Goddess's super mad doctor

Chapter 4216 Send you on your way!

Chapter 4216 Send you on your way!
"Little tricks!"


Emperor Huang Quan and Immortal Emperor Huan Destruction snorted coldly and waved their sleeves!
"The ancient seal of Huangquan can conquer the sky and destroy the earth!"

"Illusionary Immortal Picture, the starry sky!"

in a blink!
An ancient seal and an ancient map evolved in the sky at the same time, continuously expanding and colliding upward!

From the ancient seal, black and red runes flew out and charged forward!

In the ancient map, the sun, moon and stars evolved, bursting out with the light of stars!

Bang, bang, bang! …

Boom, boom, boom! …

The offensives launched by Xing Tian and the other five people and Emperor Huang Quan and Immortal Emperor Huan Destruction were constantly colliding in the sky!

The sound of impact and explosion resounded throughout the heavens, spreading in all directions, causing chaos in the nine heavens!

Huge energy law light groups exploded in the sky, exploding a large amount of light rain, splashing in all directions!
Under this confrontation!
Xing Tian and the other five were blown away again, with blood holes exploding on their bodies, splattering a lot of blood!

Although Emperor Huang Quan and Immortal Emperor Disillusionment were also blown back a certain distance, they were not injured!
"Hahaha... Emperor Huang Quan and Immortal Emperor Huan Destruction have unparalleled magical powers and unparalleled laws!"

"Aren't these guys very arrogant before? Are they still arrogant now?"

"With Emperor Huangquan and Immortal Emperor Huanjue here, these five guys will definitely die!"

"And those four guys will eventually die in the hands of Taixu God Emperor and Yin Yang Emperor!"

The Nine Yang Immortal Emperor and the Nine Yin Immortal Emperor of the Disillusioned Star Ruins were all excited and raised their arms and shouted.

"Scream, scream, kill them!"

"Kill these guys to death!"

Bujie, Xu Ying and the others roared and rushed towards the Nine Yang Immortal Emperor, Nine Yin Immortal Emperor and others!

The nine-tailed dragon scorpion and other ten beast kings also led all the starry sky beasts and alien beasts to charge forward!
Just when the war broke out again in the distance!
Even though Xingtian, Ji Meng, Yinglong, Zhu Rong and Gonggong were injured, they still had high fighting spirit and charged towards Emperor Huangquan and Immortal Emperor Huanjue!
"I will send you on your way today!"

"Go to hell!"

Emperor Huang Quan and Immortal Emperor Huan Destruction also shouted coldly and rushed towards Xing Tian and the other five!

All of a sudden!

Xing Tian and the other five directly launched a shocking battle with Emperor Huang Quan and Immortal Emperor Huan Destruction in the sky!
Figures moved around in the sky, traveling vertically and horizontally, constantly colliding with each other!

Boom, boom, boom! …

Boom, boom, boom! …

Boom, boom, boom! …

Bursts of thunderous crashes and explosions are endless!
A large expanse of void exploded with void holes and dense cracks!

The blazing light, the surging and violent energy and the power of law also turned into pieces of sea of ​​energy and law light, rushing in all directions!
Just when Xing Tian and the other five were fighting fiercely with Emperor Huang Quan and Immortal Emperor Huan Destruction!
Emperor Taixu and Emperor Yin Yang raised their eyes and looked at Yang Luo, Kuafu, Yingzhao and Lei Chen!

"Xingtian and the others will definitely die today, now it's your turn!"

"The four of you are only in the early stage of Quasi-Immortal Emperor, but you still dare to compete with us. It's really ridiculous!"

The Taixu Divine Emperor and the Yin-Yang Emperor sneered, and then directly waved the Taixu Divine Sword and Yin-Yang Immortal Spear in their hands, attacking Yang Luo and the other four!
"Seniors, let's fight!"

Yang Luozhen roared, swung the Dragon Emperor Sword in his hand, and slashed hard!
The golden giant sword slashed out, crushing the sky, cutting off the void, and erupting with supreme sword intent, sword power and power of law, extremely violent!

