Chapter 38

According to the route that he and Yu Chenyu went to the evaluation center for the first time, Wang Zizai arrived at the destination soon.

"What day is it today? There are so many people in this evaluation center. The last time I came to the entire hall, he and Yu Chenyu and scattered staff, huh? Why does the person standing in front of the terminal look so familiar? .”

Wang Zizai approached and found that this was Lin Hui, the related householder.

Lin Hui is using his grade certificate to register on the optical brain terminal at this time. He came here today to assess the C-level trick master.

After registering, he turned around and saw Wang Zizai behind him, with raised eyebrows, showing disdain, and walked towards Guangnao.

Wang Zizai put his hands in his pockets, looked at Lin Hui's awkward expression, didn't bother to pay attention, and even whistled. He took out his grade certificate from the pendant, swiped it on the terminal, and the information in it was automatically read, and finally An interface popped up, and Wang Zizai manually clicked on the evaluation of the trickster, and the evaluation card popped up from the terminal.

Lin Hui, who was going to the hall for any optical brain evaluation, stopped after hearing Wang Zizai's whistle, not walking a few steps away.

After Wang Zizai took out the evaluation card, he went to the lobby to find an empty optical computer to prepare for the evaluation. He found Lin Hui standing not far away, looking at him with a sullen expression.

Wang Zizai suddenly became upset.

"What are you?"

Lin Hui didn't speak, but kept looking at him as before.

Wang Zizai wondered, normal villains wouldn't say "What's wrong with you?" Why does this guy look like polio? Wang Zizai showed sympathy in his eyes and walked past him quickly.

"Wang Zizai, stop." Lin Hui, who couldn't say a word before, spoke out.

"If you tell me to stop, I will stop. Don't I lose face."

Wang Zizai sneered and walked forward.

"Do you dare to compare with me on the comprehensive rating of the Conjurer Slayer this time. I heard that you are also a D-level, and I happen to be a D-level. This evaluation will see who has a higher rating. If the result of the test is higher than yours, I advise you to leave Miss Chen Yu's side, she is not something to covet."

Wang Zizai stopped in his tracks, turned around and said to Lin Hui, "Bored, you like to pick up girls and go after them by yourself, but it's okay if you don't have the ability to rely on me? And how do you know that I am a D-rank and have a name. "

Lin Hui sneered and said, "Is it difficult to check your information? Could it be that you are afraid because you know you are not as good as me?"

"I'll be afraid of you? If you like yourself, go after yourself. Stay with me in this ink mark to show your sense of superiority, right? Okay, if you win, I stay away from Yu Chenyu, so what if I win? You can't be right. The bet is only in your favor, right?"

"If you win, this creepy object detector will be yours." At this moment, a rectangular block appeared in Lin Hui's hand.

"What is the Trickster Appraisal Instrument?" Wang Zizai was full of curiosity, and this thing suddenly aroused his interest, when a voice came from a distance.

"The creepy object detector detects the level of creepy things in any area on the map based on the thoughts input by the user. The larger the range, the more the creepy things. It is suitable for A and below creepy things. There are only a thousand people who own this thing in Hualan Country. .”

Wang Zizai heard that it was the chick Leng Yaosi, and looked around him with many people, all of whom were watching a play.

"Well, Leng Yaosi, why are you here?"

"I was just passing by, and I happened to hear the strange thing appraiser, so I came in to have a look, who are you?"

"A related family failed to chase girls, thought it was my fault, and asked me to gamble to find superiority, and I was also very helpless."

"What is the content of the bet?"

Wang Zizai told the story.

Lin Hui saw that Wang Zizai was still free to chat with a beautiful woman he didn't know, and felt that his self-esteem had been destroyed. He yelled: "Enough, Wang Zizai, bet or not. If you think you can't do it, you can admit defeat."

After Wang Zizai finished talking to Leng Yaosi in detail, he glanced at Lin Hui, "Bet, of course bet, if you want to give me the sly object detector, I have to accept it."

