from the height of the Hydra cypress, and this large iron stone was hung with iron chains.

As the big iron stone slowly fell, an exquisite bronze coffin emerged from the roots of the Hydra cypress tree.

See this scene.Everyone was shocked from ear to ear.

Fatty Wang exclaimed in amazement: "My dear, there is such a big treasure hidden here.!"

Everyone quickly surrounded the past.

Wu Sansheng was also surprised, "It turns out that the real coffin is here!"

(End of this chapter)

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