The Witcher: Synthesize Everything

Chapter 207 [Kigold 002 Blazing Sun Star]

Chapter 207 [Kigold 002 Blazing Sun Star]


"Taling, report the loss of the damping system."

[Commander, the shipboard goblin has completed repairs, and the loss is zero. 】

"very good."

Possessing a fusion of liquefied metal and memory alloy, the goblin engineering corps as a special body is perfect for repairing starships with their own bodies.

under full load.

Even if they lose 90.00% nine at one time, they can recover it.

The perfect engineer.

Except for the steering system that needs to be improved, the ironhead starship is currently sufficient to meet Lin Suo's short-distance sailing needs.

The total number of living planets in the Kigard galaxy is about 156, which is not much beyond the threshold of small galaxies, and it can be regarded as the lowest level of medium-sized galaxies.

Because the resources to be exploited are too rich at present, even if they are allocated to a lonely person like Lin Suo, there are still many.

It is estimated that there are 30 planets to be developed for Lin Suo.

Along with him were the Hemer family and the Leo family, but each of their families was assigned 63 land reclamation tasks, much more than Lin Suo.

This is because he is only one person.

The number of transport ships of the Truth Society is not enough, and more starships are being produced every year, or the starships of the Mechanicus are directly leased.

Therefore, after the synchronous operation of their first planet is in place, a transport ship will come to transport them to the second planet.

The Hemer family and the Leo family are located in different directions from Lin Suo. They are divided into triangular branches and develop together inward.

At present, Lin Suo has developed his own starship and is clearly in the lead. The development of Planet 001 has basically been completed, and the rest only needs to be done step by step.

Before leaving, Lin Suo will wipe out all the remaining threats on the planet, or leave a batch of Chimeras here for free-range breeding, which can also effectively suppress biological threats.

after an hour.

At the end of the trial voyage, the Rhine slowly descended through magnetic levitation, and the goblins carried out maintenance work.

Otanin Shixin and others also walked down.

It's just that his face was pale and he couldn't hold back. As soon as he landed, he ran to the corner and vomited.

As pure natives of the planet, when have they ever seen the scene of the universe, after being frightened, they were shaken into twists by the clumsy shock absorption system.

A sad group.

But Lin Suo didn't care at all. His excellent soul strength made him very resistant to dizziness.

It's only just started, and it's perfect to meet one or two requirements, and there is still a lot of room for improvement.

Besides, the Rhine is for the orcs.

He also has a demon starship as a ride.


The biological technology in this devil landing ship is valuable, but the space technology is not as perfect as the first-class transport ship.

Can only jump short distances.

As far as this is installed for breaking out, it can only jump three times, and it is its job to carry out landing battles after absorbing giant starships.

Lin Suo had expected this point.

But he can be strengthened to the limit!

Waiting for him to learn this technique, break through the limit through proficiency, and update it is a trivial matter.

The hope of the rapid upgrade of the Rhine is basically all on this devil landing ship.

The 18th year of Lin Suo's landing calendar, November 11rd.

The finishing touches on Planet 001 are over.

The 002 slave-hunting team is ready, together with [-] Chimeras, they set off on the Rhine towards the position of planet [-] in the Zygurd galaxy.

Lin Suo, on the other hand, took the demon landing ship with painted exterior colors and biological armor, and followed the Rhine.

By the way, I am also observing.

They are all starships on the scale of landing ships, so the comparison is more meaningful.

In terms of the basic speed of the two starships, the speed of the Rhine was obviously not as good as that of the Devil Landing Ship at the beginning.

But it keeps growing as the magnetic track accelerates.

In just a quarter of an hour, it overtook the Devil Landing Ship, and after an hour, the exhaust that was thrown off was gone.

It can be seen that the magnetic track acceleration and electromagnetic motor he developed are very reliable, but the safety is still open to question.

But directly converting it into an electromagnetic weapon should not be inferior to the electromagnetic weapon researched by Mechanicus.

Delay for a moment, waiting for him to start the space jump.

It surpassed the Rhine in an instant, and even waited for half an hour before the Rhine appeared near the tail of the devil landing ship.

The pros and cons are obvious.

You can't run long distances. Short-distance interstellar travel is better than space jumps. After all, the devil landing ship can only jump three times, so it needs to absorb cosmic energy and recover for a while.

After knowing the bottom of my heart.

Lin Suo didn't delay, and sailed towards the second planet planned for him according to the star map.

Distances in the universe are measured in light years.

That is, light travels the distance of one year.

The speed of light is about 3 million meters per second, far exceeding the speed of sound of 300 meters per second.

It can be said that if you don't use space to jump.

Thinking of long-distance sailing is basically a dream.

Even if an electromagnetic system that can accelerate infinitely in a vacuum environment wants to travel a distance of one light-year, it is very troublesome, and it will inevitably slow down when it hits an obstacle.

Fortunately, the [-] land reclamation planets that Lin Suo is in charge of in the Kigard galaxy do not exceed a light-year range.

Branches are denser.