Kuafu, Yingzhao and Leichen also waved their weapons and charged forward!

The giant halberd, giant sword and giant ax struck out, stirring up the wind and clouds, sweeping across the sky!

In an instant!
Clang, clang, clang!
Pieces of giant soldiers collided fiercely in the sky, erupting with crashes and explosions that shocked the nine heavens and ten places and shook the world!

Under this shocking collision! Yang Luo and the other four people maintained a confrontational posture with Taixu God Emperor and Yin Yang Emperor, and no one took a step back!


Emperor Taixu frowned, "These four guys can actually withstand our offensive?!"

Emperor Yin Yang looked proud, "Even if they can withstand one of our offensives, can they withstand ten or a hundred attacks?

Come on, don't waste your time with these four guys! "

"it is good!"

Taixu God Emperor nodded in agreement.

Immediately, the two of them were shocked, and the energy in their bodies was continuously mobilized!

Their coercion, aura and combat power have been improved again!

The two of them roared at the same time, created numerous strange phenomena, and attacked Yang Luo and the other four!

Yang Luo, Kuafu, Yingzhao and Lei Chen also roared, evolved many strange phenomena, and attacked fiercely!

Although Kuafu, Yingzhao and Lei Chen all only have three or four levels of vision!

However, Yang Luo alone had eight levels of vision, which really shocked the Taixu God Emperor and Yin Yang Emperor!

Under the onslaught of multiple visions from Yang Luo and the other four, the visions derived from Taixu God Emperor and Yin Yang Emperor were destroyed one after another, shattering and exploding in the sky!

"This...this kid actually has eight levels of vision?!"

Emperor Taixu's expression changed, and he said fiercely: "As expected of Yang Wudao's son, it's really not simple!"

Emperor Yin Yang said coldly: "It doesn't matter if it's not simple. As long as this kid doesn't grow up, he still doesn't pose a threat to us!"

The words have not yet been spoken!

Taixu God Emperor and Yin Yang Emperor directly used powerful killing moves to attack Yang Luo and the other four!
"Taixu Divine Talisman, reverse the nine heavens!"

"Tai Chi Yin and Yang, smelting the heavens!"

A series of black and gray runes soared into the sky from behind the Taixu God Emperor, merged in the sky, and turned into a series of rune rainbows, impacting upward!

A Tai Chi yin and yang diagram evolved in the sky, rapidly expanded and covered the sky, blocked out the sun, evolved all the phenomena in the sky, and suppressed the attack!

"Three thousand demon gods, kill everything!"

"The ancient scripture of the demon emperor, the world of demons is in chaos!"

"The Ancient Scripture of Thunder Emperor, catastrophe of heaven and earth!"

Kuafu, Yingzhao and Lei Chen took the lead in launching the most powerful attack and attacked!

In the sky above Kuafu, there seemed to be three thousand demonic gods standing up, holding various weapons, charging forward, and they were extremely domineering!
Countless demon soldiers, demon generals and demon beasts towered over Yingzhao, charging forward in a mighty manner!

Hundreds of millions of thunderbolts fell from the sky and struck the Rune Rainbow and the Tai Chi Yin Yang Diagram fiercely!
Kuafu, Yingzhao and Lei Chen jointly launched a very fierce offensive, but they could not completely withstand the fierce attacks of Taixu God Emperor and Yin Yang Emperor!

The offensive launched by the three people was continuously destroyed, and their bodies were crushed and kept retreating!

Yang Luo didn't hesitate at all, he immediately waved the sword in his hand and struck out nine swords in a row!

Nine golden giant swords slashed the sky and split the earth, cut across the void, and all slashed out!

The golden Tai Chi diagram, the nine-direction dragon seal, nine dragon tablets, and eighty-one dragon pillars evolved in the sky at the same time, attacking fiercely!

"Ho ho ho!——"

The dragon map of the avenue rotates, and the illusion of hundreds of millions of dragons roars out with a thunderous dragon roar, and crashes upward!

(End of this chapter)

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