Dao Shaohua

Chapter 106

Chapter 106

Zhang Sanyi laughed loudly when he heard this, and said:
"Who hasn't? I won't either!
Let me tell you, you silly sheep, I'm afraid you don't know anything.

In the past, our Teacher Gao was the weird leader of the entire Yinzhou City.

She decides who has what fate, what kind of tricks to become, whoever dies, and what kind of tricks to become!

She is the real master of our Yinzhou City!
But who does the errands for her?That is our Zhang family!
Those cunning are all designed by us, and all underworld forces are just disguises, we are the underground controllers of Yinzhou City.

I was the one who put the cellar guard in your house in. At that time, I just wanted a favor from your brother, but you didn't give it to me!

The most speechless was that idiot of the Zhu family, who wanted to clear up the weirdness, but not all of them died in the end.

Later, Teacher Gao disappeared for some reason, and was replaced by Old Man Jing.

He didn't like our family and almost died.

Li Er hit me, and I kept staring at them. I found out their secret and reported it to old man Jing. In the end, the Li family was gone! "

Zhang San spoke triumphantly there.

He has no one to share these secrets, and it is also uncomfortable for him. Now he only tells Yang Xiuming.

"Look how awesome Li Er is, didn't he die in the end?

You see how powerful Zhu Wu is, didn't he die in the end?

You all look down on me, but you never thought that I am actually the best! "

Yang Xiuming's face was gloomy, and he glanced out the window. It was only noon, and there were still a few hours before night.

Zhang San immediately saw Yang Xiuming's look.

He shook his head and said, "Yang Xiuming, do you think that if you are elite, you will be strong?
Tell you, nothing! "

During the words, a person walked out behind Zhang San.

This man is a wretched old man, very short. He pointed at Yang Xiuming and used his ability.

For a moment, Yang Xiuming felt himself locked by a big lock, unable to move.

"This is my third uncle, Venerable Tiesuo of Suodao Suokun. Locking you as a little night watchman is just like playing."

Yang Xiuming silently felt that he was completely locked up, unable to move.

However, as long as you unite your divine sword, you can completely break this shackle.

But Yang Xiuming didn't move, just shouted:
"Zhang San, what are you doing?"

Zhang San sneered and said:
"Nothing, after my investigation, you often get Lu Jing and sell it to Jing Shao and Li Er.

Tell me, to be honest, how did you get those law crystals?
Don't tell me, you went to the wild in the middle of the night to kill strange treasures? "

Yang Xiuming opened his mouth and didn't know what to say for a long time. He really got it by killing strange things in the wild...

Zhang San said coldly: "It's okay, you don't need to say anything.

In the dungeon of my Zhang family, there are no secrets to keep!
That is, you keep it, your parents, your younger brothers and sisters, let me see if they can keep it? "

Upon hearing this, Yang Xiuming's expression changed, and he said angrily, "How dare you!"

Zhang San said: "Why don't I dare!

Your brother is coming back soon. When he comes back, he may replace our Zhang family. One mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, so the first strike is the best!
I still have something to do, come here, put this kid in a dungeon, and I will take care of him slowly at night. "

Immediately, someone came over and removed the night demon weapons from Yang Xiuming's body one by one.

Then it was pulled to the basement of this building and sent to a prison.

Yang Xiuming seemed to be carrying a shackle on his back, holding him down tightly.

This is the ability of Suodao Iron Lock Venerable, a third-tier legend, Zhang San and the others are extremely confident, and completely subdue Yang Xiuming.

Yang Xiuming was dragged into the dungeon, and his whole body seemed to be locked up, unable to move.

In the dungeon, it was very smelly, and there were screams from other cells from time to time, it was like a purgatory on earth.

Yang Xiuming is not in a hurry, there is no result on his side, and the Zhang family will not touch his parents and family members.

Unexpectedly, it turned out that Zhang San was playing tricks all along, and he was the one who let the cellar guards go.

The reason why he attacked himself this time should be that the return of the eldest brother touched the interests of the Zhang family, so it is better to strike first.

That being the case, don't blame yourself.

Endless killing intent rose in Yang Xiuming's heart.

Silently waiting for the time to pass, gradually the sun goes down and enters the night.

The other party has a respected person, so be careful and put safety first.

Wait until the night comes, your own home court, and then make a big kill at that time.

Yang Xiuming remained motionless, waiting here, the time was almost up, he shouted:
"Brothers, come!"

Immediately, Zhang Yue and Fu Xialiang arrived here.

Yang Xiuming looked around, trying to break free from the shackles, when suddenly someone appeared in the dungeon.

Yang Xiuming didn't make a move and looked at the person coming.

Two burly men came here giggling and pulled Yang Xiuming back to the third floor.

In the middle of the third floor, there is a table of good wine and dishes, pork knuckles, roast goose, sheep's head, all kinds of delicacies.

Zhang San had a great meal here. In front of the table, there was a stove with various instruments of torture, especially a few soldering irons, which were burning red in the stove.

Seeing Yang Xiuming betting up, he laughed and said:
"Yang Xiuming, the dungeon down below is uncomfortable!

Hurry up and tell me the truth, how did those law crystals come about? "

The attitude is extremely rampant!

Yang Xiuming shook his head and said, "Zhang San, I'll give you a chance too. Let me go now. If you turn around and be friends with me, I won't..."

Zhang San interrupted his words, and said: "There's so much nonsense, come here, give him a plum blossom mark on his head!"

Immediately, someone came over and wanted to burn Yang Xiuming with a soldering iron.

Yang Xiuming shook his head and said: "There is no other way, there is a way to heaven, you don't go..."

Zhang Yue said: "What are you doing talking nonsense with him, kill him!"

In an instant, a sword energy burst out from Yang Xiuming's body, and with a movement of the maple leaf imprint on his wrist, the human sword merged into one, turning into a sword light, soaring into the sky.

The sword light flashed, and with a click, the shackles on Yang Xiuming's body were shattered.

Then the sword light exploded, facing Zhang San's side, turned into a white rainbow, and passed through.

Over there, a shackle suddenly appeared, firmly resisting Bai Hong.

Yang Xiuming made a move, and the first one to deal with was Venerable Iron Lock.

Under the sword lock, the two confronted each other on mission, and suddenly, in the light of the sword, a thunderclap broke out.

It is the supernatural power and thunder!
When there is an attack, there must be a response, and when there is thunder, there will be a scorpion accompanying it.

This thunderbolt was actually not strong, but it was very sudden.

Under the bombardment of the thunder, Venerable Tiesuo let out a muffled groan, his mind in a trance.

Immediately unable to resist Zhang Yue's sword light, in a flash, under the sword light, it turned into powder, and blood and flesh splattered all over the sky.

Everyone was dumbfounded, it was hard to believe that Yang Xiuming's sword was separated at this time.

He looked here, and suddenly stretched out his hand to cover his face, and the whole building was plunged into darkness.

All lights, all extinguished, all light, all dim.

Then Yang Xiuming moved with his sword, thunder roared, and he killed from the third floor to the first floor, and then from the first floor to the third floor, leaving no one behind.

"Zhen Jiang Dang Hai Luo Yunxia", "White Ape Holds the Peach Sword", in the darkness, one shock and one stab, one sword and one thunder, without mercy.

The five elites and the sixteen combatants were all killed in a blink of an eye, except for Zhang Sanyi who sat there stupidly.

(End of this chapter)

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