The Witcher: Synthesize Everything

Chapter 209 Cosmic Giant Monster "Gergio"

Chapter 209 Cosmic Giant Monster "Gergio"


If you can use the orc to achieve the effect of transformation.

Not only the blood of demons, it stands to reason that the blood of powerful races such as dragons, elves, etc. should also be possible.

The Morning Knight's Breath was created to complement the physical inadequacy of the wizard.

Later, the potential of breathing method was insufficient, or the potential of human blood was insufficient.

Refining foreign bloodlines to build the magic core of longevity, and at the same time completing the evolution of the body while becoming the longevity species, this is one of the solutions wizards choose to solve.

It is also the most orthodox practice method for wizards.

But at that time, in order to solve this problem, more than one method was researched.

The school of life transformation has produced many achievements.

The servant guard is one of them.

Enslave organisms through contracts or spiritual imprints, transforming them into physically invincible guardians.

After this technology was eliminated by the longevity magic core, it slowly evolved into a colossus biotechnology with a very powerful guardian force.

This allowed Lin Suo to see the commonality inside.

It is another legion technology with huge potential. Unfortunately, Lin Suo has no skills at all, so he can only study it when he is free or when the strength of the current army is not enough.

These technologies should be able to be integrated with synthetic beasts.

Make unprecedented super fusions.

There are still many things missing at this stage, and another bottom-of-the-box technology has been put at the bottom of the plan by Lin Suo.

"Let's talk about it when the time comes... Let's transform the demon orc army first!"

"The blood of the devil can enhance the potential of the orc. Although the current strength increase is not enough to increase the level, the potential has undoubtedly been increased."

"Perhaps this potential can be realized through magic breathing."

After staying alone for a long time, Lin Suo developed the habit of talking to himself.

The blood of the devil only increased the power of orcs like Altanin by about [-]%, but for ordinary orcs, their power was almost doubled.

The fel potion made by the blood of the devil is more convenient to use, just give yourself a shot.

This allowed for rapid expansion in numbers.

In addition, in addition to the physical strength of the orc, Lin Suo was also dumbfounded by his mental strength.

It's an orc shaman!
Originally, the orc shamans with the most potential were just the Force of Earth engineering team trained by Linsuo, and basically had no other role except digging tunnels.

But I don't know if it is really because of the influence of the power of the ancestors.

The shaman enhanced by the blood of the demon is mutated.

A new kind of fel sorcery has been mastered!
Literally translated from the orc language, it should mean "warlock".

Orc Warlock!

Practicing evil energy to gain more powerful power, almost possesses a level of spellcasting ability just after transformation.

Most importantly, Lin Suo's fully unlocked demon gene gave them a corresponding inheritance.

Summon Hellfire!
Fel energy fireball!


Summon the Demon Dogs!
Soul Siphon...etc.

A wave took off.

This is a complete copy of the power of the fel demon. If the dark titan finds out, he may be in trouble.

On second thought, it seems to be a good thing again.

As long as he doesn't expose himself, this is just a group of natives who practice devil worship.

"Good thing!"

"Great thing!"

Thinking of all kinds of wonderful effects, Lin Suo narrowed his eyes and smiled. Whenever he showed this expression, it meant that someone was going to be unlucky.

"One devil starship is far from enough, and the level of the landing ship is too low. At least we can get a transport ship with a complete space jumping device..."

Once it has the ability to move freely in the universe.

So it's basically not easy to do a few secret pokes?
Only five world trees have been found in the known universe.

One was on the Padolon and it's gone.

Another one belonged to the Dark Titans, whose life characteristics were reversed by special means, and became the Dark World Tree.

The other three belonged to the other three Titan Protoss.

They spent tens of thousands of years moving the planets in the universe, got together, and jointly formed the organization [The Temple of the Gods].

It is also the party that is most hostile to wizards and represents the forces of order.

They hate the wizarding community more than the void zerg or the fel demons.

this matter.

Almost everyone knows it.

Who made the wizards have tens of thousands of Titan gods in their collections... But this is precisely the core reason why they deter other forces.

To wipe out all the Titans, I will ask you if you are afraid.

