The Witcher: Synthesize Everything

Chapter 235 The Meeting of the Twin Goddesses

Chapter 235 The Meeting of the Twin Goddesses


Nothing to talk about, the scene turned cold.

When the starship arrived at the main star of the corona, another two months passed.

Lin Suo landed in September of the 35th year.

Seeing the three stars revolving around a super-large planet through the porthole, even if a person is in the starship, he can feel a strong warm current pouring into his body.

The physical improvement and the accumulation of magic power are much faster, and there is even a kind of power that Lin Suo can't understand for the time being, helping him to sort out his body and keep tempering.

It was very surprising, and I couldn't help asking.

"what is this?"

Katherine explained.

"This is the power of the corona, and it is also the reason why Truth chooses this place as its base camp."

"The power of the corona has the effect of evolving bloodlines. Humans in Padolon seem to have greater potential. You will know when it lands."

"The main star of the corona is not barren."


Lin Suo nodded regretfully, his curiosity was overflowing, itchy!It's so itchy!
Near the main star surrounded by three stars, there are still a lot of blank areas, and there are cosmic orbits similar to mechanical equipment, which looks like an interstellar high-speed rail...

Except for the equipment, there is not a single meteorite or cosmic junk. Of course, there are two smaller satellites, the Dragon Star and the Spirit Star, orbiting the main star.

The biggest thing is nothing more than two ring-shaped objects composed of metal, interlaced and rotating, encompassing everything.

It seemed that he understood Lin Suo's mind.

Katharina thoughtfully explained.

"One of the highest masterpieces of wizard civilization, the Circle of Truth!"

"It looks like a gigantic double ring of metal, but in fact it is a seal that facilitates the existence of legendary wizards below and exerts the power of the circle of truth."

"A full blow can instantly kill the Holy Spirit Wizard."

"And it has the most powerful man-made tower spirit wisdom so far. There are rumors that the magic net was born on the basis of the circle of truth, and is controlled by the tower spirit "Muse" inside it. "

"The quantum network and the magic net are also handled by the "Muse". "

Lin Suo understood immediately.

Super artificial intelligence is understandable, but it is impossible to figure out what kind of technology it is.

Quietly activate the Dusky Star Vision.

He wanted to see what the circle of truth and the center of the corona galaxy looked like in the inverted world.

After Thea Rhine noticed it, she also joined in silently.

She is a genius with the potential of a female doctor, and her curiosity is stronger than that of Lin Suo.

in a blink.

Things around him began to fade, Teresa, Katharina and others also disappeared from his vision, catkin-like ashes began to fall.

Only Lin Suo and Thea are left in the world.

At this time, people have penetrated the armor of the starship and came to the starry sky of the universe.

What shocked the father and daughter was that.

All the regions included in the circle of truth are things with colors!Even that kind of ashes can't float in, it will be blocked by an invisible force.


And when his eyes shifted to the main star of the sun, Lin Suo's sea of ​​consciousness suddenly shook, and the baptism of chaos was activated for some reason, and the scattered chaotic breath merged into the eye lines of the eye of truth between his brows.

His own magical super brain seems to have evolved.

The evolution seems to have passed for a long time, but in fact it is only a moment, in the blink of an eye, a huge world tree suddenly appeared on the main star of the corona.

Vigorous, like a newborn, but there is no result, there seems to be a blond figure on the top of the branch.

The breath made Lin Suo feel extremely familiar.

And Thea next to her also changed her expression, and there was a faint darkness spreading in the center of her pupils.

Lin Suo woke up suddenly.

[Exactly the same?Or is it a natural hostility?this……】

"Thea! Hold the bottom line, don't be buried by death and resentment, control yourself."

"Well... I... I understand!"

Thea struggled to utter a word, the character was pale and dripping with sweat.

"Father... why, why do I have such a killing intent on this tree, it... is about to overwhelm me!"

"go out!"

"Go out and talk."

"it is good……"

The father and daughter, who first explored the core territory of the Truth Society, encountered such an accident, which is really terrible.

Even for Lin Suo, it was the first time he encountered a sister-like existence with Thea.

That figure seemed to be the complete opposite of Thea.

If it is said that Thea Rhine, the Goddess of Rebellion, represents the end and death of all things, and is reborn with great resentment.

The golden figure seemed to represent the vitality and new birth of all things. With the love for all spirits, it was born here, as bright and pure as the morning light.

Who would have thought.


Lin Suo recalled the time when he sleepwalked in the Rotten Wonderland. He clearly remembered that the first time he saw the withered and low World Tree, he found a vibrant seed under its root.

But after he took the seed out, it turned into an ominous seed full of death and extinction.

He almost thought that being brought out of the Rotten Wonderland by him caused this change.

Until Thea hatched from inside, he saw the thread of fate.

It's just that the one who got the seed of life in the picture is a blond man.

Now it seems that twins in one body.

The pros and cons of the world are worthy of being one of the most beautiful treasures in the universe - "World Tree!"

Regarding its mysteries, Lin Suo's World Tree Dharma Ring still lacks a lot. Maybe he will have to wait for his strength to improve before he can see a different scenery.

landing ship.

The starship is headed for the Corona Prime.

Thea suddenly fell to her side, and Lin Suo quickly helped her up.

"What's up with her?"

"what happened?"

"Teacher Rhine..."

