The Witcher: Synthesize Everything

Chapter 250 Conferred God Tour

Chapter 250 Conferred God Tour

The so-called bloodline awakening ceremony is a unique way of awakening power in ancient times.

Follow the oldest rituals and awaken the power dormant deep in the blood.

This ritual first started among the Titans.

The Teen Titans demonstrated their bravery through the Conferred God Tour, and used the blood of the strongest prey they hunted to baptize themselves and activate the power in their blood.

Completely control the divine body and divine power.

And this kind of prey is often a legendary dragon king at the ancient dragon level, which is one of the reasons why humans, giant dragons, and elves get together.

After completing the ceremony, an outstanding titan will gain power comparable to the second step of the legend, forge a divine weapon, obtain the power of the priesthood, and begin to control the power of the world.

Will go with the flow to reach the third legendary ladder.

Of course, this is based on the fact that the Titans themselves have good talents and backgrounds. They can achieve the highest achievement when they are adults, and they are allowed to create new intelligent races.

Become His family and followers.

The gods of the forest and the goats are purely make up, and they can't even complete the tour of the gods.

If it weren't for his father, he could only be regarded as the most mediocre Titan.

The Titan Protoss is not many in number, but there are hundreds of thousands of members. The minimum to complete the Conferred God Tour is the legendary level, and there are still a few thousand.

Taking the God of War at the main god level as an example, there are more than 20 of them between the legendary third step and the Holy Spirit level.

In this era, no ancient race could match the power of the Titan Protoss.

Not to mention the Titan God King with Holy Spirit level combat power.

In addition, don't think that this strength is weak. The upper limit of the strength of the Titans is linked to the world tree. Padolon's world tree has not really grown until it dies.

The Pantheon of the later cosmic period is actually the embodiment of the strength of the Titans, tens of thousands of legendary gods!There are countless main gods, and only a holy spirit-level titan can be called a main god.

The Immortal God King even surpassed the limit of the Holy Spirit.

It's a pity that success is also a World Tree, and failure is also a World Tree. As the guardian gods, they cannot stay away from the area controlled by the World Tree.

Once they are far away, their priesthood will inevitably fail and their strength will drop drastically. This is one of the main reasons why they are called the guardian gods.

There is another reason, to maintain the "elemental balance" within the control of World Tree.

The four words light and fluttering are unbearable powers of life and death for Wan Ling. There are too many ethnic groups, and half of them will be wiped out.

A certain power or talent is too strong, affecting the balance of elements, destroy it!
Too able to give birth? ... Exterminate!
Too edible? ... Exterminate!
All in all, this is an extremely dark history. Under the power of God, all souls cry and blood flows like rivers.

It is very difficult for creatures, and it is indeed a good care method for the elements and the world. Titans are like hardworking gardeners.

The better the pruning, the faster the plants will grow and the stronger they will be.

It wasn't until the wizards used magic energy as a lever to move all the elements that Ragnarok began.

The elements are unbalanced, and the magic energy is disordered.

The World Tree is sick, and the Titans are beginning to decline...

Of course, it does not depend entirely on the human side. Everyone is a class that is oppressed. Human beings are the worst, and they fight back the most fiercely. They vow to wipe out all the Titans and never cause future troubles.

This also led to the eventual destruction of Padolon.

However, each era has its own conditions and ideas.

At that time, I hadn't studied the Taoism inside, but I had already done it. I didn't bring an umbrella, and it was irreversible.

So, right or wrong.


Lin Suo walked on the streets of the Eternal City, quietly thinking about the detailed history that was expanded by "hanging" in his mind.

There is a word called "upper and lower effect". As titular rulers, at least the dependents and believers they created are absolutely loyal to the gods.

Even if the whole family is extinguished, they will not be afraid. This is why Lin Suo has not seen too many intelligent races since he came to Padolong.

[Fengshen Tour] This very famous ritual was also spread by those dependent races.

developed into this era.

It is called [Blood Awakening Ceremony] by other races. It collects the blood of alien beasts, smelts a pool of blood, and uses special rituals to communicate with the source of mystery.

Complete a leap in strength.

Theoretically, an individual life can only be carried out once in a lifetime.

But there is a prerequisite for awakening the potential of the bloodline. You have to have a "mine" to dig. Like a human being, no matter how you dig out the body, it will be a piece of loess, and iron sand can't be dug out, let alone gold.

But other races are different.

Luna elves, giant dragons, ancient goblins, and blast furnace dwarves can all unearth good power through awakening rituals.

This is the beginning of birth determines everything!
The source of strength!
Developed to later generations, this ancient ritual has been abandoned by human wizards, and a large number of ancient beasts have become extinct with the death of the world tree.

Raw materials have been unable to come together.

Since Lin Suo came here by chance through the wonders of the universe, he must not miss it.

There are a lot of permanent witchcraft in his body, and they are all extremely suitable types. Maybe the body of a titan can break through the limit in one fell swoop and reach the legendary level in advance!
Awaken the divine body and divine power.

And the most coquettish thing is that his titan body comes from "chaos baptism", which absorbs the same nutrition as the world tree. In essence, he is a titan that is born beyond the normal way.

The incomplete characteristics of the World Tree Dharma ring, and the defects of his acquired sublimation, lead to the current ineffective effect.

If the potential can be activated through this ceremony, it will complement the acquired deficiency and the virtual characteristics of the ring.

He will be "older" than the first Titan born, and this era is the peak time of the gods.

Recognize a relative, maybe you can run wild in the countryside!
The operability is extremely high, and the success rate is also very gratifying.

It's just missing a ritual caster and material recipe.

Searching through his memory, Lin Suo just wanted to find a talent with a "famous name in history" to assist him in completing this process.

