The Witcher: Synthesize Everything

Chapter 231 Reversal of the World "Reverse" Chapter Return!

Chapter 231 The Return of the Reverse World "Reverse"!


This wave of harvest was good, but of course Lin Suo also paid some price, such as the knowledge of the human world that Jila was interested in, and the development of the religious history of believers.

She is even interested in the kingdom's government affairs manual and governance plan.

Also, a remote place, a demigod who is inconvenient to move, this kind of experience book that can develop quickly, is of great help to her, and can avoid many detours.

Establish her sect as soon as possible.

The thorn fairies should not have been born for a long time. After all, the level of civilization is still very primitive. They have just left the period of slash-and-burn farming and began to systematically use their natural superpowers.

In addition, Lin Suo also paid for the learning method of the wizard's path system, which is only around the third-ring wizard.

Cooperation belongs to cooperation, and transactions belong to transactions.

Everyone takes what they need, there is no saying who loses who wins, win-win!
Lin Suo is operating Thorns Star as the main star, and it is more appropriate for Thorns to exist, so that the surface can be used, and it will be smooth to direct Thorns to weave the Thorns layer into the first green line of defense outside the earth.

Slowly transform it, everything will be there.

Make arrangements to do things, and occasionally build favorite buildings yourself.

The surface environment, with the active cooperation of the thorns, opened up a space among the thorns.

Temporarily used to grow Lin Suo's improved potion for multiple generations.

Some of these potions are even metamorphosed from mortal things, and the power of synthesis has been superimposed and strengthened hundreds of times. After planting, the seeds of the crop after three generations have no trace of power of synthesis at all.

Continue to strengthen a hundred times and sow seeds.

Year after year, generation after generation, so he has a lot of mutated potion plants in his hands, all of which have been saved in the past 30 years. They have unique skills and are second to none.

The level of planting is not low, the highest has reached level nine.

It just takes a long time to grow.

There are a few potions on the soul side that may take hundreds of years to mature, and they are all rare treasures.

There are more than 1 sea thorn and forest thorn clans, all of whom live in the potion garden on the surface and serve as free gardeners for him.

The body of Jila continued to grow taller, reaching the first woven defense line at an altitude of [-] meters required by Lin Suo.

The thorns and vines below [-] meters will slowly gather into giant vine pillars to support the green defense line.

Arrangement proceeded in an orderly manner.

Lin Suo is studying the "Cradle of Life" fruit the size of a fingernail.

The first goal is to enlarge its size.

For a moderately intelligent race like the Chimera, the problem of self-reproduction has been solved by him, so he has some experience in creating species, and it's not impossible to start.

After researching, many new discoveries are also fantastic ideas for him, and they are of great reference value.

The work of enlarging the size of the cradle of life will soon have phased results.

Three years passed in a flash.

Today is September 33th, 9rd year of Lin Suo's landing calendar.

A few more important events happened in the Star Sea. For some reason, the Void Zerg confronted the new force, the Holy Light Empire, and destroyed a medium-sized galaxy with hundreds of living planets controlled by the opponent's subordinates.

Leading to a full-scale war between the two.

The Holy Light Empire, the Scarlet Empire, and the Void Zerg fought together and fought a real fire.

The Mechanic Cult was severely infiltrated by the newly established Mechanical Spirit Empire. The betrayal of the mechanical giants and some silicon-based life forms caused serious damage to their vitality, and they could only shrink back and lick their wounds.

The internal defense line is extremely strict, and the virus is checked every day.

This made the Mechanic Spirit Empire, which was in the limelight, very proud, and fought with the fel demons again. Only the Truth Society was still calm. Part of the force supported the Scarlet Empire, and part of the force supported the Mechanic God.

There are signs of civil strife, but the development plan of the Luna galaxy is going smoothly, and thousands of resource stars have been occupied.

Xinghai has not been very stable these years.


【Lin Suo】

【Age: 52 (1072)】

[Talent: Synthesis of Everything (521.6w/1000w)]

[Level: Tier 521 Titan Body (1000/693); Upper Rank Eight Ring Wizard (1000/[-])]

[Extraordinary: Mana breathing method (red product/improving ↑); star pupil meditation method (red product); coronal meditation method (red product); Xiguang meditation method (red product); Minggu meditation method (red product) 】

[Bloodline Power: Level [-] Immortal Titan (↑), Immortal Body (Primary), Immortal Soul (Primary), Titan Star Soul (Conceived)
<Red Product·Eternal> Heart Imprint Eternal (↑), Bloodline Refining, Bloodline Evolution, Bloodline Sublimation, Soul Meditation, Soul Essence. 】

[Alchemy Equipment: Level [-] Dusky Star Dragon. 】

Before he knew it, he was 52 years old, and it was getting harder and slower to improve his strength.

Rather, it belongs to Titan's passive power, which he has initially mastered.

If he wants to awaken his divine body and divine power, his power born from the baptism of chaos brought by the magic ring of the illusory World Tree will probably have to wait until the moment he breaks through to the legendary level.

The route of becoming a god the day after tomorrow usually breaks out at this node. There are differences between the two, but there are also similarities, which can be confirmed and referenced.

In Lin Suo's state, it doesn't apply to accumulating slowly, but accumulating vigorously!

It's not far from the time when he soars into the sky.

Meditation methods have also been upgraded to red grade, all aspects are ready, and they can be integrated with legendary meditation methods, but considering the consumption of synthetic power, he is still preparing to start with a new version of tonic, which is not bad in the past few days.

this day.

The newly released embryo culture chamber, which incorporates the Cradle of Life technology, has been able to suppress the probability of genetic diseases to 15%, which can be called an outstanding victory.

