I'm in the city

Chapter 32 The spider was swallowed, and the empty eye appeared

Chapter 32 The spider was swallowed, and the empty eye appeared
While the clone was resisting the damage, Wang Zizai remembered to ask Uncle Yu about the enchantment.He communicated with the core of his ability with his thoughts, and he would not know how to cut the tricky knife. A current flashed across the body of the knife, and the blade began to turn blue.

Without further ado, Wang Zizai gripped the Mischievous Blade tightly, and swept across the spider leg inserted into the clone, with a "click", the spider leg broke.

Wang Zizai used "A Flash of Lightning" to drag the replica out, preventing the spider from falling down and crushing the replica due to missing legs.

"Are you okay, does it affect the action?"

The duplicate body shook its head and stood up. Wang Zizai looked at the fallen treacherous boys around him. It seemed that this virtual self had a high combat awareness and was not weaker than himself. Unfortunately, he had no body to communicate with.

Due to the lack of a leg, the spider staggered and almost fell down. It stared at the left arm it had torn off from the clone and stuffed it directly into its mouth to restore its injured body. However, it did not expect What's more, there was a feeling of nausea in his mouth, and he spit it out directly from his mouth.

At this time, the copy body flicked and threw five darts, and Wang Zizai found that the darts were covered with his own electric energy.

"Enchantment can still be used like this, I learned it."

The five darts just flew from the side of the spider with only five legs left, and inserted perfectly into the base of the spider's legs.

"Good opportunity." Wang Zizai came up with a whim. After seeing the enchanted dart, he felt that he could also achieve multi-line development of abilities. He had a bold attempt to abolish the five legs of the spider at once.The current mind value is not enough for the next experiment, so a small wishful pill appeared in Wang Zizai's hand and swallowed it.

He raised his arm, palm facing forward, five fingers bent, aiming at the five legs of the spider, and there was a sound of electric ringing at his fingertips, and five tiny balls of energy were suspended in the fingertips.

After the energy was fully charged, five electric pillars of energy shot towards the base of the injured spider's leg. The spider didn't pay attention to Wang Zizai's movements because of the injury, and the five legs were disconnected from the body, and the whole spider fell sideways. He fell down, screaming in pain.

"Successful, it seems that the electric finger can be released once through each of the five fingers, but the power consumption is too large."

A good opportunity, looking at the fallen spider, Wang Zizai was holding the enchanted slashing knife, and was about to rush towards it, when a change happened, the surrounding space of the spider began to shatter, and a dark hole appeared in the dark space. only eye.

"No, it's Sly Kongyan. Why did this thing come here? Maybe it recovered."

Wang Zizai was unable to move his legs and hands under the influence of Guikongyan.

"Damn it, I just couldn't move my legs in school before, but now I can't even control my hands. It seems that it's not long before it recovers, and the situation is troublesome."

A few black hands protruded from the space hole and dragged the injured spider in. The spider was unable to fight back due to the lack of half of its spider legs, and wailed, as if something terrible was about to happen.

When the spider's body was completely submerged in the space hole, the black hand stretched out again to grab Wang Zizai. At this moment, unable to move, he looked at the replica next to him, and found that the right hand behind it was full of darts.

"It seems that what can be controlled is the human body, and it doesn't work for the props stored by the mind."

Just when the black hand was about to touch Wang Zizai, the replica moved, and four charged darts flew towards the black hand closest to the space hole, directly shooting down one black hand, while the remaining black hands retracted rapidly due to the attack, and the space Dong's big eyes shifted to the duplicate body, and after the two stared at each other for 1 second, the space began to recover, and the cunning eye disappeared.

Wang Zizai, who resumed his actions, looked at the replica next to him and patted him on the shoulder. "Fortunately, I have you, otherwise I wouldn't be able to live this time."

The clone still had the same expressionless face, and looking at the imitation face, Wang Zizai felt that he could also put on such a face to play cool.