He still understands the words of the Moon God Clan.

But the talents are all in the royal family, and few of them have been recorded in the annals of history, and the few are years later.

I don't know if it will work.

The knowledge of the Luna clan is in the hands of the priests.

Eternal City, Luna Church.

Wearing a silicone hood, Lin Suo walked into the church with a guilty conscience.

Sitting silently on a bench and praying is the right of every Luna elf.

Babbling a few words without praising the name of God.

In order not to be discovered by the goddess of the moon above, although the combat power of the true god is not very good compared with that of the wizard, there are many special abilities that the wizard cannot do.

For example, the power of faith (wishing machine), divine magic, super long life, chanting the name of the gods, creating life, etc.

It's a pity that none of Padolon's gods died, and most of them died in their youth...

There is one thing to say, the Luna without blackening is still pretty good-looking, and the sculpture of the god's body is a classic elf appearance.

A piece of white silk cloth can't wrap two taels of meat.

He has no lust, but reveals a noble and elegant temperament, no matter how you look at it, he is a very gentle and upright spirit.

It's hard to imagine the murders caused by blackening in the future.

There are quite a lot of people in the church.

Lin Suo was inconspicuous mixed in.

After staying for a while, he took advantage of the opportunity to call for some miscellaneous believers.

"Eternal moonlight, may I ask... is Master Elena here?"

"Eternal Moonlight, who are you?"

The handyman looked dull and lacked spirituality.

Lin Suo said quickly.

"That's right, my child is born, and I would like to ask Master Elena to preside over the full moon prayer."

The old handyman stroked the dull hair on the top of her head, her long ears quivered a few times, and said in doubt.

"you are?"

Lin Suo frowned, emphatically.

"I'm looking for Master Elena!"

"But...I'm Elena...big...Master..."

【how is this possible? 】

There was an embarrassing blush on the face of the old handyman girl, obviously a little embarrassed to be called a master.

The Church of Luna starts from the pope (queen) - three cardinals - moon robe bishop - high priest - priestess - apprentice.

There are six levels, and the one in front of you is the lowest-level handyman apprentice, wearing church clothing with brown background and blue patterns.

Lin Suo's historical knowledge.

Elena should preside over the crown prince's blood awakening ceremony this year, and win the position of the moon robe bishop in one fell swoop.

And in the future, he will become a cardinal and manage the financial affairs of the church for the queen.

According to logic, to be able to preside over the awakening ceremony of the crown prince must have been well-known before that, otherwise he would not have been selected by the royal family.

The idiot in front of me doesn't match the history!
It would be fine if he saw it from normal history books, but Lin Suo's cautious spirit made him find an insurance policy.

hanging power.

The details about Elena's history are the unrecorded real history obtained from Rubik's Cube...

What the Mysterious Rubik's Cube gave back to him has never been wrong.

"Is there anyone named Elena in the church in Wangcheng?"

"Ah, nothing..."

"That's you, come with me."

"Master" Elena was ignorant, and followed Lin Suo out of the church. Seeing the situation, she really didn't understand the world, and she was tricked out so easily.

The road... more and more deviated.

After all, Elena is also an adult elf with the ability to take care of herself, she is not completely stupid.

In a deserted alley.

The girl plucked up the courage to ask.

"You...Where do you want to take me? I won't go with you again!"

"Is it……"

Lin Suo turned back with an evil smile.

The figure flickered, and appeared behind Elena in an instant. With a knife in his hand, he fell into the crook of his arm with a slap, and the flesh ticket was in his hand.

Cover it with a special synthetic sack and throw it on the cart.

This sack was developed by him from storing grain before, and it can simulate vegetables, fruits, wheat, dried meat, etc...

Smell, shape, touch can be perfectly simulated.

The primary material is doppelganger hide.

Lin Suo disguised himself as the most low-class hauling elf and managed to get out of Wangcheng.

His experience as a spy is still very young.

But the disguised appearance is naturally deceptive. The elves are very united and trust their own people.

Etiquette education and self-esteem do not allow the female guards to embarrass a most inferior male elf laborer who uses his strength to make a living.

Plus the perfect camouflage.

They let him out very generously.

The first step is to solve it. Regardless of whether Elena is worthy of the name or not, the formula and ritual method of the bloodline awakening ceremony must be known.

Lin Suo was going to learn it, use the Rubik's Cube to strengthen it to the limit, and then teach it to Elena, and let her preside over the ceremony for him.

After all, this thing can't be done by one person.

He didn't have a clone by his side, and even Valya and the others who came in together were missing, so he could only use tricks to coerce a simple elf girl.

Near the Eternal City, in the bottom tree hole close to the surface.

Elena clutched her neck in agony.

Two tears.

"You... did you break my neck?"

Standing in front of her, Lin Suo said with disdain,

"You are so stupid, honestly hand over the formula for the bloodline awakening ceremony! Otherwise... Jie Jie Jie!"


Elena didn't understand why a recipe that she could learn by going to the library would lead to her end today.

But he still said it honestly.

In fact, it's also because Lin Suo's thinking has been influenced by later generations.

It took him too much time to block the knowledge, so he never thought that this kind of ritual knowledge was worthless.

Longevity races know it, those who don't know it will be stolen, and they have worked hard to gather the materials to refine the blood pool.

The power that can be increased through awakening is only a little bit.

Many of them, like humans, have no blood potential to be tapped at all, such as murlocs...

This kind of knowledge naturally has rigid screening conditions.

Even if you learn it, you won’t be able to use it.

So the control is not strict at all.

 Today is three more days!
  Added for Chirp Bird! ! !

  I am the one who keeps my word, no doubts.

(End of this chapter)

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