The Witcher: Synthesize Everything

Chapter 200 Sergeant rank

Chapter 200 Sergeant rank

15 6 Month 1 Day.

Today is the time of the year to hand in tasks.

Compared with the players of the same period, Lin Suo is actually the best developed one, there is no doubt about it.

There are tens of thousands of Chimera legions under his command, which have been cultivated since the last days of Padolon. Although most of them are juveniles, there are still more than a thousand available beasts.

This is a crushing force for a third-level planet.

Of course, the resistance of the aborigines has never been in the eyes of those responsible for the pioneers, just a chicken and a dog.

What really gives Linso the lead.

It lies in the number and technology of his subordinates.

To him, invention and creation are as simple as eating and drinking. Anyway, it is a fusion of skills. With his brains, many things have been developed very smoothly.

Such as the recently developed anti-gravity transport vehicle.

Not only does it ignore the terrain, but it also has a space car body, which can carry more than [-] tons of raw ore at a time, and a dozen cars can pull a thousand tons.

This means that it won't be long before the resources on [Zigold 001] will be exhausted by him.

In addition to the copper and iron resources with the largest reserves...

Maybe you can consider the next step.

Lin Suo thought about it, and led a few orc adjutants to meet the transport ship of the Truth Society outside the city this day.

Because the transformation of the environment by the World Tree Dharma Ring is extremely easy.

The vicinity of Ironshoe Mountain City has been turned into a vegetation paradise by Lin Suo, and a lot of farmland has been reclaimed.

Grow synthetic rice, wheat, corn, potatoes and many other food crops, as well as a handful of spices and condiments.

The underground also began to excavate new spaces, and it was Lin Suo who prepared in advance for future plans.


Refrigerant gas leaked out.

As the hatch of the transport ship was pulled down, a downward ladder was extended, and several people dressed as officers walked down from the starship.

The military uniforms of the Zhanzheng College imitated the regulations of the Scarlet Empire.

It's just that the other party is blue.

Truth will be black.

Wizards are particularly fond of the deep color black.

"Rhein Lin, third-class soldier of the Pioneering Army, the first year to deliver the mission?"

The leading officer is not very strong, about the same as Lin Suo.

Only a high-ranking wizard.

After Lin Suo took out the documents and verified his identity through cumbersome means.

The officer said enviously.

"I really envy you nobles who came from your home planet. You don't have to do anything, you just start out as nobles."

Lin Suo hesitated to speak.

I really want to say the price he paid, you can't imagine.

Looking back now, the value is already insignificant, but we must understand that the price and opportunity paid at different stages of a person's life cannot be equated.

For example, when he was weak, a low-level witchcraft was enough for him to be ecstatic, because this was the ladder to step on the ladder.

And when it is powerful, a high-level witchcraft is nothing more than that.

Therefore, the meaning of giving does not lie in the amount of value, but the harvest at which stage of life...

Glancing at the badge representing the military rank on the officer's shoulder, this guy turned out to be a second lieutenant.

Combined with the words just now, it is obvious that he is not a nobleman.

That is the military merits achieved by killing with his own hands. In the years of bloody battles with the starry sky demons in the early years, many low-level officers were produced, and this is one of them.

"Hello, what's your name, Second Lieutenant?"


"Second Lieutenant Turtle Dove, please follow me."

The second lieutenant nodded, and beside him was an auditor, an inspector, and a bodyguard.

A group of four.

Led by Lin Suo, he approached Ironshoe Mountain City, and was amazed by what he saw and heard along the way.

"As expected of a noble family, with clever methods, unlike us hyenas who were killed from the bottom, even if we get the task of opening up wasteland, it will take more than ten years to manage such a big city."

The three people on the side agreed again and again.

"Yeah, the original orcs are a relatively easy to enslave in the universe, unlike the wild orcs on the mother planet, they are all blood-drinking bastards."

Lin Suo was a little helpless. He heard another meaning in the words, but he didn't answer, because he was actually from the bottom, but the operation was okay, and there were noble people to help.


The Orcs of Padolon...

In fact, they are ancient orcs. Lin Suo has only seen half-orcs, and they have some animal features.

But the real wild beasts generally have independent classifications, such as: tiger people, lion people, werewolves, elephant people and so on.

These guys are the real hard to enslave.

The original orcs are the race that Lin Suo currently enslaves. In fact, apart from the protruding mandible and two canine teeth growing upwards, there are no obvious animal characteristics on their bodies.

The reason why it is also classified as the orc family.

Just because of its ugly appearance, it looks more like a beast than a human. Strictly speaking, it is actually more human-like than the Tasu people...

"Sirs, come with me to the warehouse. These orc slaves will be responsible for transporting resources to the starship. The first batch of [-] slaves is also ready. It's on the square in front."

"it is good."

Second Lieutenant Turtle Dove echoed.

Touching Kong Luoluo's cuff was a little uncomfortable, but he didn't choose to attack.

It's just that some of the conversations that followed hinted that there was a difference between them and Lin Suo, and that they had different camps.

[Pinch your nose and recognize it? 】

It's not the first time he has been blackmailed. It's better to do less than to do more.

As long as he is not too greedy, Lin Suo thinks that he is still very open-minded.

