ultimate fist

Chapter 21 Investigation

Chapter 21 Investigation (3)

Wu Haowei took out his laptop and performed a wave of operations that Yu Hualong couldn't understand at all, and then said: "We finally found the place where the van disappeared, wait a little later! After you can enter and leave the school gate at will, we will go and have a look .”

"I didn't expect to find out so quickly, you are really amazing!" Yu Hualong was delighted, but also admired Wu Haowei's ability.

Although the investigation speed was not as fast as his uncle's, Mo Jingjun relied entirely on his contacts and relationships to conduct the investigation. If it was only about personal ability, Wu Haowei was better.

In the evening, the sunset glow reddened the sky!The two slipped out of the school in the crowd.

Yu Hualong called a taxi, and according to the information Wu Haowei found, he came to a remote mountainous area outside the urban area. There was a quarry beside the mountainous area, but there was no one there.

After searching, the two finally found the suspicious van at the bottom of the steep hill.

Wu Haowei pushed his glasses and said: "The kidnappers probably pushed the car down in order to destroy the evidence, but their method is still not clever enough. If it were me! I would choose to burn the car directly."

"Don't talk about it, let's go down and have a look first." Yu Hualong looked down at the van.

Wu Haowei agreed with this idea and said, "Okay! But it's really a bit high here, wait for me to find a rope."

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome! Just go straight down."

Before Wu Haowei could react, Yu Hualong jumped down from the tens of meters of hillside and landed firmly on the roof of the van.

Seeing this scene, Wu Haowei's eyes were as big as eggs, and he couldn't believe that nothing happened when he jumped from such a high place. Although he knew Long Ge was not an ordinary person, it was too exaggerated Bar!
While Wu Haowei was still in a daze, Yu Hualong had checked the inside and outside of the van, but found nothing useful.

Yu Hualong looked up and said loudly: "There is no one here, it seems that Ye Xiaoxiao should have been taken to another place."

After finishing speaking, Yu Hualong put all his strength into his legs, like a light kung fu master in a martial arts novel, stepped on the protruding stones on the hillside, and jumped up directly.

This action once again refreshed Wu Haowei's understanding of the world, and he couldn't help thinking, this is simply not something humans can do. Brother Long jumped up on such a steep slope all at once. If he went to participate in the rock climbing competition , can definitely kill everyone in seconds, and then win the championship.

"What are you thinking?" Yu Hualong interrupted Wu Haowei's wild thoughts, and speculated: "Do you think those kidnappers threw the van here, and then changed cars and took Ye Xiaoxiao to other places."

Wu Haowei sorted out his thoughts and said: "This should be impossible. At that time, this van left the monitoring area at almost two o'clock in the middle of the night. The estimated time to arrive here should be 02:30!"

"There is only one way out here. If they change cars halfway, it should reappear on the surveillance at around three o'clock, but the surveillance shows that no car came out of here until six in the morning, and no one went out from here. "

Hearing this, Yu Hualong said helplessly: "Then we can only look around here again. If there is no car to go out from here, the kidnappers may still be around here, so things will be much easier to handle."

This time, the two expanded the scope of their search. It took half an hour to find an abandoned warehouse two kilometers away from the van.

Wu Haowei just wanted to say that it is better to be careful, but Yu Hualong kicked the door open impatiently and walked in without fear.

Seeing this, Wu Haowei could only sigh, and hurriedly followed in. After entering the warehouse, the two of them saw that there was no one there, and they seemed a little disappointed. However, the chair and some rags on the ground caused the two people's attention.

Looking at the dilapidated chair, Wu Haowei went directly to lift it up, and found that the chair was covered with dust, but the seat surface of the chair was not that dirty, and there were traces of friction in the middle of the back of the chair.

"Brother Long!" Wu Haowei said with a serious face, "How big is Ye Xiaoxiao's butt!"

"What?" Yu Hualong was stupefied, he wondered if he had heard wrongly, so he plucked his ears and asked, "What did you just say?"

Wu Haowei thought that Yu Hualong didn't hear, so he drew a circle in the air with his hand, and said, "I mean the buttocks, that is, human buttocks. How big is that Ye Xiaoxiao's buttock?"

Hearing Wu Haowei say it again, Yu Hualong finally confirmed that he had heard correctly just now, showing a very speechless expression: "What time is it now! You are still thinking about other people's ass, are you learning from that pervert Chen Chaoping?" It's bad, asking such a thing, and how do I know how big her butt is, and I haven't touched it."

Wu Haowei's face darkened, and he frowned and said, "What are you thinking about? I saw that this chair has been sat on before, and I wanted to confirm whether Ye Xiaoxiao had sat on it, so I asked you."

"Oh, oh!" Yu Hualong understood that he had misunderstood Wu Haowei just now, and smiled awkwardly: "Sorry! But the little girl and I can only meet by chance, I really don't know about it."

"Forget it!" Wu Haowei pointed to the chair and said: "Although I can't be [-]% sure that it is Ye Xiaoxiao, but the person sitting on this chair should be a thin woman, and it is probably her. Looking at the traces on this chair, she should be It was tied to it with a rope."

After listening to Wu Haowei's analysis, Yu Hualong connected the information he got and confirmed that Ye Xiaoxiao had indeed stayed here, but was taken away later.

Thinking of this, Yu Hualong looked at the rags on the ground, and couldn't help but tremble in his heart: "I remembered, that girl was wearing this dress that night, so it's impossible! That girl Ye Xiaoxiao was given by those kidnappers..."

How did things become like this?I should have known that I shouldn't have gone out, so that girl wouldn't come out with me. Although that girl is indeed a bit annoying, but this kind of punishment is really too cruel. How can she hold her head up in the future after such a thing happened? what.

Yu Hualong picked up the rags on the ground and held them tightly in his hands, feeling very remorse and guilt for his original behavior.

Seeing this, Wu Haowei didn't know what to say. He patted Yu Hualong on the shoulder and said, "Brother Long! Let's talk about this later. The most urgent thing now is to rescue Ye Xiaoxiao quickly, otherwise her life may be in danger."

"However! How did they go out? They obviously didn't have a car to go out, go...out? That's right! Why do I have to worry about whether I have a car to go out?"

Wu Haowei called out excitedly, and immediately called Yu Hualong back to the dormitory.

Taking out his laptop, Wu Haowei moved the monitoring time backwards, and found that between six o'clock and seven o'clock, a total of dozens of vehicles drove into the mountainous area, but a total of six vehicles returned immediately.

Among the six vehicles, four were trucks, and they were all carrying stones from the quarry, so the suspicion was ruled out, while the other two were cars, so they were very suspicious.

But just to be cautious, Wu Haowei checked the subsequent surveillance again. Just when he thought he would find nothing useful, he saw a truck carrying three people besides stones.

You must know that this kind of behavior is illegal to carry people. If you are caught, you will not only be deducted points but also fined. Most of the truck drivers are old drivers. Generally, they will not make such low-level and stupid mistakes. Such behavior It was too suspicious, so Wu Haowei listed this truck as the number one suspect, and planned to start the investigation from this car first.

(End of this chapter)

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