Chapter 246 The Self-cultivation of the Old Sixth



With the big ship, Lin Suo thought for a moment and quickly formed a new formula.

Reach out and touch the side of Leviathan.

A mass of proliferating pink flesh wrapped him inside.

Wriggle through the flesh and bring him inside.

Such a way of entering the "underworld" would make him sick even if he had been prepared for a long time.

Fortunately, the corpse ship Leviathan is big enough.

With the organism-based form, it is easy to get a structure similar to a bug nest, a white spawning room!
Part of the genetic ability obtained by devouring the corpse of the Zerg Queen Mother in the Catacombs.

The ability of ripening and violent soldiers surpassed the super culture medium developed by Linsuo, and even surpassed it in terms of fineness.

Don't underestimate the self-regulating ability of biological genes.

The power of synthesis counteracts all rejection reactions in the fusion stage, and the evil nature of [Cthulhu Synthesis], whether dead or alive, represents success!

It's like walking into the inside of the queen's white egg sac.

In the white spawning room, there are dense white transparent cocoons hanging on the walls, which are filled with light blue nutrient solution, and the number of cocoons on one wall exceeds tens of thousands.

The tendrils protruded from the ground to Lin Suo, forming five test tube-shaped culture medium.

As its creator, Lin Suo naturally understood all the functions of Leviathan.

"Then... the worker ants will be bred with the genes of the mantis beetle, dark octopus, and Tully faceless, with an initial number of 10."

"Soldier ants... are composed of snake demons, exploding hydras, vacuum gill eels, and evil-eyed demons, starting with [-]."

"Guard ants... Black Dragon Gene, Chimera, Tully Faceless, Green Ghost..."

Since it was decided to use the evil god composite to create an evil fleet wandering in the universe, to do something that Lin Suo was inconvenient to do.

Legion ratio is also to be dealt with.

A corpse ship Leviathan can carry tens of millions of troops, and the flesh and blood ship mounted on it can be generated by itself. He only needs to modify it a little to better meet the needs.

Mind a move.

A group of synthetic cells is injected into the transparent cocoon that is full of walls, and the embryo begins to develop rapidly.

The Zerg gene has its strengths, but it also has its weaknesses.

There are certain problems in intelligence, and its lifespan is shorter than that of the Black Winged Demon, only 5 to 10 years.

But it matures terribly quickly, and it only takes 1 to 2 months to take shape.

"Hmm...there is still a lack of a qualified commander in this case."

Lin Suo thought for a while, checked the exhausted materials, and ordered Leviathan to form a training cabin alone.

Stand on the open space in the center of the spawning room.

As the eyes opened and closed, a round of light golden dharma ring rose from behind, suspended behind the head, and a world tree was stretching its branches in the blank area in the middle.

"Dark fruit, cursed fruit, let's go together."

"Let me see the Titan clone that fuses two God's Birth Fruits!"

The main gene is modeled on the devil.

After incorporating some of Lin Suo's genes, it will take two to three years before it can be put into use.

"In this blank time period, you will be in charge, Vulcan Rhine."


The Earth Titan clone was sent by Lin Suo to drive another starship back to Thorn Star, and continue to develop the planet and mine resources.

Orcs and Chimera legions were also sent back.

For the time being, they cannot be used indiscriminately, especially the orcs. It will take a period of time to brew the power of the group, and there is still a lot of room for improvement in the emotional breathing method.

As such.

Leviathan is almost done, just stay in this corner and develop slowly. The star map of the Luna galaxy is the most complete in his hands.

The many resource stars here can also meet the energy consumption of the Leviathan ship, and the energy consumed by the storm soldiers is not low. When the first batch of engineers are trained, they can meet the needs of self-sufficiency.

The problem is not big.

Lin Suo himself drove a third-level starship to the real flashpoint of the dark side of Luna that he calculated.

If Tina and Valya are smart enough.

He should be aware of the real location. After all, he was only in charge of translation back then, and it was Tina who went to investigate...


Full Moon Star Ruins.

The United Fleet of the Three Elf Clans.

Each of these declining clans produced a first-tier legendary powerhouse, two women and one man.

Seeing that the Illidari's self-proclaimed Temple of the Moon God is getting louder and louder, that more powerful aura is also gaining momentum.

They became more jealous.

Considering that no decent obstacles have been encountered so far, and the moonstone beast is not as dangerous as rumored, they decided to divide their troops.

Tina and Valya were assigned to a first-class starship, that is, a strike ship.

This kind of starship cannot sail far, and the internal fuel is enough. It can sail for no more than half a day, and the distance is about one light-year.

Generally, it is used as a carrier ship, and it will attack only in case of emergencies.

Strike ships are typically single-man ships.

Searching separately is just centering on the full moon star and searching for nearby planets within a light-year range.

As a high-ranking elf wizard, Tina took the initiative to apply for a solo exploration.

The two sisters were crowded in the driver's seat at this time.

