The Witcher: Synthesize Everything

Chapter 214 Supreme Council

Chapter 214 Supreme Council

Planet Kigard 062 is a standard ordinary planet.

For more detailed resource introductions, he cannot view them here.

This coordinate can only be located through the star map.

The common standard for the most conventional life planet is 70% ocean and 30% land.

Possess an intelligent race and above.

And No. 062, unlike the two planets close to Jedi developed by Lin Suo, although there is only one intelligent race, the number exceeds one billion.

Various regimes and countries alternate.

It also has a primary transcendental system, but from the point of view of perception, the strongest is no more than a four-ring wizard.

There are enough lives.

It seems more appropriate to harvest death.

Judging from the appearance, this should be some kind of demihuman, with blue skin, and tall and slender figures for both men and women.

The appearance is more three-dimensional.

After checking around the track and confirming that there are no irresistible enemies.

Lin Suo imagined the alchemy breeding equipment - Dusky Star Dragon.

Go directly to the second stage.

The huge metal dragon body with a wingspan of a kilometer flew mightily towards the city below.

Make up your mind to destructive mining.

Passing along the way, black smoke billowed, like the legendary death dragon, everything withered and life was dead.

Lin Suo, who was wearing the alchemy outfit, was actually still a human.

It's just that it is hidden in the belly and cannot be detected by people.

The method of merging into one, he is Dusky Star Dragon!

Without a doubt!

The water in the pool of death needs to absorb death, whether it is done by him or someone else, it can be absorbed.

It's just a distance limit.

Doing it yourself will be much faster than others. These blue-skinned people have not entered the human aesthetics, and they are fast and ruthless when they do it.

"Dusky Star Dragon's Breath!"

This large city with a scale of tens of 10 people should be the capital of a small kingdom. What the Dusky Star dragon's breath brings is absolute annihilation.

Living beings died without even feeling fear and despair.

Just seeing Lin Suo's Dusky Star dragon body, it turned into black ash on the spot.

Send a city of aliens on their way.

Lin Suo burped.

The water in the death pool was directly filled, which immediately stopped the plan to prepare for the massacre.

Landing on the tallest building in the city, Lin Suo closed his eyes and sank into the sea of ​​consciousness.

"The capacity is not enough."

Whispering, I don't have the method and plan to develop in my hand, so I can only use it first.

The sequelae of soul cutting are indeed serious.

It has seriously affected his meditation recently, and it needs to be repaired immediately.

The dark pool of death entangles the soul body of the sea of ​​consciousness.

During constant consumption, the left hand of the soul body slowly grew out.

"It worked well."

It just consumes a lot of money, and the pool is empty again.

Thinking that this planet still has more than one billion supplementary energy, Lin Suo's research mentality is ready to move.

He wants to develop super powers such as the six-path avatar.

Dividing the soul is a very suitable method, refer to the incarnation in Xianxia?
All kinds of ideas can provide him with direction.

Falling on such a resource star is indeed suitable for him to develop his avatar ability.

Originally, he planned to use the four basic elements as the center to condense an elemental body, and then enter the main soul fragments to slowly cultivate and guide them.

but now……

Looking at the phantom of the world tree in the sea of ​​consciousness under the baptism of endless chaos, it is about to move.

On the tree... there are the fruits that Lin Suo had produced when he completed the various elements. He referred to the research data of the Elf Mother Tree. These fruits are very valuable.

Earth, Fire, Water, Wind, Darkness, Light, Space, Life, Death.

The nine elements, as well as the water variant ice, the dark variant curse and shadow elements, the light variant moon element, and the sun element.

Many things, after the wealth is free, he has basically completed all the elements that can be completed through the military merit system within his ability.

It stands to reason that he should be able to control the omnipotent energy of the ether, but he doesn't. It may be related to his strength. The world tree has to accept the baptism of chaos and continue to grow to a certain extent.

It is the most logical calculation.


at the same time.

Coronal galaxy, crowned by the main star, the Sun.

The highest authority of the [Truth Association] held a meeting in secret.

The [Supreme Conference] formed by twelve holy spirit wizards beyond the legendary level.

The chairman of this term of parliament is titled Golden Holy Spirit.

It is the royal ancestor of the Dandong Empire, and the term of the chairman of the parliament is as long as 1 years.

The president of this session has only been in office for 3000 years.

The last two sessions were different people. At that time, the situation in Padolon had not yet formed several major human empires.

However, under the change of power.

Although the people of the home planet are recognized as orthodox, there is a problem with their strength after all, and it takes time to improve their strength after being given orthodox status, so as to achieve the effect that matches their status.

This supreme meeting was not held for the home planet.

But the situation in the universe.

Although the era of great universe development has just begun, under the temptation of endless resources, the existing forces are completely sufficient to divide this big cake.

With no conflict of interest, peace is a matter of course.

But recently I ran into a little trouble.

Twelve illusory but real images projected out of this hall.

Discussions also followed.

"Speaker, the Luna galaxy is closely related to the elves. I found the Star God ruins in it. This is a product of their civilization. I call it moonstone technology."

"You can take a look."

The one who spoke at the beginning was a kind old man with white beard and hair. Most of the twelve holy spirit wizards here are old people.

"Yes, this kind of moonstone should also be a stone of longevity, but it has the breath of an ancient god, which is a bit dangerous."

"Merlin, how does it compare to your Philosopher's Stone?"

"Hahaha, it's definitely not comparable."

"The Philosopher's Stone helped Merlin cross the threshold of the saint. Many ancient wizards depended on him to help them hang their lives."

Several bigwigs were arguing, but the Great Sage Merlin, who developed the Philosopher's Stone and brought theoretically eternal life, didn't answer much.

There was a look of worry on his kind and kind face.

"Lord Elemental Holy Spirit, the Philosopher's Stone is not perfect, you need to pay attention to the backlash of the will of death."

"You bastard, what a disappointment..."

After muttering for a while, when the pleasantries stopped, the council got down to business, and the deputy speaker was the Sun King, a Holy Spirit-level powerhouse of the elves.

Both he and Merlin are newly-promoted bigwigs in the past ten thousand years.

Let him elaborate more detailed information.

"There is a weird moon beast in the Luna Ruins. The best of them have the ability to travel between stars. Apart from their limited intelligence, they can be regarded as powerful enemies."

"But in the encounters of all parties, it can only be regarded as inferior."

"Everyone, please see."

The Sun King is a handsome man with blond hair and pointed ears.

There is a circle of coronal sacred rings behind the head.

The scene projected at this time surprised many big shots.

"This is……"

 Let's see, there's another chapter

(End of this chapter)

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