"It's okay, it's an old problem."

Lin Suo explained while supporting Thea to the seat away from the porthole.

"This child's physique has been affected by the magic tide since she was a child. She has only recently been promoted to a full-time wizard. She is not very used to it yet. Don't worry about her."

Only then did everyone nod their heads, and did not ask any more questions after a few words of comfort.

after an hour.

More than a dozen transport ships landed on the surface and landed on an empty square, where there are buildings spanning [-] miles, including palaces, lofts, and high-tech buildings.

There are different styles, and there are some buildings floating in the sky.

Lava terrain, lake terrain, desert terrain, complete types, and many puppets and colossi.

Like sculptures, they are distributed at various intersections and the inner entrances of public buildings.

This is the newly built teaching area of ​​the Academy of Truth.

The entire [-]-mile building complex is interconnected with each other, with a wide variety of types and extremely luxurious and exaggerated materials, fully demonstrating the heritage of the Truth Society.

Katharina, Elise and others are all going to enroll.

There is a high probability that they will still be students, because their accumulated knowledge is not enough. Wizards respect the truth, and the so-called masters are teachers.

The higher the wizard knowledge, the stronger the strength. They are all old monsters who have lived for a long time, and the teachers are much stronger than the Golden Academy.

Even for Lin Suo, the speed of mastering knowledge over the years is extremely fast, and the kung fu of drinking saliva is strengthened to introduce the old and bring forth the new.

In such a situation, he did not have the confidence to make an absolute assessment.

The Academy of Truth has only set up the post of professor.

All teachers are equal in name, but having a few legendary bosses as teachers will definitely be more popular than a young eight-ring wizard like Lin Suo.

After all, it is to learn something.

The course setting is also very interesting. It is set according to the expertise of the teacher. It is purely optional for students to choose which courses they are interested in.

Students meet the credit requirements for one academic year.

Teachers meet the teaching indicators for one school year.

Once it is not completed, those who drop out will drop out, and those who are dismissed will be dismissed.

And the enrollment of the Academy of Truth is also very interesting. He will govern all creatures facing the truth.

It includes not only humans, but also giant dragons, elves, and highly intelligent races such as dragonmen, demons, and half-elves.

Lin Suo remembered that the second-level college was set up for them before, but something went wrong and had to be cancelled.

Turn around and set up the Academy of Truth!

In addition, alien races who have surrendered to the [Truth Society] can also come in to learn, as long as they complete the corresponding assessment.

The Scarlet Empire and Mechanicus will also send overseas students.

The former has always had this thought, while the latter is afraid of being beaten by the Cursed Spirits, and wants to learn the methods of wizards and perfect the body of steel.

various circumstances.

The Academy of Truth will become a small cosmic society, and there are many benefits to be presided over by a wizard. For Lin Suo, it also has a lot of benefits.

Originally, the idea of ​​submerged cultivation was stimulated with a lot of enthusiasm.

Thea Rhine, Lin Suo temporarily asked her to sign up with Teresa and the others. As a nobleman and the only heir of the Rhine family, it is not a big problem to get a place.

Lin Suo himself, according to the information of the summoning order, walked to the assessment place specially prepared for people like them.

The so-called special location is for veteran cadres like Lin Suo who have background and experience, and who were born in the four major academies of their original home planet.

He is still the number one in the Demon Hunting points competition, which has a bit of a status bonus.

Eighth Ring's strength can be revealed.

After all, he is over 50, and he can gain the reputation of a genius. If he can step into the legend before he is a hundred years old, he will be the highest seed that will be paid attention to by the Truth Society.

At the legendary level, the difficulty of combining nine rings to form a domain is not low.

His dharma ring is his true potential.

As long as you don't take the initiative to call it out, you won't be praised as a "super genius", and the mystery of the fusion ring is beyond words.

The hanger is the only one!

After half an hour.

According to the instruction, Lin Suo came to a dark blue building with a Terracoin icon printed on it, which looked like a store.

When I walked in, I found that there were many old people. Looking at the breath, there were more than [-] legends.

Even saw a person from the Silver Star Alliance.

[Legend of Starfire?Or what is it called...]

Lin Suo only remembered that he had the source blood of the ancestor of the blood clan in his hand, which was a good thing, he didn't have any material like vampires.


This wave entered the old cadre concentration camp... He is the youngest one, completely different from the many talented teachers in the Golden Academy.

From this point of view, it can be found that the requirements are extremely high.

He's not really satisfied.

With a young face, after attracting a wave of attention, it didn't take a while.

Another wizard in his 60s or [-]s came to the stage.

"Hello, everyone. There are veterans from the coronal stars, as well as elites from the home planet. The School of Truth has high requirements for professors, and they must thoroughly master a certain cutting-edge knowledge."

"Under the convening order, those who can come here have passed the preliminary screening."

"Over there is the assessment room. One hundred people can enter at a time and report their knowledge, and then the assessment can begin."

"I am the first disciple of the great sage Merlin——Odyssey Ares. I hope you can join me in cultivating a new fire for the Truth Society!"

Lin Suo was surprised. He didn't know what the preliminary screening was, nor did he know the identity of the speaking wizard.

It is the great sage Merlin, who has seen many related records in history.

It can only be said that we have been friends for a long time!
Coming here this time is really a chance to improve!
(End of this chapter)

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