"Hmph, look, you can cry when the rating comes out." After speaking, he turned and walked towards the optical brain in the hall.

Lin Hui sneered in his heart, his current strength has long been C-level, but he is too lazy to test, just happened to run into this guy when he wanted to test today, good luck.

Looking at the confident Lin Hui, Wang Zizai was quite speechless. He could see that this guy must have come prepared to bet with him, but even if you hide your strength, you can't treat others as fools. For example, you are very low-key. It seems that the relationship The user's brain circuit is indeed different from that of ordinary people.

He waved goodbye to Leng Yaosi, he was going to the comprehensive rating, and he had to explain the task that Uncle Yu said.

Leng Yaosi stared at Wang Zizai's leaving figure. She also wanted to know what level he is currently. Ever since she found out that he had the wind ability yesterday, she had become curious about him. An 18-year-old senior high school student, Entering the Operation Bureau, the first level test was D-level, and he killed the tricky book that was difficult to solve in the B-level when he was still at the D-level. He is still a dual-line ability user, and any one of them will cause an uproar if the trick master knows.

What she didn't know was that Wang Zizai had also solved the A-level sneaky eye. The remaining enemies in the Operation Bureau issued a confidentiality clause, and only a few special people knew about it.

Wang Zizai sat in the optical brain, still familiar with the scene, the helmet automatically lowered and put on his head, because his head was injured by a brick, he felt a pain when he put it on, but because the inner barrier of the helmet is soft, he got used to it after a while , the pain gradually dissipated, tubular spongy bodies protruded from all around to stick to the body, the helmet spewed out gas, and the level evaluation began.

Wang Zizai opened his eyes, and he was in the bushes, surrounded by trees and grass, which seemed to be a forest terrain.

There was a fire in the distance, and the smoke rose straight into the sky. After Wang Zizai noticed it, he used the trees and bushes to hide his figure and went forward to find out.

A sound of "rustling" came from the grass beside him, and Wang Zizai appeared in his hand, staring at the grass, to prevent the sneak attack of the strange thing, moved his feet back, and distanced himself from it. Seeing a rabbit popping out from the grass, Wang Zizai immediately lowered his vigilance when he saw that it was a rabbit.

"No, it's obviously abnormal for this rabbit to run so fast. There are prey chasing it." Wang Zizai, who had just let go of his mind, immediately raised his attention. Sure enough, there was a coherent rustling sound from the grass, which was louder than what he had heard before. What appeared in Wang Zizai's eyes.

Six black and red hairless dog-shaped creatures, without ears and tails, with only skeletons left on their four feet, with spikes on their paws, mouth teeth accounting for 60% of the entire head, and two blood-red eyes , the black pupil inside turned around looking for the prey just now, until it stared at the person standing not far away.

Through their posture, Wang Zizai quickly judged that they were 155F-level sly dogs. Their level was second only to sly children, and their lethality was not as good as sly children. But once they were targeted, they would be endlessly chasing after them. They could find their prey by scent , if it cannot be killed, it will bark to attract the attention of the surrounding creeps, causing it to be set on fire.

The sneaky dog ​​lost its prey but found a new prey. This new prey was enough for them to eat for a while. In the huge mouth, the teeth rubbed and saliva flowed out, and rushed towards the prey. Little did they know that the next second, 6 dog heads out of thin air Flying up, the black liquid in the neck is also erupting.

Wang Zizai flicked the sly knife in his hand, and the liquid on the knife fell to the ground. He just made one slash, and with the speed of Feng Shunbu, he directly killed the 6 sly dogs in an instant.

"The rating this time is really different, and the level of realism is quite high. The current F-level monster is like chopping melons and vegetables in the trick knife in my hand."

In fact, Feng Shunpo's skill is too invincible.

 When Wang Zizai meets Lin Hui, he starts the bet, the good thing must be in the hands of the protagonist!
(End of this chapter)

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