Dao Shaohua

Chapter 137 Wonderful Green Pine, Spiritual Building Opportunity

Chapter 137 Wonderful Green Pine, Spiritual Building Opportunity (Eighth, ask for a monthly ticket)
In the words, outside the base camp, there seemed to be a knock on the door:

"Hello, is anyone home?"

Zhao Wuji chased after him.

Fu Xialiang said, "Look at me!"

Immediately, a hole opened in the base camp, and in an instant, Zao Wou-ki entered it.

As soon as he came in, the hole opened by the base camp closed automatically.

Zhao Wou-ki was taken aback for a moment, and looked here, a stone room with a radius of about two feet.

In this stone room, there are three people standing, and there is a spiritual spring in the center, which can't stop spitting out spiritual water.

In the corner of the stone room, there is a row of shelves filled with various utensils.

Then Zhao Wuji saw a person in the center, looked at him with a smile, and said:

"From the beginning of the infinite, from the source of the infinite, to the end, to the end, to the infinite.

Fellow Daoist Lai Yi is invited, if there is a way to heaven, if you don’t go, there is no way to hell, come and vote! "

After saying this, Zhao Wuji was shocked.

"Too good!"

He almost screamed, turned and fled.

Taishang Dao, one of the Nine Tais, the Supreme Master Sect, this is not something that Lai Yizong can offend, this is a lesson learned by countless blood.

But the stone house has been closed, and it is impossible to escape.

The three people over there have already rushed over, one with a sword and one with an empty hand, all at once knocked Zhao Wou-Ki down and beat him violently.

The battle of souls is as simple and brutal as that.

Zao Wou-ki screamed, and during his screams, countless trees appeared in the stone room.

Green pine, poplar, sycamore, mulberry...

However, the natural force of the stone chamber suppresses these wonders and prevents these trees from taking shape.

In just an instant, Zhao Wuji had already been stabbed eighteen times by Zhang Yuelian, his head was chopped off with one sword, and he stepped on it to pieces.

Over there, Yang Xiuming grabbed Zhao Wuji's leg, turned on the wheel and smashed it to pieces.

But Zao Wou-ki still responded automatically. In fact, this is not his body, but his soul.

But the three of them were merciless when they started, they were like flogging corpses, Zao Wou-ki was beaten into thousands of pieces of flesh, and finally lost the power of recovery, and was gradually absorbed by the stone room.

Zao Wou-ki has countless dharma bodies, but only one soul, no amount of dharma bodies is useless here, he was trapped in the stone house and was beaten to death.

Zao Wou-ki, die!
There was a loud bang in the stone room, and it suddenly became bigger.

Absorbed the soul of Zao Wou-ki, as well as his wonders, and expanded the base camp.

From the original two feet square to four feet square, the area has doubled.

And in this stone room, there is an extra building.

A green pine, about six feet high, like a bonsai, appears here.

Zao Wou-ki himself carries seven wonders, which he uses to turn the forest into trees and sharpen the soul of the enemy.

He died here and was absorbed by the stone chamber, and the other six wonders were all shattered and turned into nutrients for the stone chamber.

Only this green pine spectacle remained, perhaps because Zhang Yue had practiced "Ao Song Shenghua Sword"?

When this spectacle appeared, Yang Xiuming and the three of them looked at each other in surprise.

Under the spectacle of green pines, in the stone room of the base camp, on top of the original water-type aura, there is an additional wood-type aura, and now the stone room's aura is twice the original.

The stone room became more comfortable, and under the nourishment of this spiritual energy, the area of ​​the stone room continued to expand. Although the expansion was not large, the effect was excellent.

Yang Xiuming nodded, he tried to return to his physical body.

This time, there is an instant return without any hindrance.

Feeling silently, the impressive expansion of the stone room and the increase of wood-type aura increased the true energy in his body by a full [-]%.

Not only Yang Xiuming, but also Zhang Yue and Fu Xialiang, both of them increased their true qi by [-]%.

In the past, the stone room in the base camp could not affect them, but now it has evolved twice, and with the wonders of spiritual construction, it has begun to affect their real bodies.

Yang Xiuming was extremely happy, but that Zhao Wuji should die completely.

Even if he is a Laiyi monk, he can seize countless homes, but now that his soul has dissipated, he will undoubtedly die.

Sure enough, the next day, the news came that Zao Wou-ki died suddenly last night.

The death was unknown, and it was Lan Yu who slept with him, who was directly taken away by the Zhao family.

Two days later, Lan Yu was released, and it was said that it had nothing to do with her.

But the university directly expelled her on the grounds that she was indiscreet in her private life. After all, Lan Yu's family has no power or power, but she has three points of beauty.

Lan Yu went to find Shi Gamo in the past, but Shi Gamo ignored her at all.

She disappeared and lived in the imperial capital. Later, someone saw her in a brothel and became a famous prostitute.

After experiencing Zhao Wuji's incident, Yang Xiuming became very careful.

If it depends on Yizong, maybe there are monks from other sects.

The Jiang family was exterminated because of colluding with the evil spirits from the outside world. Now it seems that this is really the case. The betrayal of these eight families is really doing it!
After Shi Gama had a drink with Yang Xiuming last time, he started to curry favor with Yang Xiuming.

On this day, the school was closed, and Shi Hama came to find Yang Xiuming.

"Brother Yang, shall I take you to the black market in the imperial capital?"

After the last time, Shi Hamo yelled at Brother Yang, and never called him a fool again.

Yang Xiuming suspected that the last time Zao Wou-ki died, although Shi Hato was drunk, he seemed to have a feeling.

However, Yang Xiuming didn't care.

"Black market? Let's go, let's go around."

Led by Shi Hama, the two went to the black market.

The black market in the imperial capital is different from the black market in Yinzhou City.

This is a real black market, selling everything, and it is no longer under the control of the Zhao family.

Come here for a stroll, Yang Xiuming wanders around at will to see what good things are here.

Now for the three of them, they all completed four and were short of the last one, so there was not much pressure on them anymore.

Completely random.

Fu Xialiang looked at it, and suddenly said:
"The last time I competed, there was a reward, a trial of mystical powers, and I practiced with Xin's sister yesterday.

She quietly told me that three days later, the Zongmen will have a supernatural power selection trial and asked me to sign up. "

Yang Xiuming nodded and said, "Okay, let's go!"

Fu Xialiang said: "When the time comes, let's go together. I haven't tried the selection of supernatural powers yet."

Zhang Yue asked: "You and Xin's sister are walking so hard now? Where are the other senior sisters?"

Fu Xialiang sighed and said:
"Senior Sister Qingluan went out to practice, I haven't seen her for a long time.

Sister Shuhe and Senior Sister Qingliang had a small gathering a few days ago, and the host and guest had a great time.

Senior Sister Misty sent me a gift, and Senior Sister Shu Leng hasn't contacted me for several days.

Senior Sister Linglong is too busy, so I made a pot of spiritual soup and sent it to her. She was very happy.

Junior Sister Qingshuang, it's nothing, I made an appointment for a meeting in five days.

Her family's extraordinary Taoism is very suitable for me. I want to exchange two of Master's Jade Talismans with her.

It's just Senior Sister Ximen Qingyan, I'm hesitating whether to include her in my harem.

This guy is too poisonous, I'm a little scared..."

In his calculations, the arrangements made by the seniors and seniors were clear.

Suddenly, Yang Xiuming frowned. He saw a strange object on a stall in the black market.

"Xia Liang, take a look, I feel this thing is so familiar!"

Fu Xialiang looked at it, and couldn't help but said, "Good guy, this seems to be a Lingzhu?"

(End of this chapter)

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