The birth of the evil orc gave Lin Suo the capital to calculate the Dark Titan. If Thea Rhine was by his side, he could almost guarantee a 100% success rate.

The so-called protoss.

Not all are powerful.

The same is true for the Protoss cubs, except for the undead characteristic that needs to be solved with sealing techniques, and their strength is actually not as good as that of the average wizard.

There are powerful gods, and naturally there are weak gods.

Even most of the gods only have the strength of Haoyue level.

Put in a group, it's scary.

As for individuals, that's it, most overlord forces can deal with it.

Lin Suo came up with the idea of ​​the dark titan cub.

He also has the characteristics of an immortal god, which was brought to him by the World Tree Dharma ring, which is not much different from the nature of an innate god, or even a higher level.

It's just that he is not perfect enough, he can be regarded as a defective product.

It's only one thousandth, or even one ten thousandth, but if it can devour a Protoss cub, the benefits won't be able to be arranged.

Too much too much!

"Then let's decide as the goal before the legend."

make up one's mind.

Lin Suo is preparing to devote himself to the research of alchemy equipment, and is preparing to further strengthen his single-body strength.

But it seems to be running into a problem.

Underground Base No. 002.

The first wave captured about [-] native orcs, as well as two tribes of flaming demon wolves, with a population of about [-] and [-] giant wolves.

The strength of these guys is indeed not weak. Adults have a second-level physique and a ring of fire spellcasting ability.

It is a relatively comprehensive and powerful race.

Looks like a werewolf.

To deal with this kind of group, the orc slave hunters who have not been strengthened by the blood of the devil need to rely on the power of Chimera to complete the capture.

But their troubles seem a little drastic.

002 Lieyang star, the surface.

Lin Suo looked at the huge beast that looked like a humanoid dinosaur, a little amazed at the magnificence of the universe.

According to the information given by Mechanicus.

The troubles of the natives in the universe, besides the Rage Gods, there is another kind of totem.

They named it a troll.

Or they live in the planet, or they come from the universe.

[Cosmic Troll] is their name.

The one in front of Lin Suo is more than [-] meters tall, and its whole body is red with black main branches as lines.

The skin is like layers of rocks superimposed on top of each other.

Full of folds and fiery flames.

If you read correctly, the body of this monster is made of Lieyang red steel. This kind of body size must be at least hundreds of tons. If the quality is higher, it may exceed [-] tons.

"hold head high!!!"

"Gergio! Gergio!"

The Flame Werewolves yelled one after another, the words they couldn't understand were simply transliterated.

"It's called Gergio...a good fortune."

Lin Suo raised his hand, and a black light shot out from his index finger, instantly hitting the target's abdomen.

This is one of the newly researched synthetic wizardry of late.

Seven-ring witchcraft-death ray, after fusing the power of Dusky Star, its lethality is second only to his death sniper rifle.

New elements should also be integrated into the World Tree Dharma Ring.

The super destructive power of Dusky Star made this red humanoid dinosaur stupid.

That terrifying force of death.

In an instant, a big hole that could be seen behind was dissolved on its body.

"Don't trolls feel pain?"

Lin Suo muttered to himself, seeing this guy called "Gergio" crashing to the ground, causing an earthquake.

The two fire werewolf tribes who were captured were also dumbfounded.

They knelt on the ground and wailed endlessly. This is their patron saint and a totem of faith.

Right now, they are gone with one blow, and the impact this has brought to these natives is unimaginable.

Lin Suo took a picture of a fire werewolf that looked like a chief.

The eyes lit up with purple awns.

The powerful soul power forcibly squeezed into the sea of ​​consciousness, spying on this guy's memory.

The process ended quickly, and the corpse was thrown away casually, lost in thought.

According to this guy's memory.

The giant monster named "Gergio" is a common creature on Solar Star, and it is conservatively estimated that there are more than [-] of them.

In terms of strength, it is not strong, only level six.

But with such a huge body, the Chimera, which dominates in physical combat, can't do anything about it.

The body made of Lieyang red steel is also a big trouble.

The defense power has almost reached level eight.


(End of this chapter)

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