People are in Panjiayuan, and they fool Lao Hu to rob the tomb at the beginning

Chapter 403 Zhang Qiling Will Disappear For A Long Time

Chapter 403 Zhang Qiling Will Disappear For A Long Time

"They use this unique method to trap creatures that stray into crevices and caves to death, and then eat their corpses..."

"I only heard Brother Su talk about it once in a while, and I remembered it in my heart. I haven't seen it with my own eyes..."

Lao Hu spoke slowly, to clear up everyone's doubts.

Huo Xiangu nodded, her eyes flickered, she was indeed worthy of her reputation, this Hu Bayi must have looked up the file of Banai's funeral team on the way.


Huo Xiangu showed a smile on her face, "Master Hu, I heard that your positioning skills are not inferior to Master Su, please guide us..."

Back then, Grand Buddha Zhang planned the largest tomb robbery event in the history of Nine Gates. As a participant, Mrs. Huo still had some memories of what happened back then.

but.As for the ancient building of the Zhang family, she only knew the approximate location. If she wanted to find the entrance of the ancient building accurately, she still needed to touch Xiaowei Jin's housekeeping skills - Fenjin acupuncture points!

"Xiangu is polite, it's a matter of duty!"

Lao Hu didn't say much, and quickly took out the ancestral compass, and Zhang Yingying on the side also deduced it together.

"Here... I seem to have a little impression..."

Zhang Qiling murmured, then turned and walked in another direction.


Zhang Qiling's sudden departure from the team was beyond everyone's expectations.

Mrs. Huo frowned, beckoned, and called a Huo family member to follow quickly.

After walking for about seven or eight minutes, Zhang Qiling started to look around.

It was a place well covered by shrubs.

Zhang Qiling remained expressionless, lowered his body, and waved his hands, only to see that there was a very secret hole below.

At this time, Hu Bayi and Zhang Yingying's compass also came over, and they also saw this scene.

Mrs. Huo was stunned, "Is this the entrance?"


Lao Hu nodded slightly.

Wang Yueban was triumphant, "Our little brother's intuition is very accurate, how about Mrs. Huo, let your people go in with us!"

Wang Yueban looked at the mighty teammates behind him, and said to himself, "Even if they meet Mi Luotuo, they won't run away!"

Mrs. Huo thought about it, and then personally selected a few Huo family members. These people are all her confidants, and all of them are vigorous and good at kung fu.

What everyone didn't expect was that Huo Xiuxiu insisted on going in.

Mrs. Huo is old after all, and she lacks some of the vigor and courage of her youth, so she can't hold back Xiuxiu, so she has no choice but to let her in.

"I'm outside to receive photos from Siguniang Mountain. If I have any news, I will send them in for you. You must pay attention!"

As Mrs. Huo said, she asked people to carry "strong alkali" on their backs and followed them in.

In this kind of mountain, there are special substances inside special rock layers, forming the heat-sensitive monster Miluotuo.

Old Mrs. Huo certainly knows about this thing. She has already experienced the power of Miluotuo decades ago. Apart from being afraid of strong alkali, it has almost no weaknesses.

Therefore, Mrs. Huo also came prepared this time, and asked people to bring a lot of strong alkali.

Zhang Qiling took the lead and jumped into the cave first, followed by everyone.

The cave inside is cold and weird, the slope is not very steep, but it is indeed going down.


the other side.

Siguniang Mountain.

Xie Xiaohua took out the money and directed the black glasses to work.

Not to mention, with the blessing of money, the blind man worked extra hard.

Su Mo and Wu Xie were sitting on the side enjoying the beautiful scenery of Siguniang Mountain.

"Master Su, do you think little brother and the others have gone in now?"

Su Mo looked at the hazy scenery in the distance, and nodded, "I guess I went in. We will receive the photos soon after we get to the first door!"

"We must be accurate here, otherwise something will happen to them!"

It took so much effort to separate the two places, but it was not as simple as it was said in words, one inadvertent move, and the whole game was lost.

The Zhang family set up a thousand-mile lock, not only to prevent foreigners from finding their Zhang family ancient building.This also guards against my own family.

The Zhang family's internal struggle broke out once, and later there appeared Zhang Dafoye's lineage, as well as the overseas Zhang family.

It's not that simple.

According to Su Mo's deduction of the secrets, it took nearly a thousand years to build the Zhang family's ancient building.

In other words, if there really is a bureau.

Then the Zhang family had already started the game thousands of years ago, and left behind.

Thinking of this, Su Mo suddenly looked at Wu Xie, "Let me ask you a question..."

Wu Xie was stunned, "Master Su, you can just say it..."

Su Mo said frankly, "If Zhang Qiling died in the Zhang family's ancient building, what would you think?"

Wu Xie thought Su Mo was joking, "How is that impossible? He won't die, and he is so powerful, how can he die so easily!"

Su Mo looked at Wu Xie quietly.

Wu Xie blinked, "Master Su, you...why did you suddenly ask this question..."

Su Mo shook his head, "Then what if...he disappeared and never appeared again?"

Wu Xie looked at Su Mo seriously, and he felt that something was wrong, "Master Su, what's wrong with you?"

Su Mo smiled, "After the Zhang family ancient building is over, Zhang Qiling will disappear for a long time..."

Wu Xie was not surprised, "Didn't my little brother disappear often?"

Su Mo said, "It's very long... This time will be very long..."

Wu Xie smiled, "How long? Could it be ten years?"


Su Mo just smiled and didn't say anything about Zhang Qiling.

Wu Xie didn't think too far at all, just as he said, Zhang Qiling often disappeared, not once or twice, but he reappeared quickly every time after that.

"Several, come and see what I dug up."

The black glasses yelled, and took back the small Luoyang shovel in his hand,
"Get through?"

Wu Xie, Su Mo got up and walked, but only saw a small hole dug out.

"I said, how is this enough for you? Even if my master knows clavicle skills, you really want him to get in through this mouse hole..."

Xie Xiaohua looked at the black glasses with disgust.

The black glasses explained, "No, there's something inside, let's see what's going on first, and the soil is blood soil, look, the blood is coming out of it!"

The black glasses reached out and squeezed the dirt, and spread it out to see that it was indeed wet with blood.

Xiaohua frowned suddenly, and a bad feeling rose in her heart.

"Let's see what's inside first."

Wu Xie put her head in front of the small hole.

He looked towards the entrance of the small hole, and his expression changed immediately.

"Damn! There are a lot of bones in it, come and take a look!"

Xie Xiaohua pushed Wu Xie's head away: "Then please move your head away, thank you."

Turn on the flashlight!

Xie Xiaohua saw that there was a relatively large space inside, several sets of skeletons stood on some muddy rock walls, and several corpses inside were directly embedded in these muddy rock walls.

At first glance, these seem to be the people who were alive trying to climb out of the rock wall, but there is something behind them that prevents them from coming out.

This situation makes people panic at a glance, and the scalp is numb.

(End of this chapter)

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