The Witcher: Synthesize Everything

Chapter 266 Stop pretending, showdown!

Chapter 266 Stop pretending, showdown!

"Sea God Panini, what do you have to say?"

The God King spoke.

The gaze of the gods has indeed put a lot of pressure on Helsinki, the god of blood eyes, but he thinks differently from ordinary people.

Now that it has been discovered, there is nothing to say.

It's nothing more than head-to-head.

him?God of blood eyes!Be fearless!

"and many more."

At this time, he never spoke, even Lin Suo saw him for the first time, one of the twelve main gods.

The God of Thousand Faces and Shadows spoke.

"The kid is lying."

The gods were stunned for a moment, looked over again, and frowned in silence.

Lord God with Thousand Faces, they naturally believed.

After all, it is said that there are thousands of incarnations walking in Padolon, and they have seen more than all their main gods.

And its priesthood also has the effect of insight into psychology.

"He is deliberately leading us to point the finger at Seagod. His acting skills are good, but in front of me, everything is true and nothing is true."

There are twists and turns.

Lin Suo was expressionless, opened the dark film and television world, and looked at this guy.


In the vision of the reversed world, there was a unique mark on the back of this guy, from which Lin Suo smelled a strong smell of demons.

Historically, although there have been several demonic invasions in Padolon, they have all been resolved properly, and no major incidents have occurred at this point in time.

The demon behind it can only be an abyss species.

A demon god on a certain level of the abyss...

Among the demons of the abyss, the little devil corresponds to the apprentice level. After the evolution is completed, due to the chaos of the blood in the body, if the proportion of a certain bloodline is too large, it will evolve in that direction.

The adult body corresponds to the official wizard, and then the big devil, which corresponds to the middle wizard, and the demon leader corresponds to the upper wizard.

There are strong and weak demon lords. The powerful ones are comparable to the Holy Spirit-level wizards, and the weak ones also have legendary strength.

Further up is the Abyss Demon God!

Often ruled the entire layer of the abyss, the lowest strength is also the holy spirit level, and the strong have reached immortality.

Ninety-nine percent of the God of Thousand Faces and Shadows was polluted by an abyssal demon god, and was even controlled unknowingly.

After the wizard level reaches legend, most of them will actually go to the abyss to experience themselves.

As a result, the abyss is huge, and each layer has a different appearance. When some worlds are destroyed, they will fall into the abyss and become another layer in it.

So you can see civilizations in different worlds, and there are countless strange resources.

The wizarding world is a cosmic form, with many living planets, and the vastness of the universe is enough for them to explore for a lifetime.

But because of the shuttle technical problem.

The speed of the dimensional channel cannot meet the needs of most legendary wizards, and the shuttle ability of the stargate technology needs to be strengthened.

So at this blank point in technology development.

Going to the abyss world has become a stop that legendary wizards will not miss.

Like this kind of big world that is generally easy to be ascertained.

In addition to the abyss, there are four element worlds, astral worlds, and void worlds, all of which have been explored by wizards.

Back to topic.

In the temple of the gods, following the guidance of the God of Thousand Faces, Lin Suo became the chief suspect again.

It's just that this time, Lin Suo doesn't have much weight.

In the case of being led away, considering his strength, most gods believed that there was a mastermind behind him.

Since this unknown abyssal demon god was watching and helping the sea god get rid of suspicion, it is very likely that he knew the existence of the blood-eyed god Helsinki.

【Do you know Helsinki's plan, and want to wait for him to implement it, and then take advantage of the chaos to invade Padolon...】

This possibility emerged in Lin Suo's mind.

No matter how you look at it, this is the only possibility, which is logical.

It's just that this abyssal demon god's understanding of the existence of the ancient god is a bit biased.

It is not a day or two for wizards of later generations to study ancient gods.

In addition to the summary of its characteristics, there are naturally other research results for this high-latitude information state organism.

There's a little bit of it.

That is... accidental first!

It is impossible to use the thinking of known creatures to figure out the thoughts of the ancient gods. They are like children, possessing the purest evil and the purest goodness.

They can help each other for tens of thousands of years for an ant without asking for anything in return, and they don't feel bored.

Sometimes because of the sacrifices of some worshipers, they will be furious and completely wipe out the power of worshiping them.

And sometimes, even if they were dismembered, they would still stare blankly.

Death or life, power or desire.

The thoughts of every ancient god are so unpredictable.

It is completely impossible to use conventional thinking to judge their thoughts.

Just like now.

The God of Blood Eyes, Helsinki, has no real sense of his identity being exposed. He hides because he wants to hide, not because he is afraid of the power of the Padolon pantheon.

Him!Do whatever you want!
Lin Suo showed that he also knew this, the ancient god whose plan was broken would get mad.

Decisively smash the jar.

"Your Majesty the God of Thousand Faces, if you can make the Abyss Demon God behind you stand up, maybe Helsinki will cooperate with you."

Qian Mian Shen's expression froze.

Did he see it?how is this possible!

