The Witcher: Synthesize Everything

Chapter 226 Star Sea Chaos

Chapter 226 Star Sea Chaos

Vault Zerg is very difficult to deal with.

The hive cluster consciousness makes it difficult for any plan on Lin Suo's side to have a mature effect.

Often after a good start, the opponent will immediately implement a countermeasure plan. This feeling of dealing with a person makes many grown-up orc commanders uncomfortable.

The Vault Zerg hates the sun, but has a variant of the Sun Bug.

Capable of releasing beams of intense sunlight.

Coupled with the high concentration of explosive gas in the gas bug, the underground passage will burn a large number of demon orc warriors every time.

Not to mention advancing the brood, even mining is very difficult.

Apparently the Vault Zerg feeds on Terra mines, and the core contradiction of hostilities is irreconcilable.

this day.

The god of the earth, Rhine, is an earth attribute Titan clone. Because of his ability to perceive the earth, this guy can accurately capture a special wavelength of the living planet.

He was sent by him a few years ago to find a planet that could be used as a nest.

Just sending back the message now.

According to the speed of the modified version of the transport ship he was riding on, after installing the Teradimensional aircraft, it is conservatively estimated that it is thousands of light-years away.

This distance is to explore in the direction of the unknown universe.

The magic net can't cover it.

It can only be observed and judged by himself through the body of the Titan clone.

The Earth Titan clone found a unique planet.

The body is extraordinarily huge.

It can be called a "super planet".

But the actual situation is like a rubber ball entangled in thorns, completely covered by huge thorn bushes thousands of meters thick, and there are even extra thick thorns falling from the bottom of the planet.

Like vines, even a lot of purple thorn flowers bloomed.

"The Thorn Star..."

Lin Suo pointed at the tabletop, and ordered his men to come over to detect the surface energy concentration, mineral resource reserves, and native indigenous creatures.

Thorns has no apparent biological presence.

It is located in a remote place, and a lonely planet of life stands on the edge of the star's light, and it is exposed to cold light. It is difficult to grow such a clump of this kind of special cold-resistant thorns.

Soon, the orcs, who piloted the strike ship and flew around the planet a few times, came back.

Report the situation to the earth attribute Titan clone.

"My lord, the planet's energy concentration is level nine, and it is rich in mineral deposits. According to the standards of the Truth Society, it is a level nine planet and a high-level resource star."

"It's just that I didn't find any native species, only this creature that looks like the goblins."

An orc warlock projects a purple veil.

In the center of the blooming thorn buds on the screen, there is a small life the size of a thumb curled up.

On the fair and tender skin, there are purple-red thorn-patterned cuticles covering the sensitive parts. The hair is like a garlic head, floating towards the sky, with small pointed ears and an oval face.

It's really like a family of fairies.

Perhaps it is a new race of fairies other than earth, fire, water, and wind.

After thinking about it, Lin Suo gave the order.

"As usual, establish an underground advance base, mainly to find out the information of this planet, keep an eye on this little thing, and see if you can find more."

"If all goes well, this Thorn Star may really become our first main star."

"By the way, the three goblin sisters, I have reshaped their goblin bodies. After a while, they will arrive at Thorn Star and take full charge of the construction project."


Immediately, Lin Suo's consciousness separated from the earth attribute Titan clone, and focused on the main body.

Looking at the fairy body being reconstructed on the test bench.

The three goblin sisters, Didi, Luoluo, and Diedie, were considered Lin Suo's first act of destroying his conscience.

Up to now, the phrase "Master should remember to eat nectar in the future." is still ringing in his ears for a long time.

Pursue eternal life, pursue the true meaning of power, and explore the unknown mystery.

These are all true, but after a long time and being lonely for a long time, the "human" flavor becomes more and more lacking.

He can even make the decision to slaughter the weak without hesitation.

He suspects that it is also a mistake to be too vigilant about the occurrence of emotion.

Perhaps it was the immortal divinity that affected him, or simply his own changes.

Right now, he decided to slowly find the missing emotion back.

It begins with the return of the three goblin sisters to freedom.

Of course, because they themselves have the characteristics of synthetic beasts, this freedom refers to releasing them from the soul-bound relationship on the Rhine

Return the flesh and blood.

Still have to work for him.

Three delicately structured goblin bodies were reconstructed, and the three sisters woke up dimly.

"Master... this is me..."

Didi looked at his flesh and blood with a bright smile on his face. Lin Suo also smiled and offered a two-finger-sized dress.

It can be regarded as satisfying Didi's wish for a piece of clothing.

Because she directly used liquid metal to mimic her, this was actually the first time she got her own clothes after serving Lin Suo for many years.


"And Luoluo, Huami."

"Diedie... yours."

The three sisters were a little overwhelmed, they looked at each other a little frightened, Luoluo said cautiously.

"Master, are we dying soon? These are our wishes before we die."

Lin Suo's face darkened.

"A lot of nonsense, do you want it?"

"Yes! Yes!!"

