trick revival

Chapter 17 Wude is abundant...

Chapter 17 Wude is abundant...

Just when Zuodo thought that everyone was going to go through a process and talk harshly to each other and come back to discuss next time, something happened.

I saw that the gloomy world suddenly began to distort, and in the alternation of light and dark, there were a lot of faint roars.

And 'Zhang Ruhai' also changed his expression, he knew the situation outside better than Zuodao, an outsider in the ceremony.

Suddenly, at the next alternation of light and dark, a ray of sunlight, accompanied by a bang at the top of the book and an explosion inside.

At the same time, Zuo Dao saw the top of his head and faced the same situation.

The object, which cannot be caught by the naked eye, passed through the roof of the library at high speed, and came to the windshield on the left, and then
boom--! ! !
Huacheng Yizhongwai.

A large number of operatives from the Bureau of General Affairs were on duty at various intersections, braving the scorching sun and sweating profusely to guide the masses.

But Huacheng No. [-] Middle School has a different scene inside the wall, where the place is shrouded in gray mist and full of coldness.

"Call from the Observation Center, call the interim commander, Zangti."

On the command vehicle, the operator heard the sound, he directly held the communicator, turned around and whispered to Zang who was watching the scene screen while breathing in the command vehicle.

"Leader, your communication."

Zangti took the communicator.

"I am Zangti."

"Observation shows that confirming the ritual response of Huacheng No. [-] Middle School, the life response has dropped to single digits, allowing you to intervene by force."

"Understood," Zangti said, threw the communicator to the operator, then squinted his eyes and muttered:

"Is the people at Huacheng Observation Center more myopic recently?"

Her words attracted the attention of the operators in the car, but then they pretended that they couldn't hear anything.

"How come this bunch of rubbish are lately aware lately, why don't they change their name to the Aftermath Reporting Center, and we change our name to the Huacheng Embalming Brigade?"

Zangti cursed, and she turned her head:
"Is the heavy firepower equipped in place? It's the kind of thing with a magic-breaking howitzer."

The other operator who was stared straightened subconsciously:
"Report to the temporary command. The No. [-] and No. [-] Brigades of the Heavy Armed Forces are already in place, waiting for orders. Do you want to fire?"

Hearing this, Zangti didn't answer, she took out the silver cigarette case from her pocket and opened it, and there were also five cigarettes inside.

"Wait a little longer." Zangti was about to say, frowning, when she suddenly found that one of the cigarettes was burning suddenly in the groove.

She suddenly looked up at the previous operator:
"Fire, six rounds of free fine-tuned strikes."

"Call from the command center, fire, six rounds of fine-tuned strikes!" The operator pressed the communication button and said quickly.

In an instant, the inside of the car began to shake slightly, and bursts of roar spread.

In the distance around Huacheng No. 30 Middle School, more than [-] vehicle-mounted howitzers were deployed in an encircling circle and fired loudly.

The deadly roar and howling in the air make people both excited and awe-inspiring.

The first round of shells hit Huacheng No. [-] Middle School, and they exploded when they came into contact with the fog. For a while, the sea of ​​fog surged and flames blazed.

In the second round of strikes, the shells entered the sea of ​​fog before exploding.

Then, the third round, the fourth round.

It wasn't until the fifth round that the ceremony finally seemed to be unstoppable, and the shell landed on the ground in Yizhong for the first time.

And the ceremony that seemed to be independent of the real world also began to be dilapidated.

When the sixth round of shelling fell, the fog completely dissipated, leaving behind a devastated campus.

Zangti in the command car confirmed the situation through the display screen, and then looked at the cigarette case in her hand. There were already two embers, and the third one had just ignited by itself not long ago. She frowned slightly.

"Notify the ground crew that the members of the mysterious department go first. There should be at least one survivor inside. The information will be sent through my authority. That person is my own."


Fifty steps outside Huacheng No. [-] Middle School.

There is a dark General Information Bureau vehicle parked at each location. Since arriving here, the people in the vehicle have remained silent and do not participate in any on-site affairs.

