trick revival

Chapter 60 The Mysterious Inertia

Chapter 60 The Mysterious Inertia


Lin Hongcai replied, while the old man picked up the dirty things on his body and threw them into the illusory door when he arrived:

"Originally we all thought that this was just an "unfinished" "ceremony", but you also know that the seriousness of the problem has been increasing, from what we inherently think of as a ritual to stir up disasters, and now it has become some kind of " Mysterious "disaster."

Having said this, Lin Hongcai stopped suddenly, and without going any further, he smoothly changed the direction of his narration:
"It's also like we have been misled so far, or that the ceremony is such a troublesome ceremony, but in fact it is just to cover up the root, and this root has been accumulated through various methods, so far it has reached the level of "breaking the wall".

"Although the reason is not certain this time, He exposed himself in advance, and we were lucky enough to step in, which had a great impact on it, and also caused irreparable damage to His arrangement.

"However, the existing inertia will not disappear because of this, which also means that the power he drives is still running, but it has changed from a four-cylinder engine to a pedal bicycle."

Zangti lit a cigarette at this time, and got to the point:
"As far as the analysis report of the Observation Center is concerned, is there any one that can be done once and for all?"

"Yes, there are two ways," Lin Hongcai said, and he looked at the left side kindly again and said:

"One is to find enough people to go directly to "that place" to find his true self, and send him a "good fortune". Unfortunately, in addition to knowing the other party's roots and his purpose in the present situation, the analysis ceremony is now for this Exactly what other abilities the 'mysterious being' has is still unknown, so we can't take this risk.

"What I want to add is that before Lao Bai arrived here for containment, due to his carelessness, he sent the consciousness and power into the current situation to attack our department, so I restricted it to the 'spirit world', and For the first time against him, he was tricky."

When Zangti heard this, his expression became slightly serious, while Zuodao listened carefully and quietly.

When his team leader said such things on this occasion, he obviously meant to support him.

What could be a better situation than being able to "participate" after being directly in the eyes of the two big shots.

No matter how many reports there are, it is better to bring them out to meet people.

On a deeper level, Zangti also wanted to test the reality of the two big brothers by bringing a newcomer by the side.

Assuming that heretics are persuaded to retreat, it means that some things can only be confined to the top.

If the heretics can also participate, even if they don't have any right to speak, it means that after now, many things will be attached to the surface.

And the worst.
Zang said that if all of them were "declined".

During the short conversation, the four of them formed seven small groups with different thoughts and ideas.

During the invisible temptation, Zangti turned his head and looked at Zuo Dao at this moment:

"You may not know much about the spiritual world, only a few words from the training.

"Xiao Zuo can understand that it is a 'buffer layer' in the nothingness of the current situation. If some 'mysteries' that do not belong to this world want to intervene in our current situation, we need to leave our mark in the 'spiritual world' first. , so as to achieve the present situation.”

Hearing this, Zuo Dao thought for a while:

"Signal relay?"

"That's right," Lin Hongcai replied at this moment, and he took up the conversation in a flat tone:
"The difficulty of judging 'mystery' lies in the spirit world, and in the spirit world I can barely fight against it, so it's not ideal."

Hearing these unsatisfactory words, Bai Xiuyuan touched his gray hair:
"Old bastard, what about the second type?"

Lin Hongcai sighed lightly:

"At the level of the current situation, we have to clean up even a speck of dust related to him, and naturally it can have the same effect. However, we don't have this ability. If it was back then."

He didn't go on, at this moment he watched Bai Xiuyuan's words change:
"Will Lao Bai come with me? I really need your help."

"No." Bai Xiuyuan said something in his soul, and rolled his eyes:
"I'm already in a state of price, you still want me to work for you?"

"Oh" Lin Hongcai said, he looked at Zang and cried:

"Then I will trouble Team Leader Zangti to clean up the scene. We will remove the 'Secret Ritual' later. I will go back to the Observation Center first. I can only send some people on their last journey."

Lin Hongcai said something expressionless, not knowing who to listen to, then turned around and stepped into the door of illusion.

At this moment, Bai Xiuyuan shook his head:

"A can of tribute tea, if you don't have it, don't do it."

Lin Hongcai didn't answer, and started to step in, cursing:

"Hey, you wait for me to come in and kill you now." Bai Xiuyuan kicked his eyes, said a word of inspiration, and ran into the gate of illusion at the last moment, leaving only Zangti and Zuo Dao in the ruins.

Zuo Dao glanced at Zangti, and found that the other party was frowning, as if he still had a lot of troubles after learning this information.

As if feeling the young man's gaze, her complexion returned to her usual indifference with a bit of arrogance:
"Xiao Zuo go back and rest first? It just so happens that I have time to write a report, just write whatever you want, and Lao Chen will be in charge of approval.

"Now it's impossible to take a taxi near this situation. Go to that place and find a colleague from the Bureau of General Affairs to take you."

Zangti pointed in the direction.

Zuo Dao didn't say much, turned and left.

It’s okay to know a little bit when it’s appropriate, but when it’s not appropriate, if you know too much, you’ll be labeled as “don’t know”.

Gotta leave some room.

Seeing Zuo Dao disappear from sight, Zang Ti looked at the ruins with deep eyes, as if he was lost in memory.

And the look on her face said it wasn't a pleasant experience.

I don't know how long it took, when the Rainbow Bridge reopened for the second time not long ago, and among the search operators who came to various abnormal places almost like dumplings, a small team came to Zangti's place from afar, she came back to her senses Come, it seems that I have made a decision in my heart.

Inside the gate of illusion.

The effect should have been achieved in an instant, but at this moment Lin Hongcai and Bai Xiuyuan were swimming in an unknown space, and outside the barrier, everything was nothingness and silence.

"The arrangement has been disrupted, Lao Lin." Bai Xiuyuan sent a message.

"Yes," Lin Hongcai nodded:
"It's going to be a long time again."

"no way"

After that, the two chatted dispensably, and then their destination was also reached.

In the observation center, which belonged to Lin Hongcai's office, an illusory door appeared out of thin air, and the two walked out.

Lin Hongcai lifted his toe slightly, and patted the ground twice, making a popping sound.

Before the door disappeared, he took out a small bottle, poured out two pills and swallowed them.

After a while, he saw something throbbing in his throat. Finally, he bent down slightly and spit out a flesh tissue with a bit of viscous liquid.

"Let's go, we'll clean up later."

"En." Bai Xiuyuan nodded, not surprised by this scene.

The two of them were walking inside the observation center, and when they passed by a place with an operating room, they heard a faint sound of crying father and mother.

"Mom, you guys are going to kill Fatty me!!!"

"It's not good there, it's really not good there, don't cut the grass!"

Bai Xiuyuan glanced at the director strangely, as if he was saying that your place is so exciting.

Lin Hongcai ignored him, and after several verifications and several transfers to the elevator, they finally reached the finish line.

Observation Center, Room [-].

"I'm sorry to trouble you." Lin Hongcai said.

Bai Xiuyuan squinted his eyes, feeling the pollution that even a gate with a special structure could emanate, he was a little unhappy:

"Can you take it easy in the future, you make me worry about the people in your department, none of them can live to retire."

 Chapter 2 is not sure if I can catch up with twelve o’clock, but it should definitely be there today. I was too busy and tired a few days ago, and then I fell asleep while writing at seven o’clock in the evening. It's four or five o'clock, and then boast about the code words.

(End of this chapter)

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