ultimate fist

Chapter 23

Chapter 23
Back to the present, Cheng Wenjie has been moaning because of guilt.

Seeing this, Yu Hualong turned his back and said: "It's useless to worry now, it's better to go back and rest quickly, don't you believe me?"

Before Cheng Wenjie could reply, Yu Hualong went straight back to the dormitory to rest.

After all, it's useless to be anxious about investigating this kind of thing. What else can I do now except wait?It's better to keep your spirits up and wait for the results of the investigation to come out, so it's easy to handle things.

It's getting brighter!Wu Haowei was still watching the surveillance with two dark circles under his eyes. Although he stayed up all night, he didn't find anything useful, which inevitably made him a little anxious.

"Damn!" Wu Haowei patted the table hard, and said impatiently, "Why are there nowhere? After those three people disappeared from the surveillance, they never appeared again."

"Let's have something to eat first." Yu Hualong got up early in the morning and bought breakfast. As soon as he arrived at the door of Wu Haowei's room, he heard Wu Haowei complaining, so he kindly handed him breakfast and let him have a rest.

After receiving the breakfast, Wu Haowei sat in front of the computer and gnawed it, without any intention of leaving the computer.

Seeing Wu Haowei working so hard, Yu Hualong didn't know what to say, so he could only sit on the bed behind him, waiting for the results of the investigation.

When it came to noon, Wu Haowei finally couldn't stand it any longer. His eyes were blurred, and he couldn't see clearly the images on the monitor.

Seeing this, Yu Hualong couldn't help sighing softly. Although he didn't find any clues, Wu Haowei tried his best. He just wanted to force Wu Haowei to rest, but unexpectedly!A phone call with good news.

The call was brought by Mo Jingjun, and Yu Hualong didn't want to answer it at first, but he changed his mind, maybe Mo Jingjun found out the information about the Heiman organization, so he answered the phone with an unhappy face.

"What's the matter, uncle!" Yu Hualong's tone was a little impatient, it seemed that he was still angry about Mo Jingjun's refusal to help him before.

Mo Jingjun heard something wrong in his tone, and couldn't help but tease: "I seem to be very busy listening to your voice. Originally, I planned to tell you what I found. It seems that you don't have time to listen." .”

"What?" Yu Hualong said coldly, "Is there any news about Heiman?"

Mo Jingjun smiled slightly: "No! It's about the little girl who was kidnapped."

Hearing this, Yu Hualong widened his eyes, then immediately turned on the speakerphone and asked Wu Haowei to come and listen together.

Yu Hualong asked anxiously: "Uncle! Don't be a fool, what did you find out?"

"Okay, I'm not joking." Mo Jingjun said unhurriedly: "This should help you. My younger brother told me this morning that he met a gambler who was heavily in debt in a black casino. It's normal, but it's strange that the man actually paid off the debt in one lump sum, and gambled in the casino with a large amount of money."

"It's suspicious! Although I'm not sure if it has anything to do with the kidnapping of the little girl, there is definitely something wrong with this person. I have sent you the photo. If you have no other clues, go and have a look."

Yu Hualong nodded: "Thanks, uncle! By the way, please send me the location of that casino."

Mo Jingjun was also unequivocal, and he did it directly. Before hanging up the phone, he instructed: "Hualong! If you encounter something that you can't handle, please contact me. Be careful!"

"Understood." After Yu Hualong responded, he hung up the phone directly.

After getting the photo, the two compared the photo sent by Mo Jingjun with the person on the surveillance, and found that the person on the photo was the thinner one in the surveillance.

"Hao Wei! What do you think?" After hearing the news, Yu Hualong said bluntly.

Wu Haowei pushed his glasses: "Brother Long! Now that the photos match, we can only go and have a look."

"Let's go then!"

Yu Hualong originally wanted to go alone so that Wu Haowei, who had been up all night, could rest in the dormitory, but he insisted on going there together, thinking that there would be multiple people to take care of him, and he would be responsible for what happened. Yu Hualong finally agreed with Wu Haowei and Wu Haowei. Walk by yourself.

The two sneaked out of the school. They had skipped class for two days because of Ye Xiaoxiao's kidnapping.

According to the location sent by Mo Jingjun, the two came to a bar. The bar above was just to hide people's eyes and ears, and the casino was just below the bar.

"Follow me when you go in." Yu Hualong told Wu Haowei who was behind him, and went in directly.

After entering the bar, the two noticed an elevator in the corner, and there were two burly men standing at the door of the elevator. It seemed that the elevator was the entrance to the casino.

Yu Hualong winked at Wu Haowei and told him to follow him. The two bypassed the social youths who were shaking their heads inside, and came to the entrance of the elevator. Just as they were about to go in, they were stopped by two guards.

"What are you two doing! This is our VIP entrance, and no VIPs are allowed to enter." One of the big men said coldly, his eyes full of contempt.

Wu Haowei looked at Yu Hualong and said in a low voice, "What should we do now? Brother Long! They are guarding here, we have no way to go in."

Yu Hualong sneered, took out a business card from his pocket with ease, and handed it to the burly man: "This is my friend. Although we are not VIPs, let us go in because of the honor of asking you to give him a favor."

The big man took the business card casually and scanned it with displeased eyes. After seeing the content on the business card, his eyes widened, fear was written on his face, and his body trembled unconsciously.

"This... this! I'm sorry! I'm really sorry. May I ask your surname, sir. I'll call to confirm it!" The big man broke out in cold sweat, his attitude changed 180 degrees, and he even used his honorific title, for fear of knowing about Yu Hualong.

Yu Hualong said coldly: "Yu Hualong! Just tell that guy that I am Yu Hualong!"

"Okay! Please wait a moment." The big man responded, and then immediately dialed the number according to the phone number on the business card.

"Hey! Brother Hu! There is a distinguished guest here, who says he is your friend, okay, yes, I understand!"

After finishing the phone call, the big man immediately bowed to Yu Hualong, and said nervously: "I'm really sorry, I really didn't know you were a friend of Brother Hu, you can go in."

Yu Hualong teased: "But we are not VIPs, can we get in like this?"

The big man smiled bitterly: "I'm really sorry, please don't make things difficult for me. Since you are Brother Hu's friend, you are naturally our VIP!"

Seeing this, Yu Hualong didn't talk nonsense with him, and after pressing the elevator, he and Wu Haowei went to the casino below.

"It's so dangerous!" After Yu Hualong left, the big man breathed a sigh of relief.

Another big man said: "What's the matter? Brother! What is it that makes you so scared? Usually, you are not so polite to those rich second generations."

The big man replied: "Don't ask, you may not know that you just came here just now, that man just now met a lunatic who is very terrifying in Taoism, we can't afford to provoke that lunatic! If we accidentally provoke that lunatic, we will Don’t even think about opening this bar.”

(End of this chapter)

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