The Witcher: Synthesize Everything

Chapter 104 My specimen cannot be your sister!

Chapter 104 My specimen cannot be your sister!

Three days later, on the endless sea, the ink-stained sea brought a salty sea breeze, and a huge wooden boat nearly [-] meters long was breaking through the waves in the deep sea.

Captain's Room.

Sailor woke up the next day and found that his limbs were broken. Immediately recalling yesterday's battle, he was so ashamed that he almost committed suicide on the spot.

After Lin Suo's enlightenment, and even more tragic Andrew's demonstration, carrying the injury, he stubbornly started patrolling. (he has octopus tentacles to help him walk)

As for the ten apprentices who didn't even have names, he didn't ask, and Lin Suo didn't say anything. No one cared about these existences.

And Andrew Bennett woke up on the third day, that is, today.

He is different.

Young people are always lustful and confused, always thinking that they are special and can influence some creatures with evil nature.

So, when he woke up, he saw Lin Suo placed on the experimental table.

The beautiful head in the big glass vat almost collapsed on the spot, especially when Lin Suo was holding a heart and was cutting the heart chamber with a knife to observe the situation inside.

Passed out directly.

This made Lin Suo a little embarrassed, feeling that Andrew's body had almost recovered, and he no longer needed to take care of him, so he asked Sailor to take him to the medical room for rest.

Then look at the head in the glass jar, feeling happy.

In fact, he is similar to Andrew, and he also has human desires. In boring experiments, although new knowledge and truth will bring him happiness.

But once in a while, looking at beautiful things can also cultivate one's sentiments, isn't it?

The synthetic glass he made has perfect transparency and hardness, reaching the limit of mortal craftsmanship.

Watching is no problem.

And this world also has glass, but most of them are very rough, with thick and colorful colors, and there are not many patterns.

Unlike him, every time a new material is discovered, he will consider updating the laboratory, and the go-out suit is also improving at any time.

"The formalin solution in the wizarding world is almost ready, so seal it up."

The juice of night corpse mushroom, fish oil, coagulated liquid of scorpion wood, and crystallized red heart powder, four kinds of materials were synthesized and blended to become the formalin of the wizarding world.

In addition to anti-corrosion, it can also play the same role as resin.

The specimen is completely solidified, and the air in the skin, flesh and bones is squeezed out to achieve the purpose of sterility.

If you want to take it out in the future, it can be restored to liquid after a little heating, which is more convenient.

Humming, Lin Suo combed it with a fishbone whip, cut off the excessively long hair, and began to pour solution into it.

Wait until the surface is gurgling for a while before closing the lid, and a perfect collection is freshly out of the oven.

He even felt that if he did it a few more times, he would have the skills of a master taxidermy.

After three days, the Kraken's body was almost dissected by him.

Take a big notebook.

The key organs are all preserved, and they will be used later when making new synthetic beasts.

in the afternoon.

The long-lost break!
Lin Suo was lying on a deck chair on the deck with a parasol on his head, but he was not used to being served by the head maid.


At this moment, Seiler hurried over.

After experiencing the siren incident, Seiler has been convinced of him.

"what's up?"

"The Breaker just entered the Sea Wolf Pirate's territory yesterday. A small pirate patrol boat spotted us just now, and it is estimated that we have gone back to notify the other pirates."

"It's okay, Titan said that the main force of the sea wolf pirates has gone out, and the ones left behind are not enough to pose a threat to us."

"Speed ​​up the sailing speed. If the pirates really come, you and Andrew will take action and kill... No, capture them alive if you can. I have a few questions for them."


After giving the order, Lin Suo couldn't help but wondered when he saw Sailor not leaving.

"Anything else?"


Seiler scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

"It's about Mr. Bennett. He woke up in the afternoon, but he has been sitting on the bed in a daze. It seems that he has been seriously injured."

"Oh? There is such a thing? I don't know who hurt my young heart..."

"It's enough to let him calm down for a few days. After all, he is also a bachelor-type wizard from the Tower of Knowledge, and he will be used later."

"Understood, I will enlighten him when I have time."


Afterwards, Seiler flew to the small platform on the mast to replace the watchman and monitor the surrounding situation.

At the same time, a raiding team from Wolf Island, the headquarters of the Sea Wolf Pirates, was heading towards Lin Suo's Breaking Wave.

The pirates were all driving small boats, which were extremely fast and blessed with the wind riding technique.

In the Canglan sea area.

If you encounter the pirate main fleet head-on, you will choose to attack with artillery. Generally, the side with more people will win, and if it is evenly matched, the battle will start.

And after the patrol found the prey.

Pirates generally choose small boats to quickly catch up with their prey.

The boarding battle is carried out directly, which is similar to the traditional string battle, but only for a single ship.

Right now, this is what Lin Suo and others are encountering. There are not only pirates like the Seawolf Pirates in the Canglan Sea Area, but also other pirate forces.

But the territory of the sea wolf pirates is a must pass.

Can't escape.

It was enough for Lin Suo to send out the Yasha people who were submerged in the sea. There were nearly two hundred synthetic beasts, which possessed part of the instinct of the demon shark.

The strength is actually very strong.

Lin Suo can burn some more powerful witchcraft next time, even if the materials need to be updated, it is a bit expensive and cannot afford so many.

When yellow and black meet.

The world is shrouded in darkness.

The long-lost darkness has come!

Under the night, the ship was full of lights, and the sailors were carrying some supplies for guarding the ship and arming themselves.

In the distance, faint flames were flickering.

The pirates are coming!
two hours later.

Without any accidents, Sailor tied up several pirate leaders, locked them in the chains of the forbidden demon, and brought them to Lin Suo.

Unexpectedly, he found two long-lost figures.

Tifa and her little waiter~
Apart from the two of them, there are three bearded men with scars. The highest strength is only a first-ring wizard, and the rest are all apprentices.

More pirates, just knights and squires.

According to the information given by Titan, the leader of the sea wolf pirates, a high-ranking wizard, took all the backbones to another place to carry out the task of Bauhinia.

What was left was really not that good.

Even Seiler can be captured alive.

Lin Suo pointed to Tifa and the little follower and said.

"Sailor, take these two women to my room."

"Good captain."

The Scar Pirate was not happy anymore, and said viciously.

"Little boy, just because you want to conquer the rose of the sea! Take a pee and look in the mirror, hahaha."

Lin Suo ignored these mobs, and continued to make arrangements when Sailor came back.

"Sai Le, take them to the prison cabin, you will guard them yourself, I will come soon."

"it is good."

Seiler pulled on the chain, ignored the shouting captives, and left quickly.

Lin Suo walked into his room.

Just as he was about to say a few pleasantries, he saw the little waiter sticking to his specimen jar with a sad face.

" did you become like this..."

Lin Suo was embarrassed, he said how familiar it was.

"That...little girl, this is a sea monster."

"My specimen cannot be your sister."

(End of this chapter)

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