The Witcher: Synthesize Everything

Chapter 159 The Devil's Tide and Curse The Grand Duke of Natural Disasters

Chapter 159 Demonic Tide and Curse ([-]) The Great Duke of Natural Disasters


Consider future needs.

Lin Suo's first analysis was the goblin's embryo, the sleeping little guy who became his experimental subject.

Collect samples and analyze genes.

The effect of the gene was confirmed by stimulation and injection of different hormones.

Lin Suo carries Xiao Xiya on his back every day, obsessed with the experiment.

Fast forward to the end of December.

The last day of the seventh year is also the Winter Fire Festival - "Eternal Night."

The person next to me this year is my daughter.

After several months of care, Xiao Xiya has opened her eyes, and besides humming, she can also ahhh.

It was the first time for Lin Suo to experience the joy of nurturing.

Very pleased.

When I was in a good mood, I even accelerated my research a lot, and all kinds of wonderful ideas emerged one after another.

On January [-]st, the basic genetic information of the Goblin was successfully analyzed.

Considering that the magic tide of celestial-sphere confluence will break out in this month.

Lin Suo hurriedly prepared forty cans of nutrient solution that was as tall as a person, and took out the earth crystallization solution synthesized some time ago.

The crystallization fluid of the earth can give birth to the embryos of goblins.

The only goblin in his hands came from this way. Lin Suo collected the reproductive genes from her body and injected them directly into the nutrient solution.

Use the method of test-tube babies to make the first batch of goblin corps.

The goblin family is only as big as an index finger, and there are only females, which belong to asexual reproduction species.

He is an expert at manipulating the power of elements, and is born with advanced affinity.

Each nutrition tank can give birth to about ten goblins, all of whom are descendants of goblins who were born one year old and just one year old.

This first synthetic beast corps is not worthy of its name.

It is mainly used as an engineer to assist Lin Suo in building the wizard tower. The wizard tower cannot be built simply like building a house.

It's a fine job.

Therefore, the Goblin Engineer Corps was born as it should be.

The cultivation time is about one month.

At this time, Lin Suo will use it to analyze the second creature and record it in the [Gene Map] of the Eye of Truth.

This is the first generation of intelligent, synthetic beast, goblin.

He moved only a little bit.

It has something to do with their high-level earth element affinity. After entering a little standard template, they will be born.

The second one that was qualified for the experiment was a local Warcraft.

The three lions that split the ground.

As for why powerful races such as dragons and elves were not selected for analysis, the main reason is that these long-lived races have produced too many strong people over the past dynasties.

Their offspring's bloodlines are protected by an indescribable protection.

Lin Suo called it the Supreme Secret Lock.

It implies the Supreme Being, of course, this is just his guess, and it is not impossible to analyze it by force, but it is difficult to change on this basis.

The wizards refine the blood, that is, apply it directly.

Like wearing a dress.

Only responsible for zipping.

But some wizards who specialize in this have a way to bypass this "Supreme Secret Lock".

A group with strong research capabilities.

Lin Suo is powerless for the time being, and he should have the opportunity to obtain the knowledge to break the "Supreme Secret Lock" in the future.

The abilities of the three earth-shattering lions and the earth goblin fit well. No matter who is the main gene, the calculation of the eye of truth can get good results.


The 8th year of Lin Suo's landing calendar.

1 month 15 number.

Dimensional rifts are fully opened, the tide of magic is raging, and the end is coming!

Obsidian stone dragons and vampire demon birds covering the sky covered the sky.

The bird of death brought the scythe of the god of death, and the life shed tears of mourning.

Ghouls, cemetery witches, water ghosts, bat demons, magic eagles, bone spiders...

All kinds of monsters seemed to overwhelm this world.

The earth and the sky have since become black.

The destruction of space will no longer be able to heal itself.

In contrast, the mana and elements in the world are three times stronger, but they have become very violent, requiring more energy to tame them.

The world ushered in the carnival of the end.


At the same time, the moment when the celestial-sphere convergence officially begins.

Tasu capital.

A heroic middle-aged man in a black cloak, a crown of scarlet vertical eyes, and a cloud of lightning floating in his hand, looked down at this group of low-level people with an expressionless face.

In his heart, the Tasu people have always been the slaves of the ancient orcs, even if they stood up under the tide of the times.

It is still the best-selling product of the last era.

A waste that doesn't even have the Nine Rings, a greedy person who has extraordinary power and still causes famine, a villain who makes troubles secretly, a mentally handicapped person who can't understand reality, a race of unbelievers who fall on both sides!

He has countless worst words to describe the Tasu people.

