ultimate fist

Chapter 44 I Want To See Him

Chapter 44 I Want To See Him
After Brother Ji escaped, the police quickly suppressed the suspects in the police station. Although several policemen were injured in the process, compared to the tragic situation of those suspects, this was already a very small loss.

And those policemen who were originally in the police station were also sent to the hospital for treatment. Although Bai Xueer only suffered minor injuries that were nothing serious, she was in an extremely heavy mood right now.

Uncle Huang, who often took care of her, died. When Bai Xueer heard the news, she kept her face dark and sat quietly on the chair outside the ward.

After a long time, Dou Da's tears slid down her face like broken beads, Bai Xueer tried her best not to cry, but in the end she couldn't help it, and let out bursts of sobbing.

"Uncle Huang..." Bai Xueer lowered her head bitterly, tears streaming down her face uncontrollably. This was the saddest time since she became a policeman, because of Uncle Huang's sacrifice and because of her own helplessness.

At this moment, a man wearing a peaked cap, sunglasses and a mask rushed over suddenly and asked about Uncle Huang's situation.

But when he learned from the doctor that Uncle Huang had died, he also collapsed powerlessly on the ground, leaving two lines of tears like a knife in his heart.

Seeing this person's reaction so strongly, Bai Xueer thought he was Uncle Huang's family member, so she immediately pretended to be calm, wiped away her tears and wanted to go forward to comfort him, but she was also in a bad mood right now, and she couldn't think of any comforting words at all. After being silent for a while, he sat back down again.

In this way, neither of the two spoke, and sat in the hospital all night with a heavy heart.

On to the second day!All the police officers in the police station came to attend Uncle Huang's funeral. Because Uncle Huang had no family, the funeral was arranged by his colleagues.

At the funeral, Bai Xueer saw the man she saw in the hospital yesterday, but this man did not attend Uncle Huang's funeral, but hid in the distance, watching the situation here silently.

Bai Xueer felt that this man's behavior was very strange. Since he was also an acquaintance of Uncle Huang, why didn't he come to the funeral?
After waiting for the funeral to end, Bai Xueer walked up to the man with a lot of questions and asked, "I heard from the superiors that Uncle Huang has no family, so who are you? Are you an acquaintance of Uncle Huang?" ?"

The man took off his sunglasses and mask, revealing his face. This person was none other than Wu Haowei's father who was hiding, Wu Wen!
"You...you are Bai Xue'er, right?" Wu Wen said in a hoarse voice. It seemed that he was so sad yesterday that he cried for a long time and even his voice became hoarse.

Bai Xueer was a little surprised, and said: "You know me? And I seem to have met you somewhere, you seem to be..."

After thinking for a while, Bai Xueer seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly shouted: "You...you are Wu Wen! I saw your photo from the superior before, and you are the anti-black hero who once wiped out the Heiman organization! Wu Wen! "

Hearing this, Wu Wen sighed lightly, feeling very ashamed in his heart, after all, the person who wiped out the Heiman organization was not himself, but Yu Hualong!It's just that no one will believe this kind of words, and he can be regarded as unintentionally stealing other people's credit.

Originally, Wu Wen shouldn't have come today, because he is now the target of the Heiman organization. If he showed up at will, he might be dealt with by the killer.

but!After learning that Uncle Huang died, Wu Wen had no choice but to sit still. When he was a criminal policeman, Uncle Huang took him with him. It can be said that Uncle Huang was Wu Wen's first teacher.

Without Uncle Huang's teaching, it would be impossible for Wu Wen to grow into the outstanding policeman he is today. Although Wu Wen is no longer a policeman, he will never forget this kindness, so when he heard the news of Uncle Huang's sacrifice, he would Risked his life to come here.

And Wu Wen once heard about Bai Xueer from Uncle Huang, saying that she is a policewoman with great potential, and maybe her future achievements will be higher than her own, so Wu Wen also knows Bai Xueer.

After that, Wu Wen told Bai Xueer everything, because he felt that Bai Xueer was a trustworthy person, and he needed the help of the police to deal with Heiman.

After knowing these things, Bai Xueer's eyes widened like eggs. It was hard for her to believe that the person who wiped out the Heiman organization was actually a young man.

Is it really possible for this to happen?A teenager who didn't carry any weapons, but with his bare hands, actually wiped out the Heiman organization that even the police have no way to do?This is not filming, how could such a thing happen, but it is Senior Wu Wen who said this, he should not be so bored as to make such meaningless jokes.

The amount of information was too great, Bai Xueer couldn't accept it for a while, and froze in place.

Wu Wen had expected Bai Xueer's reaction a long time ago, and he was not surprised by it. After all, when he reported this matter to his superiors, the other party's reaction was even more exaggerated than Bai Xueer's now.

Wu Wen sighed and murmured: "I know this is hard to believe, but this is..."

"I believe it!" Before Wu Wen finished speaking, Bai Xueer said bluntly: "Although it sounds outrageous, if Senior Wu Wen said it, then there is nothing wrong with it."

Before Wu Wen could speak, Bai Xueer showed an unusually determined expression, and said very seriously: "Who is that young hero who once wiped out the Heiman organization? If possible, I would like to see him."

Maybe even Wu Wen himself didn't expect that someone really believed in him. You must know that except for his son Wu Haowei, no one believed what he said.

Seeing this, Wu Wen smiled slightly and said: "I investigated the identity of that boy before, he is currently studying in Chengde Dream University, and my son is his roommate, but I don't think he will meet you , I asked my son to bring him here before, and I wanted to ask him for something, but he hasn't come to meet me until now."

"Sigh!" Bai Xueer lowered her head and sighed: "If this is the case, things will be difficult. Originally, I wanted to get some news about Heiman through that boy? After all, he once wiped out Heiman. You should know more or less."

Wu Wen was a little confused about this. Although he wanted Bai Xueer to help him deal with Heiman, he hadn't asked about the need for help. Why was Bai Xueer anxious to learn about the Heiman organization?

You must know that with Bai Xueer's current position, she is not in charge of Heiman's organization, and she has no ability to manage it. Logically speaking, she should not ask too much about this matter.

Just when Wu Wen wanted to ask, Bai Xueer gave the answer herself.

I saw Bai Xue'er clenched her fists angrily, gritted her teeth and said viciously: "I was too tired before, so I didn't notice that when I attacked the police station before, those two strange men with masks were wanted by the police. , and they are also killers in the Heiman organization, I want to catch those two killers and avenge Uncle Huang!"

After saying this, Bai Xueer said to Wu Wen in a begging tone: "Please, Senior Wu Wen! Can you help find a way to let that boy come out and meet me? Maybe I can learn from him, Some news that even our police don't know."

(End of this chapter)

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