Chapter 230 Qinling has a large tomb

"Huh? Are they also going to the big pit?"

"No, it's just a big pit, why go to so many people! Playing..."

Wang Yueban was surprised, he had decided that the destination was a pit.

Su Mo said lightly, "This trip to the Qinling Mountains is not as simple as you imagined!"

Wu Xie nodded and echoed, "That's right, I don't think it's a big pit. If there is a 100-meter-high bronze tree, then there must be a huge catacomb underneath!"


Wang Yueban was speechless for a long time, "Do you really want me to go home and buy a lottery ticket?"

The crowd laughed.

Wu Xie hit it even harder, "Fatty, you can't make money even if you buy lottery tickets, you're so unlucky..."


the other side!
The old man wearing glasses hurried back to his seat.

The old man with a fierce face next to him asked, "What's wrong with you?"

The old man with glasses drank his saliva, calmed down, and replied, "The person opposite is not simple, I just asked a question, and they wanted to kill me..."

"They shouldn't be ordinary people. The person in charge is extraordinary. I guess he should be a big shot!"

The harsh old man sneered, "Hmph!"

"Whoever he is, I hope he doesn't interfere with us.

"Otherwise, regardless of how many people they have, we have guns. Who knows how many people will die in the huge Qinling Mountains?"

After finishing speaking, the old man continued to eat and drink, apparently not paying attention to Su Mo and others.

Everyone savored the old man's words carefully, and felt that what he said was somewhat reasonable.

All of them are armed with guns, what kind of big shit, raising their hands is just a matter of shooting.

Thinking about it, everyone simply stopped caring about this matter.


After Su Mo and the others finished eating, they returned to the jeep.

At this time, the former Tufuzi group of five had just finished eating.

Several people in the jeep looked out through the car windows.

I saw a commercial van on the opposite side, and one of them opened the trunk to put things, revealing the trunk.

Luoyang shovel, engineer shovel, rope...

In short, there are many things to be used in tomb robbery, and the trunk is a lot.

Sitting next to Wu Xie, Wang Yueban muttered, "Look, Luoyang shovel, hehe, grave robbers carry this thing these days..."

Wu Xie reminded: "Master Su has never used a Luoyang shovel!"

Fatty Wang was taken aback, Master Su seemed to have never used it before, and immediately said: "Who is Master Su, as long as he takes a look, what is there below is there a tomb, what dynasty's tomb, the door is clear..."

At this time!
Su Mo's lead car started to leave.

The two jeeps behind also followed.


Everyone arrived at a farmhouse next to the Qinling Mountains, which is also a hotel.

Everyone stopped and walked up.

Seeing Wang Yueban supporting Wu Tianzhen, Su Mo asked, "What's wrong with him?"

Fatty Wang said speechlessly, "This kid is motion sick!"


The evil emperor who will be famous in the future actually gets carsick!
Su Mo was speechless.

"Let's go, don't talk about it, the scenery in this place is not bad, and this farmhouse has great potential."

Walking on the stairs, looking at the feng shui and scenery around, it really has a special flavor.

Especially under this farmhouse, there is a small waterfall and a small stream.

Seeing everyone, the proprietress warmly greeted them: "Hello, are you here to stay?"

The proprietress is about 30 years old, and the charm is still there.

Su Mo said: "How many clean rooms do you want?"

The proprietress smiled and said, "Yes, don't worry, it's absolutely clean!"

After a while, the proprietress led everyone back to their respective rooms.

Su Mo looked at his room, it was not bad, at least it was clean.

Putting down the things, Su Mo came downstairs. At this moment, he unexpectedly met the former Tufuzi five-member group again.

Both sides were a little surprised.

But they should eat and drink, and neither of them paid attention to each other.

The next morning, the five set off early.

Su Mo and the others parked the jeep in the proprietress's shop. Qinling is close at hand, and now the car is no longer needed.

Everyone packed up their equipment and formally entered Qinling.

Because it had just rained, the roads in the Qinling Mountains were full of mud and potholes, and it was difficult for everyone to walk.


In the evening, everyone walked to a hillside.

Fatty Wang pointed to the front and said, "Hey, is it that group of people!"

Wu Xie took out the binoculars.

Su Mo's eyesight was extraordinary, and he recognized them at a glance: "That's right, it's them!"

Wang Yueban shook her head and said speechlessly: "I can really buy a lottery ticket, really, I bought it when I turned around, and I can still bump into them..."

Wang Zuoyueban was just joking before, but now, meeting him in such a remote place deep in the Qinling Mountains, Wang Yueban was really speechless.

Su Mo and the others quietly touched the vicinity of the camp of the five tomb robbers.

Looking at several tents not far below, I saw five people sitting together around the fire.

Wang Yueban sat down and said in a low voice, "This group of people can really leave!"

"Ah! My clothes are soaked all the way!"

"Master Su, let's go down and enjoy the fire!"

Wu Xie was also sitting on the ground, panting heavily
Su Mo whispered: "Don't talk, listen to what they say first!"

down the hillside.

One of them complained: "Uncle Tai, give me an estimate, how long will it take us to get here, today my legs are almost getting thinner!"

The man named Uncle Tai immediately reprimanded him: "I told you to eat, drink, whore and gamble on weekdays. You are the youngest in the crowd of women, and you are the most retarded!"

"Look at Boss Ren Wang and Boss Li, they are not like you in their usual pampered places..."

The guy smiled awkwardly: "Hehe, I've been a bit vain recently, but don't worry, Uncle Tai, as long as we finish this trip, I will learn from you and cultivate my character!"

After finishing speaking, the boy gulped down his noodles.

Uncle Tai said: "To cross this Snakehead Mountain, if there is a road, you have to walk for two days, and if there is no road, you can't be sure. If you can't stand it, just go down the mountain for me, don't hold back!"

The young man hurriedly stopped eating noodles, shook his head and said: "Don't, don't, don't tell me, Uncle Tai, I'm still counting on this trip to get rich... Bosses eat meat and I drink soup!"

"Maybe this soup will allow me to live the life of a superior person for the rest of my life.

After hearing this, Uncle Tai sneered, "Hmph, you think it's too easy to think about fighting back, you think we're playing tricks!"

Boss Li took a bite of the compressed biscuit: "Don't worry, it's no problem, didn't we agree, you just need to fix the things for me, as much money as you want..."

"This time, it's a lifetime deal. Once it's done, everyone can retire."

"At that time, what about Xiangjiang, the colorful world, there will be plenty of places for us to spend a lot of money..."

Boss Li said this.Everyone present laughed happily.


Listening to the conversation of several people, Su Mo sneered again and again, "A group of guys whose hearts are higher than the sky and whose lives are thinner than paper, one foot has already set foot on the underworld, and they are waiting for the little devil to collect them..."

(End of this chapter)

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