Lin Suo shook lightly, and the bondage of the Evernight Goddess suddenly retracted into the darkness as if time had flowed backwards.

"I won't pretend anymore, it's a showdown!"

"Your Majesty the God King, there are so many traitors in the Titan pantheon."

"Panini, the god of the sea, the body of Helsinki, the god of blood eyes, has long been controlled by his will."

"Thousand-faced God, polluted by the Abyssal Demon God, ninety-nine percent have also been controlled."

"No wonder you are doomed to fail, see you all!"

As soon as Lin Suo was exposed, Plan A failed, and Plan B was activated. After the exposure, he entered the reverse world to avoid and observe the situation by the way.

In the reverse world of time and space in the past, Lin Suo was banned by the rules because of his wizard level before, and he had never been there.

After obtaining the priesthood of the sundial, you can use the power of time to fight against the rules of time, which is just a bit more expensive.

Ever since, in full view.

A dark portal suddenly appeared behind Lin Suo and sucked him in, even the God King didn't have time to stop it.

Incompetent and furious, he slapped the center of the hall with his palm.

The mountains of the gods trembled endlessly.

The unlucky Aglaia was sent flying by the aftermath, spraying tons of golden blood.

The Evernight Goddess rushed down from the throne and hugged Aglaia with a sad expression.

And Lin Suo disappeared.

The scene calmed down strangely, no god dared to speak, but they kept away from Sea God and Thousand-Faced God.

"Your Majesty the King."

The Thousand Faced God was wrapped in a black robe, and his face was covered by a moving shadow.

He still wanted to explain, and finally struggled.

But the situation...

It was directly interrupted by the king of gods.

"Thousand-faced God, take off your shadow robe, as long as you don't have the power of demons, I will still believe in you."


"Sea God Panini, you are the same, don't resist, I still trust you."

Still silent.

The two suspects looked at each other, seemingly determined.

The black robe was lifted.

Thousand Faces God has a pair of devil horns, and his body with devil wings on his back is completely exposed.

"God King!"

"Titan has a limit. After being trapped by the world tree for so many years, you are the only one who sits on the throne of God. I don't accept it!"

"Teslotha, God of Hades, God of the Sun, with your talents, you must be unhappy. You are clearly above this guy, but you can only rank below him."

"This is the drawback of the Titan! Getting rid of the control of the World Tree is the goal we should really strive for!"

The three people who were named looked ugly.

And Sea God Panini's reaction was exceptionally real, a large number of gaps suddenly appeared on the surface of his body, and they opened suddenly.

The blood-red eyes completely occupied the surface of the skin.

Dense and nauseating.

The invisible fluctuations spread, and many high gods who were still in a state of confusion screamed.

The invisibility of the ancient gods began to spread like a plague.

Blood-red eyeballs began to bloom on the body of the high god.

The God of Blood Eyes, Helsinki people don't talk harshly.

Go straight to it.

The gods were frightened and angry, and they shot one after another. The power of rules brought by various priesthoods exploded with all their strength, and the legendary body could not resist it at all.

The divine blood splattered everywhere, rendering the resplendent temple even more supreme.

The Devil with Thousand Faces is still not reconciled.

"Everyone, there is more than one World Tree. There are many World Trees that fell from other interfaces into the abyss in the Abyss Realm. They also survived very well."

"The Blood Demon God has promised me the authority of an abyss world tree. You will also have a part in completing the Blood Demon God's plan by relying on us!"


The god of war, Teslotha, pierced the heart of the thousand-faced demon with a spear in his hand, with a grim expression on his face.

"Get out! Offal."

"I don't know what's wrong!"

"Drink ah ah ah!"

The power of the demon was rioting, and with the help of the blood demon behind him, the power of the thousand-faced demon skyrocketed, and even broke through the limit in one fell swoop, reaching the Holy Spirit level.

With one slap, Tesloza's divine body was shattered, and he was seriously injured directly.

The eyes were completely replaced by a strange symbol, and the voice in his mouth became a male voice full of charm.

"Damn Titan, surrender or die!"


At the other end, the god king who was entangled with the blood-eyed god Helsinki overlapped and turned into a clone, rushing towards the blood-spirited demon god in charge of the new body.

If there is a traitor, he, the god-king who doesn't care about anything, needs to bear most of the responsibility.

If it wasn't for that junior's reminder, it would have continued like this.

With the strange ability of the ancient god Helsinki.

It is not impossible to completely control the twelve main gods of Titan. Thinking of the consequences, even the king of gods is cold.

The attack becomes more and more fierce, either you die or I die!
Many main gods are not idle, they can only look for opportunities to fight in holy spirit battles, and confront them head-on. Teslotha is a typical example of the opposite.

The price of breaking the divine body is not comfortable.

The gap between the legendary level and the holy spirit level is even more exaggerated than the gap between the apprentice and the legendary wizard. Even if they touch the edge of the holy spirit level, they dare not act rashly.

Only those upper gods who were hurt by the aftermath can be rescued.

These guys are the worst.

Come to see a trial, it was made like this...

(End of this chapter)

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