But at this moment, these vehicles opened at the same time, and eight people filed out of each vehicle. They were dressed in black windbreakers and each carried a suitcase in their hands. They looked at the campus and formed a formation to advance.

The library, at this time, has been turned into ruins, and most of the buildings have collapsed.

But in one area, there is still a windshield standing there.

Zuo Dao looked sadly at the clear sky, there were deep pits all around his ground, and he was a little wobbly.

Shocked, bombarded.

People are numb, numb in the true sense.

The windshield is indeed as Zangti said, even under heavy firepower, it can resist it, but the force of the aftermath is also very uncomfortable.

However, this experience is also unprecedented.

There used to be no such treatment in the world.

Looking at the deep pits all around, he was lost in thought.

After the shells fell at that time, the behind-the-scenes of the ceremony left, and Zuo Dao survived round after round of the artillery fire, and took one cigarette after another from the cigarettes given by Zangti. Once I had a snack, I had lingering fears.

There is too much martial arts in this world--

A howitzer is worth a lot even if it is converted into the previous world. What's more, the howitzers of this group of people obviously have the ability to destroy magic. The pouring made Zuo Dao think that he was engaged in a small-scale high-intensity encounter.

In the distance, a group of people in black windbreakers walked cautiously in formation. They wore a transparent light mirror at a glance. When they saw the left side in the distance, the miniature camera automatically focused, and then the identity of the left side was displayed. After coming out, these people also quickened their pace.

Zuodao also naturally saw these people, he had already hidden the paper spirit, and now he was alone, holding a cigarette case in one hand and a burning cigarette in the other, quietly inside the windshield.

"Left way?" The leading operator was a middle-aged man, and they asked about five steps away from the left way.

Zuo Dao nodded: "It's me."

"Little brother is so courageous," the lead operator looked around, and then praised Zuo Dao with a calm face:
"This is my ID, General Information Bureau, captain of the mysterious operations department, Li Jia."

He showed his ID card, and then the ID card flashed a light, and he looked at Zuo Dao with a good-natured smile.

Seeing this, he put the silver cigarette case in his pocket, took out his ID from the inner folder, and unfolded it:

"Temporary operator, heresy."

Similarly, as soon as the voice fell, the certificate also flashed.

This is the regulation in the Operator's Handbook of the General Information Bureau, and it is a means to prevent the enemy from mixing in during mysterious events.

"Go out and have a look, little brother?" Li Jia asked, looking at the windshield with a curious tone:

"This is the technique of Team Leader Zangti. It's really powerful. I don't know what it's called?"

"Of course, yes," Zuo Daowei squinted his eyes, looked at the cigarette in his hand, and smiled awkwardly again:

"I'm sorry Captain Li, I don't seem to know how to stop the one given to me by the team leader Zangti. Could you please contact the team leader to come and download it, or the two operators called Quan Hu and Tong Yan."

Li Jia and his team members were stunned by the unorthodox words, but when they thought of the identity of the young man, they showed understanding, but they didn't look contemptuous, at least not on the surface.

"That's all right," Li Jia nodded. He picked up the communicator and chatted quickly, looked to the left for a moment and said:

"Team leader Zangti is temporarily in charge and it is not convenient to come here. I have already contacted Tong Yan, and she will come later."

"Trouble Captain Li." Zuo Dao said politely

At this time, Li Jia looked around again and touched his earlobe:

"The little classmate will stay here for a while, and we continue to investigate the scene?"

"Got it."

Li Jia nodded, and with a wave of his hand, the team members under his command dispersed and used various professional tools to investigate the scene and collect evidence and records.

Staying in the right place until the other party disappeared completely, he suppressed his smile, put the ID in his pocket, fumbled in his hand, and held the silver cigarette case.

He lowered his head, observing the bomb craters around him, and the corners of his mouth pulled slightly.

 When it’s time to follow up on the key battle, look at the interesting audience, grandparents, please allow me to be ashamed of the latter, please read it every day qaq
  If you have plot or related questions, you can also join the group and contact me~
  Secretly update ing in advance, there may be ┗|`O′|┛哩~~ at night
(End of this chapter)

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