The three sisters nodded their heads like chickens pecking rice, and Lin Suo took advantage of the situation and gave them the order to go to the Thorn Star to assist the Earth Titan clone.

To regain humanity is to regain humanity.

He could still scold himself for being callous and heartless, while killing wantonly.

This is not a conflict.

After arranging the matter of the three goblin sisters, Lin Suo personally went out to deal with the cave zerg, and finally turned from a stalemate to an advantage, and continued to advance towards the core of the worm nest.

at the same time.

The chaos in the star sea gradually rose.

There was a major conflict between the Void Zerg and the Scarlet Empire, and a vicious incident occurred in the Firefly Asteroid Belt, resulting in over ten thousand deaths on both sides.

As a result, the Scarlet Empire fought against two, not only fighting against the new discovered force, the Holy Light Empire, but also fighting against the old force, the Void Zerg.

The Truth Society had to send people from the Life Transformation School to support the battlefield between the Scarlet Empire and the Void Zerg.

There is only such a human race in the known universe. Although it looks a little different from the Padolons, it is more or less a relative of similar blood.

Plus the super powerful evolutionary genes of the Void Zerg.

Support comes naturally.

Compared with the Scarlet Empire supported by the Truth Society, the Mechanic God on the other side suffered.

The existence of the pure spirit body of the curse spirit clan not only makes some weapons and detection systems invalid.

It also caused a large number of mechanical life consciousness to be annihilated.

Using the method of "seizing the house", the dove occupied the magpie's nest and almost completely snatched away the mechanical monster family.

The acquisition of memories related to knowledge, technology, and technological level has allowed the Curse Spirits to grow tremendously. In just a few years, they have captured many starships above the third level of the Mechanicus.

The strength of the site is rapidly expanding.

And the "Machine Spirit Empire" was established a few days ago.

Both: the country of the mechanical life and the curse spirit race, ruled the direction of the Mechanic Cult to open up wasteland.

Mechanicus is really miserable.

However, Truth, who fought at the beginning, and the fel demons have lived in peace recently.

The development plan for the Luna system is progressing steadily.

Illidari Reminder is quite famous. He represents the night elves and led the land reclamation in the Luna galaxy. Two-thirds of the moonstone beasts on the planet were cleaned up by his team.

The name of the model worker spread like wildfire.

After being named and praised by the Truth Society, it was erected as a sign, hoping to influence the wizards of Xianyu, and work a little harder.

Moreover, due to the emergence of many new forces in the known universe, they do not seem to be weak, they can communicate with each other, or they can buy wars and capture research.

In recent years, many new technologies have been produced.

As a result, the starships have developed another version, and no longer all forces are carved out of the same mold.

Forming a system following the strike ship-landing ship... to the mother ship, another multi-functional starship was born.

Only one name is known at present - "War Fortress".

The more nuanced stuff is far from being released.

In addition, there are other achievements. In the past few years, there have been more than 300 researches on wizards alone. Many things are fantastic ideas even in Lin Suo's eyes, which are of great help to him.

It's just that if this situation is maintained, it won't be long before Xinghai will be completely chaotic.

This can lead to a series of negative effects.

There are even certain problems within the Truth Society.

There are millions of remnants of the mother planet, barely reaching the level of tens of millions. The number is a lot, but it is slightly rare compared to the descendants of the Truth Society that have taken root in the universe.

It's just that no one can refute the fact that the home planet is orthodox. This is a fact. In the beginning, wizards were dispatched by their families to go to the universe. Year after year, they gradually accumulated to where they are today.

The Truth Society advocates the fusion of the two sides, and is dominated by the main family of the mother planet.

There are those who are willing and those who are not.

Under the high pressure of the absolute power of the Truth Society, except for a few people who took the risk and solved the problem by killing and were suppressed, most people tried to separate their families.

They can humanitarian aid you with some resources, but they cannot accept you to rule the sub-clans of the coronal galaxies, let alone rule them.

Among them, the King of Fire family is the epitome of the times.

After receiving the support of massive resources, Grand Duke Blazing still has not broken through to the legendary level, so it can be said that his potential has been exhausted.

As for the lieutenant colonel who obtained a legendary item [Fire Orb] at the sacrifice of his elder brother, since he suffered setbacks in the dragon small galaxy, he has been hiding behind the scenes and working hard to cultivate.

Today, many years later, he has successfully broken through the legend.

Became the only legendary powerhouse of the King of Fire family, and insisted on splitting, strengthening the contradiction between the main family and the branch family, and publicly declaring that Duke Blazing is a waste.

Only symbolically gave the main family a resource star as a resident, and drove them out of the corona main star.

This incident is like a fuse.

A large number of families began to imitate, speaking with strength, without talking about love and causality.

As a result, many families from the parent star could not bear the humiliation, and left the corona galaxy without hesitation, marched into the unknown universe, and carried out the mission of land reclamation with their families.

Create your own territory.

This process has been snatched away by the promise of the Scarlet Empire. They are changing the power system and need the knowledge of these old families.

Won hemp.

(End of this chapter)

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