The Witcher: Synthesize Everything

Chapter 184 Thea's Awakening and Inversion of the World

Chapter 184 Thea's Awakening and Inversion of the World


Lin Suo landed on February 13, 2.

Another two years passed.

Since the last legendary battle, no news has spread.

It's just that Undead Island was divided into two, and the area was reduced by half. Since then, it has been divided into South Island and North Island.

The Illidari Reticent hadn't contacted him since that time.

Not even a summons.

With this attitude, Lin Suo didn't know whether he was overwhelmed by the Golden Academy, or whether it was because the time hadn't come yet.

He now has quite a few core technologies.

Many have the value of in-depth development research.

However, Lin Suo had only one person, and he had no choice but to hand over the basic research to Ta Ling. After all, the research results were valuable to distinguish, and naturally there was a need to come up with a sequence.

this time.

Thea forgave him, but it was not as close as before. No, it should be said that she was out of her childish mind and became curious about her own life experience.

The relationship between father and daughter was restored after Teresa moved out of the Wizard Tower.

When I was six years old.

Lin Suo presided over Thea's awakening ceremony lightly, using the potion "King of Dreams" to enlighten her.

Moreover, Thea was the first time Lin Suo met a talented person other than him.

Just like everything is synthesized.

Thea also has an unspeakable power.

It is not a bloodline but it is better than a bloodline. It is difficult to explore where this power comes from, and the effect can only be gradually tested.

Thea's talent was called by Lin Suo [the source of death and silence].

It was also the first time she had truly acquired the ability of a natural god.

A divine body that can accommodate all elemental attributes, overflowing with immortality, and immortal soul.

Lin Suo believes that this ability comes from "ether" energy.

The second one is similar to the power of Dusky Star, but the power of death is obviously different because of some mutations.

Lin Suo called it "Dead Silence Power".

The primitive protoss, from the moment they were born, possessed a divine body and divine power, which corresponded to their innate abilities.

And it was far stronger than the data given to him by the vice president.

Born to be a god.

It has begun to show extraordinaryness, which belongs to the characteristics of the world tree. At present, only the etheric nature of the divine body is more consistent, and the rest are false.

The reason why this power began to appear after awakening at the age of six.

because of infancy.

Under Lin Suo's teaching, in order to hide her identity, Thea subconsciously gave up this power.

But with mental development and his stimulating education method.

She began to master the power.

And as the destruction of Padolon intensified, the expansion of strength increased geometrically.

At present, Thea's deadly divine power is like the death that brings the end to all things, much stronger than Lin Suo's Dusky Star power.

A body capable of controlling this power.

Enough to imagine how powerful it is.

Divine body and divine power are the powers that the primitive protoss were born with.

Godhead is a weapon, and it is also the direction of future development. It fits with priesthood. The latter two are the products of wisdom belonging to the civilization of gods, similar to the way of human wizards.

In this regard, Lin Suo has a headache.

Because of the relationship between gods and wizards, Thea began to master this power, and she could no longer show it in front of others until she could completely conceal it until she was not awakened.

The Wizard's Way is not for this kid.

She has her own way to go.

It wasn't until this moment that Lin Suo truly realized the impetus of fate, which cannot be dominated by one person's will.

The only good thing is.

Thea is young.

Although the essence of power is incredibly strong, the amount is not much.

Lin Suo can destroy an island, but Thea can only destroy a reef.

Looks far inferior to him.

But this power is terrifying.

If it is the same reef, Lin Suo can be said to turn it into ashes like a feather when he uses the power of Dusky Star.

Thea completely erased it from the existential level, leaving no dust left.

This obviously super-class lethality.

Lin Suo deliberately trained Thea's spear skills, and made a multi-type firearm for Thea with the best evolutionary core technology.

This thing is a natal weapon that can grow for wizards.

For Thea, it was her godhead.

Under the infestation of the deadly divine power, the hardness and performance surpassed the evolutionary core that Lin Suo had cultivated for many years in just a few months.

It is most suitable for Thea's current state.

Due to the high quality, it is reasonable to destroy the nine-ring wizard with one shot.

Of course, the premise is that the other party does not hide and chooses to make a hard connection.

Disappearance is the only result.

Lin Suo didn't have much confidence, holding a shot, but before the death bullet came, dodging was not a problem.

Keeping a low profile is the best policy.

Thea already has her own ideas, and she will also think deeply about Lin Suo's teachings, and her mind matures very quickly.

No less than an adult.

As a result, Lin Suo spent more time teaching her as a teacher.

He really taught her the dark thoughts that belonged to adults.

Take her to see the tragedy of the hunting group turning their faces for a rare monster.

Witness the corruption and depravity brought about by the power of the nobility.

Witness killing, betrayal, greed, bullying, and the evil in the world.

It also took her to see relatives, love, friendship, and feel the bond between people.

Characters such as kindness, compassion, integrity, etc., unreservedly export his subjectivity and style of dealing with people.

It can be said that I did my best.

In fact, Thea lived up to expectations, the more she saw, the more she understood, and the wisdom and knowledge she got from Lin Suo would also be actively verified.

The feeling of teaching genius is always enjoyable.

Geniuses often have their own ideas and opinions.

as predicted.

The day of March 13, 3 in the landing calendar.

Thea asked Lin Suo to travel alone. Because of its inherent immortality, Lin Suo didn't worry about her safety. He only allowed her after making sufficient preparations.

Nearly six years have passed in a flash.

It is embarrassing.

But it was also what Lin Suo hoped for.

There were too few traces of the World Tree on Thea's body, and it didn't play the expected role. Instead, there was a father-daughter relationship.

A six-year-old child is still learning to be a human being. Although Thea is smart enough, it is not enough for Lin Suo to let her out decisively.

In fact, it was Lin Suo who really made up his mind.

Inheritance from her divine race.

Just like the dragon clan, the offspring who can call out their real names when they emerge from their shells are giant dragons, and those who cannot call out their real names are mentally retarded dragon beasts.

It's just for show.

It is also suitable for protoss.

Thea gave him a piece of information about gods, planets, and the universe.

It comes from her bloodline memory inheritance.

In addition to the actual value of this information, it pointed out the route of God's advancement, and Lin Suo had no reason to stop it.

During this trip, Thea is probably going to reverse the world and find her origin.

I don't know how to get to Lin Suo.

After Thea awakens, it will happen naturally.

The door to the reversed world can be opened at any time, Lin Suo only asked her to come back before the world perishes, or report to him that she is safe.

(End of this chapter)

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