At this time, there was a sound from the Zhangui system, "The task of killing the spider is complete, and you will get a gift bag from the spider."

Wang Zizai raised his eyebrows. He didn't kill the spider, but injured it. Presumably, the spider was swallowed by the ghostly eye, so he died. This can be considered as the completion of the mission. It seems that there is a loophole in the mission. After that, the monsters that died without my hands can also be counted in the task completion.

The question now is how to deal with the Sly Sky Eye. Swallowing the Sly Spider will definitely restore its own injuries to some extent, otherwise there is no need to travel through the space to take it away.

The original plan was for one person to attract the attention of the Sly Kongyan, and the other to hide and release the anti-Sly energy shotgun at the critical moment, but now it doesn't work, the Slykongyan saw the two of them, if only one person appeared in front of it, it would Definitely guard against the second man, and if the shotgun misses, then it's bad.

Wang Zizai was thinking about countermeasures quickly. As time passed, the sweat on his forehead gradually dripped, and he couldn't figure it out.Wang Zizai didn't see the clone at the side, and his face quickly changed from a thoughtful expression to a blank expression.

After a while, the replica moved its hands and touched Wang Zizai. Wang Zizai watched him point to his arm, then to him, then to the pendant, and finally to himself.

Wang Zizai looked at the clone in doubt. He didn't know what he meant. Could it be that there is something else in my pendant that he needs.

Wang Zizai scanned the pendant with his mind, and found that there was only anti-gui tracking paper, energy scattering cannon and a replica.

Wang Zizai took out all of them directly, placed them on the ground and looked at the replica, he wanted to know what kind of things his virtual self needed.

At this time, a white light drilled out of the copy body and entered another copy body, and picked up the anti-scattering cannon.

Wang Zizai instantly understood another thought of himself, because what Shuikong saw was himself and the copy without his hand, he could teleport his mind into the copy that lacked his left hand, and appeared in Shuikong with his own body on his back. In the eyes of the naked eye, through the trait of being unaffected by the clone, to deal with it, while the virtual self is the third person, hiding in the dark and giving a blow at a critical moment, it is worthy of being a mantis catching cicadas and orioles behind.

Wang Zizai looked at the clone. He thought he looked not very smart, but now he showed a wise side. It was true and unexpected.

After this problem is solved, the next step is to think about finding a hidden location for the clone so that it can give Skunk Eye a final blow.

With that, Wang Zizai slapped his thigh and said to the duplicate body, "Listen to me, and nod if you understand."

"I tied the paper puppet with an explosive bomb, and later sent two men and women's locker rooms towards the swimming pool to blow up the creepy children inside. As soon as the explosion sounded, we started to act. I put the main body on my back to attract The attention of the sneaky eye, and you go to the roof of the swimming pool, I will give you a signal right above it, when you see a blue beam of light breaking out of the pavilion, after five seconds, immediately face the beam of light Shoot from below, do you understand?"

The clone didn't move, and Wang Zizai said it several times before the clone responded and nodded.Wang Zizai heaved a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he understood, otherwise he would not be able to operate in the next step. At the critical moment of life and death, he made a wrong step and a wrong step.

Wang Zizai went to the women's dressing room to get a few pieces of women's underwear, and muttered, "I'm sorry girls, you are contributing to the peace of mankind, so I will accept the underwear."

In his hand, he had four extra paper puppets, four explosive bombs, and two small wishful pills. He summoned four dogs, wrapped the explosive bombs in underwear and put them on them. , the consumption of the next battle will not be less.

Then I used my mind to enter the copy of the severed hand, and used the remaining fabric to connect the copy with the main body, and threw the main body out of the swimming pool at critical moments to prevent mistakes.

Everything is ready, the clone who lost his left hand nodded towards the clone, and when the mission of the paper puppets was completed, it was time for them to start the mission.

 The creepy spiders rushed to the street, and the sixth child was born, three of me!

(End of this chapter)

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