I'm in the city

Chapter 60 Confirm Location

Chapter 60 Confirm Location
Wang Zizai turned on his mobile phone and entered the underground shopping mall on Shasha Street through the browser, and the pop-up page just displayed the instruction map of the underground shopping mall.

The hard work paid off, and with the help of his mobile phone, he found information about 3 underwear stores through the instruction map.

There are only three lingerie stores in the entire underground shopping mall, and the underground shopping mall has only two floors, -1 and -2 floors. -1 is the floor he is currently on. There is one called "Women's Fashion House", and -2 has two respectively. They are called "Time-honored Women's Special Offer" and "Bi'anhua Underwear Shop".

After confirming, he needs to locate his current location. As long as he knows his location, the next route will be very clear.

He turned on the map navigation on his mobile phone, trying to determine his location, but found that his current location was blank, without a name introduction. It seemed that he had to go back to the door of the store to check the sign to determine his current location, in case In case, by the way, look at the names of the shops on both sides, in case the store I entered is newly opened, so I can't tell without the map navigation.

But the most urgent thing is how to avoid the attention of the sly boy. As long as there are so many sly boys who find him, the screams will attract the surrounding sly boys.

Wang Zizai thought about it for a long time. If he fights with the treacherous boys, he wonders if Uncle Yu will be furious if he blows up the underground shopping mall this time. The loss to come is not small.

"Why don't you send a text message to Uncle Yu first?" Wang Zizai thought.

After thinking about it for a long time, I decided to call Uncle Yu, maybe I will send out the creepy object identification device today, and I still have to rely on myself.

He has a plan, but this plan will cost a little more cunning coins, but he can't find another way for the time being, and his mental power value is also limited. Value, if you take Xiaoruyi Pill in this situation, it will be thanks to you, and the loss will be even greater.

He couldn't hesitate anymore, and acted directly. He directly exchanged 23 paper puppets and trick coins (1815-115=1700), which happened to be a whole.

Wang Zizai held the paper puppets in both hands. He walked out of the dressing room, loosened his hands, and the paper puppets fell to the ground and turned into dogs. This time, there were 23 puppets. This team is the most he has ever put in. I hope they can More support will be.

Wang Zizai gave them instructions, and then hid behind the counter. The Wang Wang team ran out of the door, divided into two teams, and went to the left and right. His purpose was to use the Wang Wang team to attract the tricky children. Attention, and I took advantage of the chaos to determine the position, and then searched.

Not long after the Wang Wang team left the house, he heard a sound from the ground, presumably it came from the creepy children crawling and running. Wang Zizai waited for a while, and found that the sound gradually disappeared. It seemed that he was attracted by the paper puppets Pay attention and distance yourself from him.

"Good job, it's useless."

Wang Zizai's figure flashed past and appeared at the door of the store. He looked up at the signs in front of him and on both sides, and found that one of them happened to be one of the "women's fashion houses" he was looking for.

Wang Zizai quickly looked around him, but he didn't find anything, so he walked in. As soon as he entered the door, he saw a bunch of colorful gadgets. He can only say that there is no one here now, otherwise he couldn't imagine a bunch of women at all. How embarrassing it would be to stare at that scene of him.

Although there is no one at the moment, it does not mean that there is no fluctuation in his heart. He wants to complain that he is a handsome young man, but he is reduced to running to an underwear store to find someone. The school already knew his name, after all his good brother was nicknamed Big Mouth.

Putting aside his thoughts, Wang Zizai glanced around. Through the arrangement of the items inside, he thought it must not be here, because it was too neat and the ground was clean. If there was a fight or evasion of tracking during the period, more or less of them would be left behind. There are some traces, but there are none.

He also conjectured, if Yu Chenyu had sent him a message in the underwear store, would the Sly Knife Beetle have discovered it during that time, leading to a fight between the two, and finally shifted positions.

After thinking about it carefully, it is not impossible, and he disconnected the intelligence thread again, and things became a headache for him. This time, the strange thing is not difficult for him to solve, the only difficulty is how to control the loss.

There must be some losses from the incident until now, but how to control the losses is relatively difficult, and Wang Zizai was a little crazy thinking about it.

He was a bit regretful, why didn't he go home first and bring the creepy object identification device with him, now it's all right, there are creepy children near the exit, he is running towards the exit, he is afraid that he will take this group with him, if the time comes If one ran away, he didn't dare to think about the consequences.

He is currently pinning his hopes on the other two underwear stores. Even if Yu Chenyu is not in the store, there will always be traces of the scene.

Wang Zizai walked towards the handrail outside, turned over and fell from -1 floor to -2 floor. The moment he landed in the air, there happened to be a strange boy on the ground who met his eyes. over here.

"Hold the grass, you." Wang Zizai blurted out.

It was too late to adjust the posture in the air, and it was difficult to even swing the knife. Wang Zizai raised his other hand as much as possible and pointed at it. There was an extra gun in his hand, which he took out from the pendant. It was too late for him to release Feng Shunpo, so he could only kill it in one blow with the Deception Spear.

At the same time when the trigger was pressed, Dou Tong's head had already touched the muzzle of the gun, and his claws stopped while waving. The Dou Tong died and fell to the ground in the air. The body moved back a little, and he fell like a dog eating shit. Due to the headshot at close range, he was also stained with a little black liquid of the strange thing.

Wang Zizai looked at the clothes on his chest, three openings were torn open, traces of blood leaked from his abdomen, it seemed that he was still touched by the treacherous boy, fortunately it was only a small scratch, which did not affect his actions.

After he looked left and right to make sure there was no weird thing, he walked to the left. According to the previous information, the two stores are opposite, and the direction he is walking now is the path leading to one of them.

Wang Zizai looked around while walking, afraid that the tricky boys would play tricks on him again. I don't know if it was because of bad luck or arrogance. He had already been attacked twice, and it was just a coincidence.

Presumably the Wang Wang team should be wiped out, their mission has been accomplished, and now it's up to him.

Wang Zizai took out his mobile phone, looked at the signage of the store while walking, determined his location, and warned his surroundings.

Soon he stopped near the lingerie store, under the store in front of it. He squatted down and walked forward. Through the transparent window, he found that the inside was messy, and the mannequins on the clothes railing were in a mess.

Wang Zizai became vigilant, thinking that this was it, after all, it was very different from the underwear store before, completely incomparable.

However, you can only see part of the window, not the whole thing. If you want to get evidence, you have to go in directly.

Wang Zizai got up and walked cautiously into the store, his hands on the Sly Slashing Knife became tighter and tighter.

 My trick coin, I spent a lot of money.Hard-earned money!

(End of this chapter)

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