It is better to say that they are human beings than cavemen with incomplete evolution.

If it weren't for the mother planet's need for a peaceful environment to give birth to Goddess Padolon, he would have swaggered to the capital of Tasu just like today.


The shackles have been removed, and this time, it's time to settle the grievances.

The Grand Duke of Natural Disasters, Disulom, showed a cheerful smile. His career as a bodyguard is over, and everything is a foregone conclusion.

"Emperor Tasu, get out!"


The thunder exploded, and endless black clouds completely covered the entire capital of Tasu.

The crowd is surging below.

The Yaman Dark Scythe hidden in the palace swallowed quietly.

Is this the power of the legendary great wizard?

too exaggerated.

Whether it is the Ahidler civilization or the arakkoa civilization, only the supreme ruler has such power.

But now, he is just a grand duke of mankind...

I don't know if Emperor Tasu can stand up to it.

The sacred object, the sickle of the curse, must not be lost in his hands. He sent a human named Raynor some time ago.

The palace was in chaos for a while.

Dressed gorgeously, Emperor Tasu, who was dressed in a 50-jin imperial suit and had at least 49 jin of gold, walked quickly to the gate of the palace.

Looking at the expressionless Grand Duke of Natural Disaster, he was very angry.

"Di Xiuluomu! You are provoking the entire Tasu!!"

"Didn't you Dandong be business-oriented, and honesty is the most important thing? You also said that you never start a war. Now it seems that it is just a joke."

"That's it."

Several ministers around Emperor Tasu also spoke one after another.

"Dandong is nothing more than that, you are the sinners who started the war!"

"The Silver Star Alliance, the Icefield Empire, and the Country of Thousand Islands will not allow you to do this."

"Bluffer is useless against brave Tasu!"

"We will never bow to power!"

"Never give in!"

"Never give in!"

As the voice spread, all the Tasu people near the palace shouted loudly. Their proud expressions showed that they really believed it.

Di Xiuluomu couldn't help but sneered when he saw it.

"Don't say that I won't give you a chance, hand over the hidden Yaman, and publicly apologize to Dandong, and pay the due price. I can also consider letting you go."

"Otherwise, it's against me, and the old and new hatreds will be settled once and for all."

Emperor Tasu didn't panic at all.

Secretly clasping a ruby ​​ring on his hand, he asked.

"What about going against you?"

"Hehe...hahaha, hahahahaha!"

The Grand Duke of Natural Disasters, Disulom, laughed loudly, and stopped after a while, his face returned to a stern look, and he made the most second-rate and most imposing verdict.

[Fighting against me is fighting against the sky!

To be an enemy of me is to be an enemy of natural disasters!

Fearing me, fearing me, trembling and crying at the bottom of my feet is the most correct way to face natural disasters, so you ants don't have to be ashamed of it...]

——"On the eve of the end of Padolon, the Grand Duke of Calamity in Tasu's Judgment"


There was a thunderstorm.

After the verdict, the last scene that everyone in the capital of Tasu saw was a sea of ​​thunder that poured down like a river of heaven!

Lightning and storms raged.

Fire and boulders rain down the world-killing fire.

There was no howling, no screaming, the moment the power came, the whole city turned into a scorched abyss.

Everything returns to nothingness.

This is... a natural disaster!
Belongs to the true power of the legendary great wizard!

Grand Duke Di Shuromu stretched out his hand, and the scythe of the curse, which was full of cracks, rose from the abyss and landed in his hand.

He spat at the abyss with disdain, and then walked away.

His laughter could be heard from far away.

This wave is somewhat personal.

In fact, it is not just the Duke of Calamity, the existing legendary wizard on Padolon has been protecting the smooth birth of the last goddess of Padolon in the past.

Shoulder the responsibility of security and guarding the seal of the ancient battlefield.

Very few shots.

Among them, the destructive power of the Great Duke of Calamity is too strong, and it is easy to cause deep damage to the world, which is not conducive to the birth of the goddess.

So it didn't work out.

As a result, Tasu people jumped up and down, and their own fertile land was not operated, and they stared at the food in other people's bowls every day.

And the Grand Duke of Calamity has the hottest temper, and is also the most angry legendary wizard.

This wave of long-cherished wishes has been fulfilled, and there is even a feeling that his state of mind is clear and his strength has improved again, which really makes him very happy.

Big commotion on Tasu's side.

Even the vice president far away in La'lye felt it faintly.

The Scarlet Harvest Plain where Lin Suo is located is very close to Tasu, and he has personally experienced that powerful force.

He even heard with his own ears the words of the judgment that Grand Duke Disulom deliberately spread.

It also made him talk about it for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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