After all, there were many people who blackmailed him back then.

He didn't even settle the score, because voluntary came first, and he was willing to pay more in exchange for the resources he needed.

It was the first time that she was simply exploited.

Just when Lin Suo was thinking about how much to give, everyone walked to the square where the slaves were handed over.

Lieutenant Turtle Dove suddenly stopped and snorted coldly.

"Rhine third class!"

Lin Suo frowned.

"what happened?"

Second Lieutenant Turtledove pointed at the ragged orc slaves in the square with whip marks all over their bodies, and accused them.

"This is the slave you prepared for the Truth Society?!"

"Look over there again, the slave you prepared for yourself!"

Lin Suo heard the sound and looked.

He almost laughed, because Second Lieutenant Turtle Dove was referring to his slave catcher team, who was serving as guards at this time, guarding the densely packed square of orc slaves whose hands and feet were chained.

These orc slaves are rebellious people.

There are old men and children.

The marks of whipping on their bodies were left during the "enlightenment", but these 3 people were stubborn and refused to surrender.

There are also slobs, absentees, food thieves, and wives.

It's a criminal.

They were all filled in by Lin Suo, when the task population was ready to be handed in.

there's nothing wrong with that,
Second Lieutenant Turtle Dove was the one looking for trouble.

At this point, Lin Suo's tone became cold.

"That's my slave hunting team, is there a problem?"

"Slave catchers? Hehe."

"I don't care about it. The ones handed over to the Truth Society must be the strongest slaves, otherwise... it will be perfunctory and disrespectful to the superiors. I think the two around you are good."

Lin Suo's eyes became colder and colder, and the officers who got up from the bottom all had an inexplicable hostility towards the nobles.

Originally, he admired this person quite a lot.

The enemy's words, it's better to raise them earlier.

Patting the shoulders of the two orcs beside him, Lin Suo narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"you want?"


Altanin Stoneheart and Baron Bloodhoof, the orc chieftains who recently broke through to the second-level physique, were promoted by Lin Suo to be adjutants and commanders of the slave hunting team.

Preparation for further training is the cornerstone of the next plan, how could it be easily given up.

Lin Suo's tough attitude affected the two savage orcs. They showed their yellowed fangs and looked fiercely at the four of them.

Lieutenant Turtle Dove's eyes revealed a strange color.

The tone seemed to carry the temptation of a devil.

"Three Class Rhine, are you going to attack us?"

"Of course...impossible!"

Lin Suo slapped the two bewildered orcs awake, raised his wrist, pointed to the communication watch and said.

"You don't think that the laying of the quantum network is a decoration, and it's useless to work together."

In fact.

The task hand-in indicator is determined by the data input by Lin Suo.

The above will give a basic requirement.

There is a fixed reward of [-] military merits. The more data Lin Suo inputs, the more military merits will be calculated.

Low-level junior officers like Second Lieutenant Turtle Dove.

The main function is actually to monitor Lin Suo's side, not to make false reports, and deliberately exaggerate it, resulting in a small actual number.

The two parties are in a mutual monitoring relationship.

This is the popular way of controlling people above.

After wandering around the rules all year round, Lin Suo came to a new place, how could he act without understanding the rules?
It can only be said that Second Lieutenant Turtle Dove saw the wrong person.

"Hmph, you're fine."

"Even if you can't do anything to you, it's an out-and-out fact that you deliberately handed over the old, weak, sick and disabled. Wait for your conviction."

"Walk slowly."

Lin Suo didn't care about this.

Everyone does this, the law does not blame the public, and the higher-ups know that this kind of thing cannot be stopped.

Besides, what Lin Suo handed over here would not be the dying and the disabled.

Hundreds of slave laborers handed over by old fritters often die before they reach their destination, and thousands of people will quickly die of illness when they officially become miners on a new planet.

This is called excessive.

It is not typical to be caught.

Lieutenant Turtledove returned to the starship in disgrace, without even sending any guards down.

Lin Suo didn't care about these, and directed the orcs to move for a day and two nights, and sent the slaves to the boat before letting them rest.

Things are moved to the ship.

To be on the safe side, Lin Suo videotaped the whole process, recording every piece of iron ingot.

At this point, the responsibility rests with Second Lieutenant Ikaruga.

The accident was also his fault and had nothing to do with Lin Suo.

The basic thousand military achievements are gathered in the personal confidence file of the communication watch.

This thing can be spent like currency.

The value of one thousand military merits is like an ordinary three-ring witchcraft, allowing Lin Suo to rise from the rank of third-class soldier to first-class soldier in one fell swoop.

Third class, second class, first class, upper class.

These are the four ranks of soldiers.

Here we can see that the rewards for pioneering tasks are generous.

Lin Suo handed in four times the requirements this time, except that the slaves were only [-], and the copper and iron resources even reached six times the requirements.

In other words, after he handed in the video, it was reviewed and approved, and another [-] military merits were credited into the account.

Jump in rank.

Jump from corporal to non-commissioned officer rank.

Sergeant Linsor.

Only one sergeant is missing, and he can advance to the rank of lieutenant.

 Let's see, there's another chapter

(End of this chapter)

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