trick revival

Chapter 37

Chapter 37
inside the house.

Zuodao stood in the living room, drawing a dynamic compass in his mind. Every time he turned his body, the pointer followed him, and then he stepped on a strange trajectory. When he stepped into the Kun position for the last step, the atmosphere in the house suddenly changed Heavy, the direction he looked at was the balcony at home.

At this time, with a gesture of his hand, the little paper figurine handed over the statue whose eyes were wrapped in red cloth, and placed it firmly in Zuo Dao's hand.

At this time, Zuo Dao pointed the statue in his hand in the direction of the balcony, while tearing off the red cloth, he muttered in a low voice.

"Calamity is approaching, and the owl kisses Zhen'e, sits on the ground and looks forward to the future, and opens his eyes to become a force."

The last sentence fell, and the red cloth blindfolded was completely torn off. At the same time, there was an indescribable and indescribable 'momentum' surging undercurrents in the world limited to the house, and Zuo Dao continued to walk on the mysterious road. The track moved left and right, slowly walking towards the wall opposite to the balcony, and its destination was the wall cabinet on that wall.

Every time I walk around, that invisible momentum seems to become more and more viscous, even making it a little difficult to breathe from the left side.

This is a coercion between heaven and earth.

In this way, after nearly a minute of intricate steps, when he was only one step away from the wall cabinet, Zuo Dao suddenly turned around and put down the statue of Owl Kiss impartially.

Immediately afterwards, there was a moment in the eyes of the left Taoist, there were many inexplicable flowing lines in the house, and everything returned to normal immediately.

Everything, as if nothing happened.

At this time, he turned on his spiritual vision and looked around, but he didn't find any reaction that could be classified as 'mysterious abnormality'.

"Don't rely on the spirit, don't rely on the spirit, only hide in the momentum." Zuo Dao showed a little smile:

Same as before.

There was no accident, nor did it attract any unknown prying eyes.

The first step is also the most critical attempt. Zuodao continued to strike while the iron was hot and returned to the previous position, but this time the step rhyme was completely different. The little paper man handed over the Bi An sculpture in due course:

"Three Wonders and Six Forms, Wu is the middle palace, where the statues are placed, and where the prison is placed—"

Zuo Dao chanted softly, and finally put the statue in the bedside table in his bedroom. Unlike the previous steps of tearing off the red cloth to open the eyes, Bi An’s red cloth was never removed. As he pushed the bedside table closed, a kind of mysterious A sense of control formed in his mind.

At this time, there are two "potentials" running in the whole house.

One is the owl kiss that is always on the sidelines. It is always watching the sky and paying attention.

When the Suzaku is in the sky and the layout of the document flourishes becomes a catastrophe in a certain place, when it turns into a Suzaku disaster, it will exert its own ability to resolve the ominous omen for the owner of this room from an inexplicable level.

The second type is the momentum formed by the statue of Bi An, which resists the aura of the main document fire in the community to enter the house, and is like an indifferent gentleman who is tolerant and irritable, paying attention to all abnormalities in the room.

Wait for some damn bastard to disturb its territory, and it will become a booby trap, with brutal punishment.

It means that those who violate the prohibition are unforgivable.

Feeling the envelopment of these two potentials, this feeling made Zuo Dao not only yawn, but also wanted to fall asleep at noon.

Unspeakable peace of mind.

The concept of safety has different definitions for each individual and even each occupation.

Ordinary people think that a home with a red book with its own name is safe.

And for Zuodao, who has been dealing with mystery all the year round, the definition of safety must be a place where he lies on a couch, with layers of vigilance, to be regarded as safe. A place without any arrangements of his own is not even a place for him to sleep. Don't dare to be too deep.

While yawning, Zuo Dao once again inspired the habit of the 'former master', that is, he fell asleep when he was awake, and he got into bed without thinking, making the final analysis in his mind.

The "potential" in the concept of Zhuangjiao is close to the rules, but it is not equal to the rules. It belongs to barely stepping on the edge.

Except for some people with great supernatural powers in the legends who can feel a little bit about it, when others start to look back with hindsight, the caster has already removed the statue, or the conditional elements that formed the 'potential' have left or dissipated, resulting in' With the dissipation of the potential, all the evidence will naturally be annihilated in the world.

Therefore, even in the previous world, if there was a difficult ranking list, the collision teaching spell would always be in the top few, which caused many people to dare not have too much friendship with those who knew this kind of spell, or even dare to meet and chat.

In addition to the high requirements on the comprehensive ability of the caster and the extreme caution in the occasion of the cast, in order to prevent being backlashed, it can be said that the method of collision teaching has no shortcomings, and the ability to master is to learn some Feng Shui. Bu Gangwang Gas and other categories.

As for the two kinds of "potentials" for the layout of houses by the leftists, they have their own specific uses.

The former's power of kissing can make reasonable arrangements similar to fate when there is a problem in this community, and try to avoid the disaster for himself as much as possible. For example, when a meteorite hits this building, he is the only one who is fine.

The latter's ambivalence can be used as an alarm in a heretic house. If someone comes in with malice and triggers the perception of the heretic, it will be triggered, and then the opponent's fortune will be reduced virtually, so that the opponent cannot get what they are satisfied with. As a result, bad luck happened at the same time.

And the arrangement of the owl-kissing posture also has a role here, that is to help Zuo Dao himself reject the Vermilion Bird pattern in this community.

This kind of pattern can help people in the public house to act smoothly, catch people accurately, achieve new highs in performance, and family members will succeed in their exams, and a happy result will be achieved for everyone. The catastrophe faced will also be the greatest.

Therefore, when Zuo Dao found such signs in the community, he refused in his heart.

Right now, I don't have the time to deal with kpi and other ghost things. I just want to develop steadily, and hide it until I fully understand the world. At least I will consider this when I become an important member of the General Affairs Bureau.

In addition, with many strange methods, crooked ways, and even decent things from famous families are a little bit heretic, so I really don't think much of the effect brought by this pattern, and I don't have the slightest thought of taking a hard bite.

"As far as the current signs are concerned, the formation of this pattern is natural, which also means that its doom cannot be changed. The environment of this community recommended to me by Chen Jiu and the hints it represents are good. What to say, so I can't refuse at this time, I can only live in it first, and see what happens."

"Of course, the root cause is not a big problem. Whether it is an objective judgment or a sixth sense, there is nothing wrong with it."

With the onset of sleepiness, just when Zuo Dao was about to fall asleep, a phone call came in.

He instantly threw away the emotions of the 'former master', and his eyes became clear again.

Looking at the phone call, Zuo Dao frowned.

"Team leader?"

"Yeah," Zangti hummed:
"Look at the location I sent you in the message, let's meet in the group, remember to wear casual clothes, come quickly."


After Zuodao's voice fell, the communication was hung up by Zangti.

He swipe his thumb on the screen to find the chat software, saw the location information sent by Zangti, and then checked the message of Zangti and the time of the incoming call, and the two arrived at about the same time.

"The disadvantage of acting vigorously and resolutely is that you are too anxious, and finally feel a little sleepy."

Zuo Dao sighed.

(End of this chapter)

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