This is also what Lin Suo thinks is the biggest difference from the universe on Earth. Life planets here are easy to conceive.

In the corona galaxy, because of the strong sunlight, there are not many living planets, but there are thousands of familiar stars.

Lin Suo suspected that it had something to do with the wizard's practice stage.

Otherwise, it would not choose this kind of dense star galaxy as its base camp.

Kigard is completely different.

Even if the resources on any planet are judged to be barren, they still have mining value.

And want a wealthy level planet.

Lin Suo reckoned that at least 2 to 3 intelligent races would have to reach the level of the Padolon continent to be eligible to be judged as wealthy.

Unfortunately, he is not yet qualified to develop planets of this level.

When his rank is high and he has more experience in this area, he may still have a chance.

Of course, if he is lucky and encounters a planet that has not been registered, it will belong to him if he develops it. This is written in the law of the Truth Society.

Black and white, rigid rules.

Everyone has the opportunity to be the master of the planet in the bonus of the era of opening up the big universe.

Isn't this much more comfortable than fighting life and death on the surface?

two months later.

On January 19, 1, two starships successfully arrived at [Kigold 9].

This is the 19th year he has traveled so far.

In a blink of an eye, it was the person who was running for four, which made Lin Suo feel a little dazed for a while.

But soon came back to his senses, and called up the information of planet 002 through the watch.

【Kigold 002】

Level: Level [-] planet

Mineral resources: medium-sized Terra mine (estimated volume 20 trillion tons), copper and iron reserves (estimated volume 6500 trillion tons), several rare minerals (estimated volume 92 trillion tons)...

Featured resources: Lieyang Chigang (estimated at 10 billion tons, it is recommended to mine first)
Native species: the original orc family, the flame demon wolf family.

Value judgment: average.

Suggestion: None.

"A sixth-level planet..."

Lin Suo's eyes lit up, the development value of this planet far exceeds that of No. 001.

The two marked with indigenous species are considered intelligent and noteworthy races.

The name of the Flaming Demon Wolf is very popular.

Lin Suo had never seen it before, and only after clicking on the [picture] did he have a preliminary understanding.

"Is it a civilization similar to werewolves, raising giant wolves, and those with human form are intelligent species..."

The determination of the sixth-level planet means that the Flame Demon Wolf family has a sixth-level combat power.

It is still unknown whether there is an amethyst dragon similar to that on planet 001. It is not easy to rely on the slave catcher team alone.

"It's exhausting! Looks like it depends on Chimera."

Synthetic beast Chimera is Lin Suo's best synthetic beast army so far. He has already abandoned cannon fodder such as the marquee lion, and his intelligence is not enough.

In terms of development, it is not as good as the original orc.

Now that there are two development planets, Lin Suo named 001 [Kigold 001 Iron Hoof Star].

The red planet in front of me, whose environment is like Mars, is named [Zigold 002 Lieyangxing].

This place is even more desolate than the Gobi environment of Iron Hoof Star 001, and there is basically no green vegetation.

This is another big project.

However, this time Lin Suo chose to develop from underground.

There is the foundation of Ironshoe Mountain City.

Among the basic materials delivered, it is easy to start the initial work.

Lin Suo directly placed his hometown next to the largest Terra mine on planet 002.

Deep underground.

After the two starships docked, the densely packed orc slave catchers set off on hoverbikes.

Follow Linsuo's freshly baked nearby map to capture slaves.

On the contrary, the original orc race is more common in the universe than human beings.

There are fewer orcs on this planet, the total number may be only about 80, and the number of flame demon wolves exceeds 200 million.

The planet is too desolate and the biological resources are not rich enough. This is the main factor restricting the number of life.

Lin Suo, an alien who needs minerals, has no such needs and loves resources.

Orcs are also the objects of their enslavement.

Orcs are miserable!

If you want to be the hands-off shopkeeper, you have to further strengthen the strength of the slave hunting team.

This made Lin Suo's eager heart turn to the fel demon again.

The lifespan of this group of guys has been pushed by him, and they won't live for long.

It seems appropriate to use demon blood to strengthen orcs.

Fel orcs?

No, if successful, it should turn into a green orc, like the Hulk.

After all the twists and turns, Lin Suo decided to try first.

With the World Tree Dharma Ring, the secret of the fel demon gene is almost defenseless against him. This kind of opportunity is so rare that he can't help itching.

The matter of alchemy and breeding equipment will be pushed back.

It shouldn't take too much time to transform the orc blood.

Think so.

The new base was built quickly, and 001 goblins were the best engineers. The new underground world was built according to the model of [-].

It's called the No. 002 underground base.

The earth shaman engineering team also began to work in turn, carrying out the work of opening up underground projects all over the world, which can last a lifetime.

Then there is the mining team, the planting team, and the environmental improvement team.

Basically all goblins are responsible.

There is a long way to go to complete the four-element goblins, and they should find an opportunity to apply to Zhanzheng College for some goblin living corpse research.

The inventory of the life modification school will not be short.

Record first, try later.

Currently, dissecting living demons has become Lin Suo's most important job now.

(End of this chapter)

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