Tina's excited face was in stark contrast to Valya's worried face.

"Sister, are we really going there privately?"

"of course!"

Tina took out a yellowed paper manuscript.

"Look, Leah, this picture was drawn when I was looking for Luna Island. At that time, I thought there were twelve Luna Islands, but I only found one in Padolon."

"Now it seems that the other eleven are here!"

"The Illidari found one and got the resources to break through the second legendary ladder."

"Once we get it, the future will be in our own hands, instead of being used as a tool and sent out to marry like Aunt Teresa!"

Valya opened her mouth, seemingly helpless.

"But Aunt Teresa has left the royal family, she has free will!"

"So she is more than 100 years older than us, and she is only a seventh-level wizard. Without resources to support her, whether she can reach legend in her lifetime is a problem."

"But we used a lot of family resources, isn't it normal to pay the price?"

"'s normal."

Tina was a little ashamed and angry at what was said, but she still shook her head decisively, sternly saying to put an end to Valya's feudal thoughts.

"Leah, the favor of the family, can't we repay it when we grow up? In another way! I don't want to marry the stupid son of King Blink, who is as fat as a ball..."

"This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!"

"Look at the location in the northwest corner of the full moon star. Doesn't the note left by Rhine look very similar?"

Valya was silent for a moment, then nodded.

Her temperament has always been submissive, silently accepting her sister's will, she knows that Tina will not harm her, but whether it is right or wrong, no one can be sure.

at the same time.

The legendary powerhouse of the Word of Nature family - "Breath of Green Leaf Lanna" silently hangs behind the two sisters.

Followed by two elf guards.

"My lord, can these two sisters really find a way to find a place?"

"of course."

Breath of Green Leaf Lanna is a standard elven beauty with a tall figure, a tight-fitting turquoise matte leather jacket, and a golden cloak behind her.

The long pointed ears are soft and collapsed, like two horizontal bars inserted in the ears.

With blond hair reaching to the buttocks, a mature and charming temperament is ready to emerge.

Two black magic lines run from the forehead through the eyes and extend to the collarbone, adding a touch of exotic flavor.

"Blood Rose and Wild Roaring idiots are heading southeast, and we are the only ones here."

"When these two sisters were in Padolon, they had investigated the Luna ruins."

"I believe they must have discovered something."

"Otherwise, Tina wouldn't take the initiative to agree to the division plan, and even apply to act alone."

The two female guards looked at each other with some doubts.

"But they don't need legendary resources. The Natural Language clan has entered and exited together for more than 3000 years. Why didn't they report it to the Lord?"

"If Master Lanna goes further, the situation of the clan will be better."

"Hehe, the two little guys are ambitious people..."

"They don't like the heirs of King Blinking."


Seeds of doubt and inexplicable emotions welled up in my heart.


crescent moon star.

Tina controlled the strike ship to land and jumped out of the cockpit with Valya.

The gray planet is dead, but meaningful.

For Tina, it is a future that she can choose independently.

"Look! Leah, the moon mountain that was bitten, if your Rhine's translation is correct, this is one of the legendary Luna Islands."

"Crescent Moon Island!"

Valya blushed instantly.


"Say...what are you talking sister."

Subconsciously divert the topic.

"Yes... if it is an island, why is there no water?"

"The island of the star sea! The universe is sea water, and this planet is the crescent moon star! Go and have a look."

"Legends say that Crescent Moon Star possesses the mysterious power to predict the future, and it is also the place of sacrifice for the ancient Moon God clan. Let's go."


Pulled by Tina, the two sisters cast flying spells, circled the Moonstone Beast on the ground, and quickly approached Moon Moon Mountain.

Soon, another third-level transport ship also landed.

Breath of Green Leaf Lanna and the two seven-ring guard elf wizards walked down, looking at the distant mountain peaks with fiery eyes.

"Sure enough, they found them."


The legendary speed is far from what the two sisters can match.

But with Lanna catching up.

The two sisters seemed to disappear out of thin air, without a trace.

Until the three of them came to the Jiyue Mountain where they were bitten. Originally, this mountain should be a flat full moon stone plate, but now it seems that they were bitten by a big bite.

It became a standing waning moon.

A layer of transparent ripples continued to ripple on the waning moon, Lanna was very cautious.

"They went in, go over and touch this thing."



Lanna stared, her legendary aura was undisguised, and the two pitiful guards were forced to step forward.

After touching the transparent ripples, the figure trembled and gradually dissipated.


Lanna condensed a green palm and wanted to grab the guard, but her face changed drastically, and invisible power entered her body along the magic connection.

In the blink of an eye, she also disappeared.

On the desolate gray planet, only a few footprints were left, and it returned to calm.

At this time, the space fluctuated for a while.


The two sisters Tina emerged from the hidden state, exhaled a long breath, and looked at the figure behind them involuntarily.

It was Lin Suo himself!

 Let's see, there's another chapter

(End of this chapter)

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