It is also a major breakthrough in Linso's genetic mapping technology.

With this thing, the second-generation Black Winged Demon can already start live experiments. There are still thousands of surviving individuals in the previous generation, which can be used directly.

But what a coincidence.

When Lin Suo synthesized witchcraft, he used death witchcraft, soul witchcraft, curse witchcraft, and necromantic witchcraft to synthesize a new kind of witchcraft that had never been seen before.

Shadow witchcraft?Or call it - "Reverse Witchcraft"

Eight Rings·Dark Movie World!

The moment the synthesis was successful, a brand new theoretical knowledge flooded Lin Suo's mind.

Subconsciously drives this column of runes.

Then, he saw the scene of the inverted world, in a gray world, the sky was filled with ashes like flakes.

Dilapidated buildings...a dead starry sky.

In "Reverse World", the concept of sound does not seem to exist.

This unique place is not the first time Lin Suo has come into contact with it.

But neither the vice president teacher who gave him the corresponding knowledge of popular science, nor himself, had ever mastered the power of "opening the door"!

As far as he knows, only Ni has!

That is his daughter - "Thea Rhine!"

The eight-ring witchcraft·Dark Film and Television Realm, endowed Lin Suo with the power to see this layer of inverted world with both eyes.

It is exactly the same as the reality, reproduced in equal proportions, except that there are no living creatures, and most of them are dilapidated and ash-heavy scenes.

too weird.

Keeping this state, Lin Suo can also see the scene of the real world, and his heart can't help but move.

Take out a few steel ingots from the storage ring, pop out a cluster of flames and calcine them into a steel plate and insert them into the ground.

Work in a while.

There is also a steel plate in the reverse world, but it has been decayed.

[Is it so magical? 】

If a corresponding reverse traversal engine can be manufactured, wouldn't it be the same as the latitude passage, taking another route and reaching the destination in an instant?
And it is safer to walk here than the Latitude Passage.

Creatures such as evil gods exist in different latitudes. Navigation in latitudes is not 100% safe, but the chance of accidents is not high. So far, there have been no problems in this regard.

Under the shadowy world, Lin Suo's sight kept rising.

Indistinctly, a delicate and evil face suddenly appeared in front of them, almost sticking together.

Both of them could see the surprise in each other's eyes.

Take a few steps back quickly.

The tone is a little uncertain.



"how come!"

Thea, who hadn't seen her for more than ten years, suddenly rushed over, but passed through Lin Suo's body made of consciousness.

Did not hold.

Disappointment appeared on his face.

" did you get in."

"Uh... It's a long story, but it suddenly came in. You've changed a lot."

Lin Suo scratched his cheek in embarrassment.

He is okay with children, but it is somewhat unnatural to face a daughter who has grown up for many years.

But it didn't take long for both sides to regain their composure.

Start talking.

It turned out that after Thea came to the reverse world following a certain induction, she found a large root of the Padolon world tree.

Because of the same source of breath, she fell into a deep sleep. Lin Suo's breath disturbed her, and she seemed to have some kind of GM authority in the reverse world.

Although it can't change the appearance here, it can also appear in any corner of the reversed world with a single thought.

Locking on Lin Suo's breath, she teleported over.

Now she wants to go out.

After sleeping for so many years, I have also grown mentally, and I am much more mature than when I first awakened.

Calm, independent, have their own ideas.

"Open the door from here, the Thorn Star is outside, the base camp I have been running for the past few years, come with me."

"it is good."

After revoking the witchcraft in the shadow world, Thea also opened a black door and stepped over.

In an instant, the father and daughter came to the real world.

"Thea, what are your plans for the future?"

"Well, I don't know either."

For her own life experience, Thea already knew something, and realized that it wasn't what Lin Suo said at the beginning, it was as simple as an abandoned baby picked up at random.

But she only knows that her existence is related to the World Tree, and she still doesn't know about the transformation of a seed into a goddess.

But he also understands that the relationship with the Titan Protoss is unusual.

She is also considered a natural titan, possessing divine body and divine power.

The priesthood needs people and worlds (planets) to build, and she doesn't have one yet.

As for godhead weapons, Lin Suo has a method of building them here, and evolves the core technology, which can give her an ever-changing godhead, which is extremely applicable.

It is her strength, which is difficult to define with the level of a wizard.

It should be regarded as a young Titan, whose strength fluctuates greatly. The lifespan of an orthodox Titan is as long as 10 years, and it takes 5000 years to reach adulthood.

Reaching the first level of Titan Lord God can be called "Eternal Titan". The lifespan is incalculable. It is known that there is no Eternal Titan in the known universe...

The return of Thea Rhine.

After Lin Suo was happy for a while, he discussed with her to assist him in his research and pass on his wizard concepts and knowledge inheritance.

Thea is one of the few people he can completely trust!

With her joining, Lin Suo's research on the world tree magic ring, ether energy higher than the level of divine power, Titan clone ability, etc., will all make great progress.

The kindness of the father and the filial piety of the son lasted for about a year.

Thea is also smart enough. While absorbing Lin Suo's ideas, she is also thinking about her future path. At first, she was a little bit desperate.

But as the progress of her research progressed, she tended to develop towards a female doctor, and she seemed to have found something of interest. At the same time, an order from the Society of Truth broke this state.

Lin Suo landed in September of the 34th year.

One year after Thea's return, the [Truth Society] issued a mandatory order to summon Lin Suo and other expatriate land reclamation personnel to return.

Not only himself, but also the Kigard galaxy, the Hemer family and the Leo family next door who are constantly being watched by him, have all received summons.

Also, verify against other sources of news.

It's not just for him, everyone has to go back, it seems to be related to the latest [Supreme Conference].

(End of this chapter)

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